Foto del docente

Antonio Fiori

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-04/D History and Institutions of Asia


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Analisi della politica “zero Covid” cinese e delle conseguenti proteste
  • China - Japan Relations and Economic Interdependence: The Impact of the Senkaku / Diaoyu Maritime Dispute
  • China and the Debt Trap Diplomacy: A study on the Belt and Road Initiative in Sri Lanka and Djibouti
  • China’s cultural soft power and Chinese media in Africa: a case study from Kenya
  • Dalla solidarietá internazionale all’azione locale: la human security e il caso dei Rohingya
  • Democratization Process in Taiwan: A Novel Examination through a Revised Modernization Theory
  • Diplomazia e investimenti: l'avvicinamento Sino-Latinoamericano e l'ipotesi di una nuova dipendenza
  • il fantasma del passato nella memoria collettiva sudcoreana e giapponese
  • Il Trilemma Energetico della Repubblica Popolare Cinese: sfide e opportunità per il dragone nella transizione energetica globale.
  • La Belt and Road Initiative e la trappola del debito: Il caso dello Sri Lanka
  • Middle Powers' Alignment Choices During the Great Power Competition. The Case of the Philippines' Hedging Strategy between the United States and China
  • Republic of Korea-Japan bilateral relations: the influence of the unresolved comfort women issue and the possibility of historical reconciliation
  • The energy transition in Vietnam and the role of European Union in the ASEAN framework
  • The Evolution of Chinese Nationalism and its Impact on China's Foreign Policy
  • The importance of armed forces in Japanese diplomacy
  • The Role of Sports Diplomacy in China´s Soft Power

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