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Attila Massimiliano Tanzi

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-09/A International Law


Tanzi, Attila M., The inter-relationship between no harm, equitable and reasonable utilisation and cooperation under international water law, «INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENT: POLITICS, LAW AND ECONOMICS», 2020, 20, pp. 619 - 629 [Scientific article]

Attila Tanzi, The Means for the Settlement of International Cultural Property Disputes: An Introduction, «TRANSNATIONAL DISPUTE MANAGEMENT», 2020, 17, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

A. Tanzi, A Concise Introduction to International Law, Torino, Giappichelli - Eleven, 2019, pp. 212 . [Research monograph]

A. Tanzi, Conclusions: Testing General Principles of Law in International Investment Law: between Principles and Rules of International Law, in: General Principles and the Coherence of International Law, Leiden-Boston, Brill-Nijhoff, 2019, pp. 297 - 306 [Chapter or essay]

Attila Tanzi, Diplomacy, responsibility and accountability in transboundary water disputes, in: Research Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2019, pp. 197 - 214 [Chapter or essay]

A. Tanzi; M. Andenas; M. Fitzmaurice; J. Wouters, General Principle and the Coherence of International Law,, Leiden-Boston, Brill-Nijhoff, 2019, pp. 460 . [Editorship]

Tanzi Attila; Andenas Mads; Wouters Jan; Fitzmaurice Malgosia; Chiussi Curzi Ludovica;, General Principles and the Coherence of International Law, Leiden - Boston, Brill NIjhoff, 2019, pp. 457 . [Editorship]

Attila Tanzi, Il principio ne ultra petita nel processo internazionale, in: Liber Amicorum Angelo Davì. La vita giuridica internazionale nell’età della globalizzazione, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2019, pp. 2095 - 2125 [Chapter or essay]

A. Tanzi, Introduzione al Diritto internazionale contemporaneo, Padova, CEDAM - Kluwer, 2019, pp. 635 . [Research monograph]

A. Tanzi, The global water treaties and their relationship, in: Research Handbook on International Water Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2019, pp. 44 - 58 [Chapter or essay]

A Tanzi; G.M. Farnelli, The settlement of disputes through non-judicial means (Article 33(1)-33(9)), in: The UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. A Commentary, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 349 - 363 [Chapter or essay]

A. Tanzi; G.M. Farnelli, The UNECE Protocol on Water and Health for the Implementation of the right to drinking water and sanitation, in: Research Handbook on International Water Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2019, pp. 273 - 283 [Chapter or essay]

A Tanzi, Una introducción concisa al derecho internacional, Buenos Aires, Astrea, 2019, pp. 114 . [Research monograph]

Attila Tanzi, The Relevance of the Foreign Investor’s Good Faith, in: General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration, Leiden-Boston, Brill-Nijhoff, 2018, pp. 193 - 220 [Chapter or essay]

Farnelli, GIAN MARIA; Tanzi, ATTILA MASSIMILIANO, Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972 and 1996 Protocol, in: Multilateral Environmental Treaties, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2017, pp. 175 - 183 (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law series) [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]