Foto del docente

Anthony Dion Mitzel

Adjunct professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Teaching tutor

Department of Sociology and Business Law


English Help Desk

English Help Desk

Communicate better, feel better

For those of you who are still ‘stuck’ on grammar, there is a service offered by Eva Vincenzi ( [] ), a Master student of Modern, Post-colonial and Comparative Literatures in Bologna. She will offer you a meeting during which she will

  • LiSten carefully
  • WElcom warmly
  • HeLp strategically
  • EValuate properly
  • Empathize wholeheartedly
  • Support actively

in order to make yourSELVES remove any obstacles between you and the language by using experimental ways of teaching and learning English.

After a meeting with Eva, should you need further personal support:

  • You will be redirected to professor Federica Ferrari, who will be available to offer you a counselling skills consultation during her receiving hours

    and, in case of need,

  • you will be introduced to the following services available at our university:
  • SAP [] : Servizio di Aiuto Psicologico a Giovani Adulti (SAP). Il servizio offre interventi gratuiti di sostegno psicologico agli studenti dell’Università di Bologna e ai giovani dai 20 ai 28 anni, afferenti all’Azienda USL di Bologna.
  • Servizio di consultazione transculturale rivolto a studenti internazionali [] : Il Servizio è stato istituito per prevenire, in una prospettiva transculturale, situazioni particolarmente critiche, relative ad adattamento, studio, eccessivi reclami e lamentele, isolamento, conflitti con altri studenti e/o docenti, problematiche ambientali pratiche, ecc.

If you want to contact us, please send us an email:


Published on: March 03 2023