March 2023 - today
Postdoctoral fellow at Fano Marine Center. University of Bologna, Italia.
Research topic: “Growth, skeletal properties and bioaccumulation of PAHs in Mediterranean solitary corals living at CO2 vents in Southern Italy”. Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Goffredo
March 2020 - 2022
Postdoctoral fellow at Fano Marine Center. University of Bologna, Italia.
“Anthropogenic effects on the calcification of benthic invertebrates of the Mediterranean Sea: consequences of ocean acidification”.
Teaching habilitation for Mathematic and Sciences, Class A028. The Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), Italy.
2015 – 2019
Phd in Earth, Life and Environment Sciences, "Growth, calcification and shell properties variations in the clam Chamelea gallina along a latitudinal gradient of environmental parameters".
2014 - 2019
Research fellow, at Marine biology and fishery Lab – Fano, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy.
"Ecosystemic approach to demersal resources valuation", Medits Project funds.
Research activities
2019 - today
Circles – “Controlling microbiomes circulations for better food systems”. WP6 - Wild fishes and interactions between fish production, the marine microbiome and the natural environment; Task 6.3 Assessing the health and safety of the marine ecosystem. H2020-SFS-2018-2020 Topic: LC-SFS-03-2018.
2019 - today
ClamCHANGE – “Combined effects of seawater acidification, elevated temperatures and salinity on the growth and calcification in the clam Chamelea gallina in face of climate change”. Assemble PLUS Transnational Access Program (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation). Grant Agreement No. 730984.
2019 - today
“Sea Sentinels -DUE, Divers united for the Environment”
2018 – today
“The Panarea Underwater crater: a natural laboratory for studying ocean acidificaton on mediterranean benthic organisms”. Funded by National Geographic Early Career Grant.
2018 – 2019
CAMEL Project of Marche Region – Evaluation of halieutic resources of mollusks in the Adriatic Sea to sustainable fisheries management.
2014 - 2019
The MEDITS survey programme, International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean Sea.
2012 - 2013
Scuba Tourism for the Environment: Red Sea Biodiversity Monitoring Program, (STE Project:, Marine Science Group, Dept. of Biologic, Geologic and Environmental Sciences - University of Bologna, Italy.
2010 - 2012
Corals and Global Warming: the Mediterranean versus the Red Sea, (CoralWarm:, Marine Science Group, Dept. of Biologic, Geologic and Environmental Sciences - University of Bologna, Italy.