The presence of environmental can lead to toxic effects in
exposed species. Among these, the effects on endocrine system pose
a certain concern as they can deeply alter reproductive capacity
and fitness of organisms. The evaluation of contaminants levels and
of markers of endocrine disruption in marine and fresh
water species allows the assessment of potential exposure and of
the alteration induced.
1. Evaluation of alterations induced by organic environmental
pollutants and by heavy metals on endocrine balance of fresh water
and marine fish species, by quantifying exposure markers and
hormonal levels, focusing on thyroid hormones,
following experimental exposure to contaminants
2. Quatificatin of contaminants in large marine vertebrates
(cetaceans and sea turtles) and on the evaluation of the impact
they can have on endocrine balance of studied species, focusing on
tissue and plasmatic thyroid hormones levels and on reproductive
imbalance markers, like VTG in sea turtles.
3. Monitoring of environemtnal polutants in fresh water and
marine fish species. Both species of commercial or ecological
interest will be considered. When commercial species are
considered, a risk assessment for human will also be performed.