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Antonella Luporini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics


- Luporini, A., Giacosa, A., Furiassi, C. (2024). Language proficiency and diversity in students’ attitudes towards code-switching: A case study of English as a foreign language classrooms in Italian tertiary education. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 19, 104-119. [Articolo in rivista]
Open access available here.


- Luporini, A., Manfredi, M., Turci, M., Johnson, J.H., Fusari, S., Bevitori, C. (Eds) (2024). A Life in Style. In Honour of Donna R. Miller. Rome: Tab Edizioni. [Curatela]
Open access available here.


- Luporini, A. (2023). Exploring the Lexis of Art Through a Specialized Corpus: A Bilingual Italian-English Perspective. In D. Franceschi and L. Pinnavaia (Eds), New Developments in English for Special Purposes (ESP) Lexicology and Lexicography. International Journal of English Linguistics 13 (7) (special issue), 29-38. [Articolo in rivista]
Open access available here.


- Turci, M. and Luporini, A. (2023). Taking English Naturalism out of the box: From theory to corpus, and back. In K. Ackerley, E. Castello, F. Dalziel, S. Gesuato, M.T. Musacchio, G. Palumbo (Eds), Thinking Out of the Box in English Linguistics, Language Teaching, Translation and TerminologyProceedings of the XXIX AIA Conference. Padova: Padova University Press, 199-218. [Capitolo di libro]
Open access available here.


- Luporini, A. (2023). Metaphors of art in the English translations of Giorgio Vasari’s Le vite: A software-assisted enquiry. In V. Zotti e M. Turci (a cura di), Nuove strategie per la traduzione del lessico artistico. Da Giorgio Vasari a un corpus plurilingue dei beni culturali. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 65-92. [Capitolo di libro]
Open access available here.


- Combei, C.R., Luporini, A., Pano Alamán, A., Turci, M. (2022). In guerra contro il virus invasore: un'analisi critica delle metafore sul COVID-19 nel discorso politico istituzionale. In S. Fusari, B. Ivancic,  C. Mauri (a cura di), Diversità e inclusione. Quando le parole sono importanti. Milano: Meltemi, 207-226. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. and Giacosa, A. (2022) 'Ragazzi, can you hear me?' University teachers' and students' attitudes towards code-switching in the New Normal. Short Papers of the Conference Distance Education: A Brave New World? Modalities, Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects / La formation à distance, résolument? Modalités, enjeux, ouvertures et perspectives (organised by République Française, Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance, Distances et médiations des savoirs & The Open University, 20-21 October 2022), 81-90. [Contributo in Atti di Convegno]
Open access available here.


- Combei, R. and Luporini A. (2021) Sentiment and Emotion Analysis meet Appraisal: A corpus study of tweets related to the Covid-19 pandemic. In In O. Tordini and L. Busso (Eds), Describing the New Pandemic: Linguistic and Communicative Studies on the Covid-19 Crisis. Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata LII (1-2), 115-136. [Articolo in rivista]


- Luporini, A. (2021) Hidden treasure or irrational beast? Metaphors for cryptocurrencies between social journalism and specialised press. In I. Rizzato, F. Strik Lievers, E. Zurru (Eds), Variations on Metaphor. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 143-162. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. (2021) Metaphor, nominalization, appraisal: Analyzing coronavirus-related headlines and subheadings in China Daily and The Wall Street Journal. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 21 (1), 253-273.[Articolo in rivista]
Open access available here.


- Luporini, A. (2020) Implementing an online English linguistics course during the Covid-19 emergency in Italy: Teacher's and students' perspectives. ASp 78, 75-88. [Articolo in rivista] 
Open access available here.


- Miller, D.R. and Luporini, A. (2020) Guiding towards register awareness in an undergraduate EFL curriculum in Italy: The special case of verbal art. Register Studies 2(2), 209-240. [Articolo in rivista]


- Luporini, A. (2019) The symbolic articulation of other-ness: A corpus-assisted analysis of Wide Sargasso Sea. In V. Bonsignori, G. Cappelli, E. Mattiello (Eds), Worlds of Words: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture, Vol. I. Pisa: Pisa University Press, 569-582. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. (2019) Corpus-assisted Systemic Socio-Semantic Stylistics: Exploring 'white' and 'red' in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea. L'analisi linguistica e letteraria XXVII (1), 5-28. [Articolo in rivista]
Open access available here.


- Luporini, A. (2019) Metaphor in times of economic change. From global crisis to cryptocurrency: A corpus-assisted study (Supplementi alla biblioteca di linguistica 26). Rome: Aracne. [Monografia]


- Luporini, A. (2019) Metaphors in times of crisis: Legitimising austerity? In K. Power, T. Ali, E. Lebdušková (Eds), Discourse Analysis and Austerity: Critical Studies from Economics and Linguistics. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 218-234. [Capitolo di libro]


- Miller, D.R. and Luporini, A. (2018) Software-assisted Systemic Socio-Semantic Stylistics - Appraising tru* in J.M. Coetzee's Foe. In R. Wegener, S, Neumann, A. Oesterle (Eds), On Verbal Art. Ripples in a Timeless World: Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan. Sheffield: Equinox, 53-79. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. e Miller, D.R. (2018) Systemic Socio-Semantic Stylistics: un metodo per insegnare la lingua e la cultura del/nel testo letterario. In B. Ivancic, P. Puccini, M.J. Rodrigo Mora, M. Turci (a cura di), Il testo letterario nell'apprendimento linguistico: esperienze a confrontoQuaderni del CeSLiC, Atti di convegni (6). Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali, 61-74. [Capitolo di libro]
Open access available here.


- Miller, D.R. and Luporini, A. (2018) Systemic Socio-Semantic Stylistics (SSS) as appliable linguistics: the cases of literary criticism and language teaching/ learning. In A. Sellami-Baklouti and L. Fontaine (Eds), Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 229-248. [Capitolo di libro]


- Fusari, S. and Luporini, A. (2017) Interpersonal Meaning in a Corpus of Students-Teachers Computer Mediated Communication. In L. Landolfi, E. Federici, F. Cavaliere (Eds), Transnational Subjects. Linguistic Encounters. Selected papers from XXVII AIA Conference, Volume II. Naples: Liguori, 223-234. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. (2017) 'In the depths of the world's credit crisis': Compelling synergies between conceptual and grammatical metaphor in a corpus-assisted study of the British and Italian financial press. In A. Baicchi and A. Bagasheva (Eds), Figurative Language We Live By: The Cognitive Underpinnings and Mechanisms of Figurativity in Language. Textus XXX (1), 169-184. [Articolo in rivista]


- Luporini, A. (2016) Grammatical metaphor through the lens of software? Examining 'crisis' in a corpus of articles from The Financial Times. In S. Alsop and S. Gardner (Eds), Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Digital Age. London: Equinox, 260-275. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. (2016) Spotlighting fantasy literature with the tools of Frame Semantics and Systemic Functional Linguistics: A case study. In D.R. Miller (Ed.), Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers. Bologna: Centre for Linguistic-Cultural Studies (CeSLiC) and Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, ALMADL. [Saggio]
Open access available here


- Fusari, S. e Luporini, A. (2016) La comunicazione tra studenti e docenti via forum e e-mail: strategie di cortesia. In F. Bianchi e P. Leone (a cura di), Linguaggio e apprendimento linguistico. Metodi e strumenti tecnologici. Studi AItLA 4. Milano: Officinaventuno, 67-82. [Capitolo di libro]
Open access available here.


- Miller, D.R. and Luporini, A. (2015) Social Semiotic Stylistics and the corpus: How do-able is an automated analysis of verbal art? In A. Duguid, A. Marchi, C. Taylor, A. Partington (Eds), Gentle Obsessions: Literature, Linguistics and Learning. In Honour of John Morley. Rome: Artemide, 235-250. [Capitolo di libro]


- Miller, D.R., Bayley, P., Bevitori, C., Fusari, S., Luporini, A. (2014) 'Ticklish trawling': The Limits of Corpus Assisted Meaning Analysis. In S. Alsop and S. Gardner (Eds), Language in a digital age: Be not afraid of digitality. Proceedings from the 24th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop. Coventry: Department of English and Languages (DEL), Coventry University, 100-111. [Contributo in Atti di Convegno]


- Luporini, A. (2013) Metaphor and Culture in the Business Press: A Corpus-Assisted Study of The Financial Times and Il Sole 24 Ore. In S. Bruti (Ed.), Investigating the language/culture interface. English vis-à-vis Italian. Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata XLV (1), 163-177. [Articolo in rivista]


- Luporini, A. (2012) Inside "the Home of Friday": Linguistic Representations of Frustrated Communication in a Corpus-Assisted Study of J.M. Coetzee's Foe. In L. Di Michele (Ed.), Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices. Memory and Vision. Proceedings of the XXV AIA Conference. Naples: Liguori, 186-198. [Capitolo di libro]


- Luporini, A. (2009) Frames, Transitivity Structures e gerarchie di potere tra i personaggi: Harry Potter affronta Lord Voldemort in The Sorcerer's Stone. In D.R. Miller (a cura di), Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC) e Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, ALMADL. [Saggio]
Open access available here.