Foto del docente

Antonio Zoccoli

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-01/A Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 90KB )

Name: Antonio Zoccoli

Year of Birth: 1961

Place of Birth: Bologna, Italy



Academic Curriculum:

1980-1985 University Studies in Physics at the University of Bologna

December 1985 Diploma in experimental particle physics

1986-1988 Fellowship from the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)

1988-1992 Researcher with permanent position at INFN

1992-2003 Associate Professor in Physics at the University di Bologna

2003-Now Full Professor in Physics at the University of Bologna

2006-2011 Director of the INFN section of Bologna

2008-2019 President of Fondazione Giuseppe Occhialini (Fossombrone-Italy)

2012-2019 Member of the INFN Executive Board

2013-2014 and 2016-2017 Vice-President of INFN

2016-Now Member of the Board of Directors of the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)

2019-Now President of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)

2019-Now President of theNational Research Center on HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)


Scientific Activity:

1986-1988 Member of the Muon Catalysed Fusion Collaboration at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK)

1988-1997 Member of the OBELIX Collaboration at LEAR (CERN).

Goal of the experiment: study of exotic states predicted by the QCD theory, like glueballs, hybrids, etc.

Run coordinator of the experiment for many diffferent data taking. Responsible of different analysis working Groups.

1997-2005 Member of the HERA-B Collaboration at HERA (DESY).

Project leader and Physics Coordinator (2000-2005) of the international HERA-B collaboration at the HERA accelerator (ca. 330 members, 32 participating institutes from 13 countries, volume of investment ca. 30M€). Goal of the experiment: study of the production and decay of heavy quarks in hadronic interactions.

Participation in the data taking of the HERA-B experiment and the physics analysis of the data. Group leader of the Bologna group participating in the HERA-B experiment (ca. 20 members).

2005-Now Member of the ATLAS Collaboration at LHC (CERN).

Goal of the experiment: search of the Higgs Boson, Supersymmetries, etc.

Group leader of the Bologna group participating in the ATLAS experiment (ca. 30 members).



Other titles:

  • Physics Coordinator of theHERA-B experiment at DESY in Hamburg
  • INFN National Coordinatorof the HERA-B experiment
  • Regular referee for Physical Review Letters and Physical Review D (2000 – now).
  • Regular referee for the MIUR-COFN (Ministero dell'Universita e della Ricerca, Italy, 1998 – now).
  • Italian representative in the ECFA Committee (European Committee for Future Accelerators)
  • Alternate of the Italian representative in the H2020 Program Committee on Research Infrastructures
  • Italian Representative in ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), panel PSE (physics, science and engineering)
  • Italian Representative in the CERN RRB (Research Review Board)
  • Regular referee for the INFN Committee on subnuclear physics
  • Member of different INFN and University Committee
  • Responsible of many research grants
  • Winner of the Pietro Bassi Award (2002) of the Italian Physical Society (SIF)
  • Winner of the HEPP 2013 Award (High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of the European Physical Society), together with the ATLAS and CMS collaborations , for the discovery of the Higgs Boson
  • Author of more than 700 scientific and technical publications on international journals. More than 20 presentations and invited talks at National and International conferences. H-Index = 59 according to SCOPUS database (may 2017).

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