Foto del docente

Antonella Samoggia

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Full-time Associate Professor in Agro-Food Economics and Marketing at the University of Bologna - Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies. Her research interests are mainly focused on competitiveness and sustainability of the agro-food system, food-health-nutrition, analysis and management of the agro-food chain, food marketing, internationalization processes, territorial marketing, food policies and rural development. Prof. Antonella Samoggia has done 45% of her teaching in English, in Master's or International Master's degree courses. She has also worked as a consultant for the Regions and Territorial Development Agencies.

Prof. Antonella Samoggia took up her position as a university researcher in 2006 and since 2020 she is Associate Professor. Prior to that, Antonella Samoggia had worked as a research fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and had collaborated with Cambridge Policy Consultant, European Commission - DG V, IRS - Social Research Institute. In addition, Antonella Samoggia had independently defined her own international training path enriched with Erasmus and Overseas experiences at the University of Utrecht, the Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, the Essex Summer School, the University of Sussex, Dickinson College (USA) and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Prof. Antonella Samoggia is today author or co-author of numerous scientific publications, most of them indexed on Scopus and Wos. She is first name or main contact of most of the publications included in indexed journals carried out in the last 5 years. Her study and research activities have involved her in more than 20 research projects, mostly at European and international level as Scientific Director, and she has assumed, especially in recent years, coordination roles as task or WP leader. In 2016 she was selected as visiting scholar at Brown University. She has participated as a speaker at over 30 international and national conferences, also winning the Best Paper Award at the 2014 Global Marketing Conference. She is a member of the Editorial Board of a U.S. indexed journal Scopus and has served as a reviewer for 14 international journals, as well as for conferences and research projects. He has carried out his teaching activity with continuity first in Cesena and in recent years in Bologna.

Finally, Prof. Antonella Samoggia has contributed to institutional activities, being or having been a member of the Department Council from 2015 to the present; member of the Scientific Committee of the University Library of Bologna (BUB) at University level and of the Library of Agriculture at the Department level; member of several Personnel Selection Commissions.

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