vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
- L'immunità dalla giurisdizione degli agenti diplomatici
(Jurisdictional Immunities of Diplomats), Padova (Cedam),
1991, 2003 (2° ed.);
- Co-autore con M. Arcari, The UN Convention of 1997 on
International Watercouses. A framework for sharing London-The
Hague-Boston (Kluwer Law Int), 2001;
- Introduzione al diritto internazionale contemporaneo
(An Introduction to Contemporary International Law), Padova
(Cedam), 2003.
- "La legislazione sugli indennizzi per danni arrecati a
cittadini italiani all'estero" (Legislation compensating
Italian nationals for damage suffered abroad), in Rivista di
diritto internazionale, 1983, pp. 102-119;
- "L'ambigua natura delle dichiarazioni congiunte del Canton
Ticino e del Comune di Campione d'Italia" (The ambiguous nature
of the joint declarations by the Ticino Canton and the Municipality
of Campione), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1985, pp.
- "Responsabilità degli Stati stranieri per incidenti
stradali causati da agenti diplomatici negli Stati Uniti"
(Liability of foreign States for traffic accidents caused by
diplomatic agents in the United States), in Rivista di diritto
internazionale, 1985, pp. 563-579;
- "Rassegna dei trattati più significativi entrati in vigore
per l'Italia tra il gennaio 1984 e il dicembre 1985" (editor of the
survey on most significant treaties entered into force for Italy
between January 1984 and December 1985), in The Italian Yearbook of
International Law, 1986-1987, pp. 472 -528;
- "Is Damage a Distinct Condition for the Existence of an
Internationally Wrongful Act?", in United Nations of Codification
of State Responsibility, M. Spinedi e B. Simma (eds.), Dobbs
Ferry-New York-Roma, 1987, pp. 1-33;
- "Diritto di Veto ed esecuzione della sentenza della Corte
internazionale di giustizia tra Nicaragua e Stati Uniti" (The right
of veto and the enforcement of the ICJ decision in the Nicaragua
case), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1987, pp.
- "Gestione informatica dei dati della prassi degli Stati
nell'interpretazione e nell'applicazione di norme internazionali"
(Electronic data processing of State practice for the
interpretation and application of international rules), co-autore
con L. Ferrari Bravo e G. Raimondi, in VI Congresso internazionale
sul tema Informatica e Regolamentazioni Giuridiche, Sess. VIII, n.
12, Roma, 16-21 maggio 1988;
- "International State Responsibility", co-autore con E.
Jiménez de Aréchaga, in International Law: Achievements and
Prospects, M. Bedjaoui (ed.), Paris-Dordrecht-Norwell, 1991, pp.
- "Prospects of Revision of the United Nations Charter", in
Prospects for Reform of the United Nations System, Padova, 1993,
pp. 455-479;
- "The Extinction of International Organisations: the IBI
Case", in La Comunità Internazionale, 1993, pp. 731-756;
- "Sul progetto ONU di Codice dei Crimini Contro la Pace e la
Sicurezza dell'Umanità" (On the UN draft-code of crimes against
peace and security and on the prospects for an International
Criminal Court), inCritica Penale, 1993, III-IV, pp. 3-20;
- "Notes on the 'Permanent Conference of Revision' of
the United Nations Charter at the 50th Anniversary of the
Organization", in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1995, pp.
- "Problems of Enforcement of Decisions of the
International Court of Justice and the Law of the United Nations",
in European Journal of International Law, 1995, pp.
- "Relazioni diplomatiche" (Diplomatic relations), in
Digesto IV, Discipline pubblicistiche, vol. XIII, UTET,
- “Codifying the Minimum Standards of the Law of
International Watercourses: Part One and a Half”, in Natural
Resources Forum, 1997, pp. 109-117;
- “The Completion of the Preparatory Works for the UN
Convention on the Law of International Watercourses”,
ibidem, 1997, pp. 239-245;
- “La Convenzione di New York sui corsi d'acqua
internazionali” (The New York Convention on International
Watercourses), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1997, pp.
- “The UN Convention on International Watercourse As a
Framework for the Avoidance and Settlement of Waterlaw Disputes”,
in Leiden Journal of International Law, 1998, pp. 441-472;
- “The Relationship between the 1992 UN/ECE Convention on the
Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International
Lakes and the 1997 UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational
Uses of International Watercourses”, Geneva, 2000, UN Doc.
ECE/ENHS/NONE/00/2, GE.00-30528, addendum to UN/ECE doc.
-“Su alcuni aspetti dell'uso della norma giuridica nello
studio del diritto internazionale” (On the use of legal rules in
the study of international law), in N. Picardi, B. Sassani, F.
Treggiari (a cura di), Diritto e processo. Studi in memoria
di Alessandro Giuliani, 3° voll. Napoli, 2001, pp.449-471;
- “Recent Trends in International Water Law Dispute
Settlement”, in The International Bureau of the Permanent Court of
Arbitration (eds.), International Investments and Protection of the
Environment: The Role of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, The
Hague-London, 2001, pp.133-174;
- “Regional Integration and the Protection of the
Environment: The UN/ECE Process on Water Law as a Model for the
Global Dimension”, in Italian Yearbook of International Law,
- “The Resumed Codification of the Law of Reservations to
Treaties”, in Comunicazioni e Studi, 2002, pp. 9-34;
- “Achievements and Prospects of the Water Law Process in the
UNECE Region”, in F. Bernardini et al. (eds.), Sustainable
Management of Transboundary Water in Europe, Szczecin (Polonia),
2003, pp. 263-278;
- “The Role of Non-State Actors in International Waters
Disputes”, in The International Bureau of the Permanent Court of
Arbitration (eds.), Resolution of International Water Disputes,
2003, pp. 259-297 (co-autore, Cesare Pitea, pp. 279-297);
- “Riformare le Nazioni Unite: Mission Impossible” (Reforming
the United Nations: Mission Impossible), in Aspenia, No. 22, 2003,
pp. 235-243;
- “Evoluzioni e involuzioni di un diritto internazionale poco
cosmopolita” (Evolutions and Set-backs of a Non-cosmopolitan
International law), in Cosmopolis, Vol. I, 2006, pp.
- Co-autore con C. Pitea, “The Interplay Between Community
Law and International Law Procedures in Controlling Compliance with
the Aarhus Convention by Member States”, in M. Pallemaerts (ed.),
The Aarhus Convention at Ten; Interactions and Tensions between
Conventional International Law and EU Environmental Law, The
Netherlands, 2009, 1;
- “Remarks on Sovereignty in the Evolving Constitutional
Features of the International Community” in M. Arsanjani et al.
(eds.), Looking to the Future: Essays on International Law in Honor
of W. M. Reisman, Leiden - Boston, 2011, pp. 299-322;
- “State of Necessity”, Encyclopedia of Public International
Law (forthcoming),
- “Restitution”, Encyclopedia of Public International Law
- “Liability for Lawful Acts”, Encyclopedia of Public
International Law (forthcoming).