Foto del docente

Antonio Francesco Maturo

Full Professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Forlì of Department of Sociology and Business Law

Curriculum vitae


1995: Degree at the Faculty of Political Sciences (110/110 summa cum laude)
2001: Ph.D. in “Sociology and Social Policies”, Department of Sociology, Università di Bologna

Courses taught

Sociology of Health (2002-present)
Health, Technology and Society (in English)
Social Justice and Inequality (2011-2014)
Methodology of Evaluation Research (2002-2012)
Community participation and Social Trust (in English) (2002-present)
Compared Health Care Systems (2008-2009)
Methodology of Social Science (2001-2002, under contract)
Sociology of Medicine, Brown University (2006/2007; 2010/2011; 2012/2013; 2014/2015; 2016/2017))

Research activities (selection)

2023-2027. IMPACT. Master Framework and Pragmatic Clinical Trial for Relapse or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Call: Research and Innovation actions supporting the implementation of the Mission on Cancer. [HORIZON-MISS-2022-CANCER-01]. Responsible for Bologna University Research Unit

2022-2025: EITHOS. European identity theft observatory system. Call: Fighting Crime and Terrorism [Horizon-CL3-2021-FCT-01]. Responsible for Bologna University Research Unit

2022-2025: MAMMOth. Multi-Attribute, Multimodal Bias Mitigation in AI Systems Activity. Call: A Human-Centred and Ethical Development of Digital and Industrial Technologies [Horizon-CL4-2021-Human-01]. Responsible for Bologna University Research Unit


2020-2022: An interdisciplinary, international and collaborative research approach to developing critical digital health pedagogies for teachers of physical education (with Università Complutense de Madrid; University of Edinburgh, University of Helsinki – Project financed by UNA Europa. (Responsible for Bologna University)

2020-2022. ONCORELIEF, A digital guardian angel enhancing cancer patient’s wellbeing and health status improvement following treatment. Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020, (Digital transformation in Health and Care), Topic: SC1-DTH-01-2019 (Responsible for Bologna University)

2019-2020: Best practices of wellness: A sociological analysis, Regione Emilia-Romagna e Alma Mater Studiorum (Scientific responsibility)

2018-2019: Traiettorie di cura degli anziani a seguito di eventi avversi: tra nuovi bisogni di assistenza, riabilitazione e possibilità di prevenzione. Un’analisi sociologica sul territorio riminese (Trajectories of care in the elderly after negative events: emerging needs of care, rehabilitation and prevention in Rimini), Principal investigator (with the organizational support of Rimini Munitipality)
2012-2014, Mario Negri Institute Labs: A case study for the sociology of health organizations, Istituto Mario Negri (together with Donald Light, Princeton University) (co-principal investigator)
2012-2013, Surveying LGBT People and authorities, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Wien.
2010-2013: ESOPO. Epidemiological Study of Pain in Oncology, Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università di Bologna, Methodological coordinator (survey on 4.057 patients). (Methodological coordinator)
2010-2012: Occupazioni e professioni nel settore dei servizi sociali, [Occupations and professions in social work] Università Ca’ Foscari (Venice) on behalf of Ministero del Welfare, Methodological Coordinator of Bologna University Unit
2010-2012: Programma di ricerca scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale – Cofin ex 40% “Salute e disuguaglianze sociali in Italia.” [Health and social inequalities in Italy.], Methodological coordinator for the Bologna Unit (special focus on cancer patients)
2009: Extending the pipeline – towards a comprehensive and coordinated EU approach to Poverty Related Diseases (Report written for Rathenau Institute, Den Haag on behalf of the European Parliament) (Review of the whole Report and author of Chapter n.2), Senior reseacher:
2008-2009: Genitorialità e comportamento a rischio tra gli adolescenti sul territorio riminese [Parenthood and risky behaviours among adolescents in Rimini-Area] - Methodological Coordinator
2008-2009: Servizi sociali e progettazione socio-sanitaria – [Social Service and Health Care Planning in the Rimini Area] – Facilitator between the Third Sector and Local Institutions’ Relationship
2007-2009: “Esperienze di cura e vissuto dei pazienti oncologici”, [Patient Experience in Oncological Settings] Bayer HealthCare e Dipartimento di Sociologia (Università di Bologna), Dir. Scient. Prof. Costantino Cipolla - Methodological Coordinator
2005-2007: Programma di ricerca scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale – Cofin ex 40% “Salute e disuguaglianze sociali in Italia. Progetto di costruzione di una rete integrata di osservatori regionali” [Health and social inequalities in Italy. A Project for the Construction of an Integrated Network of Regional Observatories], Senior Researcher
2005-2006: “Traiettorie di nuove povertà e vulnerabilità sociale nel territorio riminese” [New Paths of Poverty and Social Vulnerability in the Rimini-Area], Comune di Rimini e Università di Bologna, Methodological Coordinator (Main contributor in the final report)
2002-2004: Programma di ricerca scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale – Cofin ex-40% “La professione medica di fronte alle trasformazioni del sistema sanitario italiano”, [The Medical Profession Challenges in the Transformation of Health-Care Systems] Senior Researcher
2004: Ricerca “Anziani non autosufficienti tra solitudine e bisogni latenti”, [Disabled Old People: Loneliness and Hidden Needs] Fondazione Cesar, (Interpretation of data and Conclusions of the Final Report), Senior Researcher
2003: “Piano Per la Salute e deteterminanti sociali in Basicalita” [Health Project and Social Determinants in Basiliata], Senior Researcher
2001-2003: Progetto Ministeriale “Percezione di qualità e risultato delle cure: costituzione di una rete integrata di osservatori regionali” [Quality Perceptions and Health Otucomes: Construction of a Network of Regional Observatories] – Agenzia Sanitaria Regionale e Scuola di Specializzazione in Sociologia Sanitaria, Università degli Studi di Bologna – Senior Researcher
1999-2001: Piano Per la Salute per Forlì [Health Project for Forlì] – Direzione Scientifica. Università di Bologna – [Scientific Director, research on the lay perceptions of social determinants of health]

Other teaching activities (selection)

2013: Global Health for health professional (in English – 20 hours), Cestas, Università di Bologna

2011: Global Health for health professional (in English – 20 hours), Cestas, Università di Bologna

2008: Regione Sardegna (Progetto Ippocrate), Governance sanitaria e partecipazione sociale

(Health governance and social participation -105 hours)

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004: Sociologia della salute (Sociology of health for professionals) Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma


• Member of the American Sociological Association, Medical Sociology Section
• Co-founder (2002) of SISS “Società Italiana di Sociologia della Salute” (Italian Association of Sociology of Health)
• Member of the Advisory Board of the “Sezione di Sociologia della salute e della medicina” of Associazione Italiana di Sociologia” (Medical Sociology Section of the Italian Sociological Association)


International Experience

  • 2014/2015: Visiting Associate Professor, in Medical Sociology at Brown University.
  • 2014: guest lecture, Quantified Cultures and Constrained Healthism, CETCOPRA, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (12th December, 2014)
  • 2013 (December 1-13): Visiting Associate Professor Waseda University (Tokyo) (Invitation by Prof. Hiroshi Sakurai) (10 hours of teaching).
  • 2012/2013: Visiting Associate Professor, in Medical Sociology at Brown University.
  • 2010/2011: Visiting Associate Professor, in Medical Sociology at Brown University.
  • 2010: Visiting Associate Professor, Umeå University, Dept of Sociology, 10 hours in Medical Sociology (Invitation from Prof. Carita Bengs and Lars Dahlgren)
  • 2009: (August, 17th): Invited Speaker, University of California at San Francisco, Medicalization in Italy. A controversial trend (invited by Prof. Adele Clarke)
  • 2008: The 12th Biennial of European Society for Health and Medical Sociology), paper on The Medicalization of Emotions in the US, Oslo, Norway
  • 2008: Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (July/August) – Dept. of Social Medicine (Invitation from Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good)
  • 2007: Visiting Scholar at New York University (July/August) – Dept. Of Sociology (Invitation from Dalton Conley)
  • 2006/2007: Visiting Assistant Professor, in Medical Sociology at Brown University..
  • 2005: Research Fellow at Brown University (USA) in Medical Sociology, (July)
  • 2004: Visiting Professor at Katholieke Univerisiteit Leuven (B), 8 hours classes in Theoretical Sociology (Prof. Verhoeven) e in Medical Sociology (Prof.ssa Schepers).
  • 2003: Research Fellow at Brown University (USA) in Medical Sociology, (July)

Papers at conferences and lectures (selection):

  • Self-tracking, digital-based narratives of mental health and the ‘endoptikon’. How quantification and gamification promote biomedicalization, Sociology Dept., Harvard University, April 27, 2017
  • Quantification and gamification as engines of biomedicalization in digital mental health, Department of Health, University of Bath, (29th September, 2016) – guest lecture.
  • (with L. Lombi), How a data-driven life fosters biomedicalization, Society for Social Studies of Science Conference, Aug 31 – Sept 3, 2016, Barcelona.
  • (with D. Light), Open Science and the Organization of Drug Research Through Community Engagement, Section on Medical Sociology, American Sociological Association Conference, August 20-23, 2016, Seattle
  • (with V. Moretti), The fictional autonomy of the Quantified Self in the age of anxiety, European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Conference, 27-29 June, 2016, Geneva
  • Quantified Cultures and Constrained Healthism, CETCOPRA, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (12th December, 2014) – guest lecture.
  • Human enhancement and social justice: Is there a right to not enhance? paper presented at International Sociological Association Forum, Buenos Aires, August 1-4, 2012
  • The logic of therapeutic action in the construction of artificial nature, paper presented at International Sociological Association Forum, Buenos Aires, August 1-4, 2012
  • Chair, Qualitative approaches to social differences in health behaviour Section, European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Conference, 30/08-1/09 2012, Hannover
  • What’s behind the (bio)medicalization theory? Some Proposals from Foucault,

    Rose and Esposito, Social Theory Forum, University of Massachusetts in Boston, Social Theory Forum, 1-4 April, 2011.

  • Organizer and chair, Section on: Healthscapes: images of health and wellness, International Visual Sociological Association Conference, Bologna, July 20-22, 2010
  • Chair, Section Health Professions 1, “Health and Wellbeing in Radically Changing Societies”, European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Conference, Ghent, August 25-28, 2010.
  • The psychological support for the care-givers, paper presented at the conference held at the Italian Parliament (Sala Colonna) on The quality of the communication with the oncological patient, Roma, November 23, 2010
  • Discussant on Ann Gallagher and Andrew Edgar papers presented at the Transcultural Nursing Associate National Conference, Rome, November 27, 2010.
  • The Medicalization of Emotions in the US The 12th Biennial Congress of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology”, Health and Wealth in East and West: Divergence and Convergence in Europe, August 28-30 2008, Oslo
  • Doctors and Medical Sociology, Boston University, August 5 2008
  • The Medicalization of Unhappiness in The United States, Section: Alcohol, Drugs and Tabacco American Sociological Association, Worlds of Work, August 1-4 2008, Boston
  • Degrees of Medicalization, Paper Presented at the Italian Sociologial Association Meeting: Urbino, 11-14 September 2007.
  • (2007), Integrating the Triad Disease-Illness-Sickness: The Concept of “Sickscape”, Round Table Session della Section on Medical Sociology dell’American Sociological Association al Convegno dell’ASA Is Another World Possible? Sociological Perspectives on Conmporary Politics, New York 11-14 agosto 2007.
  • Deliberative Methods and Forecasting. Some Indicators to evaluate the Risk of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, “Studi di previsione su ‘Governance’ ed Europa” (Coordinatore: Prof. Alberto Gasparini), Istituto Internazionale di Sociologia e Università di Trieste, 6/7 settembre 2005.
  • An Italian Case of Network Governance : Piani per la Salute (Strategies for Health Policies), paper presented at “Comparative Medical System and Health Policies” (Coordinatrice: Beata Tobiazs-Adamczyk), “European Perspectives on Changing Health Systems”, European Society for Health and Medical Sociology e Società Italiana di Sociologia della Salute, 2-4 September 2004, Università di Bologna.

Administrative and scientific tasks at University of Bologna

  • Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD Program in Sociology (Università di Bologna)
  • Representative of the researchers at the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Roberto Ruffilli” (2006-2010)
  • Member of the Departmental Committee (2009-2011) (Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università di Bologna)
  • Supervisor for more than 100 Master Thesis.
  • Coordinator of three Erasmus-Project: Umeå University, MidSweden University, Leuven University


  • Member of the Executive Committee of the “Sezione di Sociologia della salute e della medicina” of Associazione Italiana di Sociologia” (Medical Sociology Section of the Italian Sociological Association) (2007-2009)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (2011-2014)
  • Member of the International Sociological Association, RC 15 (Research Committee on the Sociology of Health)
  • Member of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology
  • Member of the American Sociological Association, Medical Sociology Section and Mental Health Section;
  • Co-founder (2002) of SISS “Società Italiana di Sociologia della Salute” (Italian Association of Sociology of Health) and member of the Board 2010-2012
  • Member of International Visual Sociological Association