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Antonio Fiori

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-04/D History and Institutions of Asia


FIORI, Antonio; MILANI, Marco, Korean peninsula 2023: A year of rising tensions and political polarization, «ASIA MAIOR», 2024, XXXIV, pp. 39 - 64 [Scientific article]

Antonio Fiori; Sunhyuk Kim, Trapped Into An Existential Cage: Korea’s Hedging Between China and The US, in: China-US Great-Power Rivalry. The Competitive Dynamics of Order-Building in the Indo-Pacific, Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, pp. 129 - 156 (Politics in Asia) [Chapter or essay]

Antonio Fiori; Marco Milani, 한국의 자체적 핵보유 논쟁의 정치적‧이념적 차원, in: KINU 통일의식조사 2023 : 한국의 자체적 핵보유 가능성과 여론, Seoul, KINU 통일연구원, 2023, pp. 65 - 114 [Chapter or essay]

Fiori, Antonio; Milani, Marco; Passeri, Andrea, Asia. Storia, Istituzioni e Relazioni Internazionali, Milano, Mondadori Education, 2022, pp. 581 . [Research monograph]

Antonio Fiori; Marco Milani, Europe and Inter-Korean Relations, in: The Routledge Handbook of Europe-Korea Relations, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, 2022, pp. 423 - 437 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Fiori, Antonio; Milani, Marco, Korean peninsula 2022: stuck between new leadership and old practices, «ASIA MAIOR», 2022, XXXIII, pp. 55 - 90 [Scientific article]Open Access

Antonio, Fiori, La risposta della Corea del Sud al COVID-19: un modello di successo?, «BIBLIOMANIE», 2022, 53, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Antonio FIORI, LA TATTICA DELLA DISTENSIONE: LA DIPLOMAZIA DI PAK CHŎNGHŬI TRA PAURA DELL’ABBANDONO, APERTURA STRATEGICA E RIFORMA YUSIN, in: Asian Community and Europe, Pisa, Pacini Editore srl, 2022, pp. 73 - 107 [Chapter or essay]

LICIA PROSERPIO; ANTONIO FIORI, Myanmar universities in the post-coup era: The clash between old and new visions of higher education, in: Myanmar After the Coup Resistance, Resilience, and Re-invention, Torino, T.wai – Torino World Affairs Institute, 2022, pp. 107 - 121 [Chapter or essay]

Fiori, Antonio; Casarini, Nicola; Pacheco Pardo, Ramon; Kim, Nam-Kook; Lee, Jae-Seung, The Routledge Handbook of Europe-Korea Relations, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, 2022, pp. 476 . [Editorship]

Albana, Alessandro; Fiori, Antonio, China and the BRI: Challenges and Opportunities for Southeast Asia, in: Rebalancing Asia. The Belt and Road Initiative and Indo-Pacific Strategy, Berlino, Springer, 2021, pp. 149 - 159 [Chapter or essay]

Fiori, Antonio, Il Nido del Falco. Mondo e Potere in Corea del Nord, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2021, pp. 365 (Q: QUADERNI DI STORIA). [Research monograph]Open Access

Fiori, Antonio, Central Asia in China’s Energy Strategy, in: Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China. Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Leiden, Brill, 2020, pp. 378 - 403 (INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE SOCIAL STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Fiori, Antonio; Bianchini, Stefano, Concluding Remarks, in: Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China. Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Leiden, Brill, 2020, pp. 478 - 483 [Chapter or essay]

Fiori, Antonio, Review of: How to Approach North Korea, 15 Years Later, «THE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR», 2020, 55, pp. 148 - 150 [Review]

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