ORCID: 0000-0002-3739-2162
SCOPUS ID: 12647541400
Date of Birth: 08/08/1977
2023- present. Full Professor in Developmental Psychology and Education, Department of
Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, University of Bologna, Italy.
2014-2023. Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology and Education, Department
of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, University of Bologna, Italy.
2022- present. Adjunct Academic Status as Associate Professor (Level D) Psychology in
the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University, Australia.
2017–present. National scientific qualification for Full Professor in Developmental
Psychology and Education.
2021 – present. Vice-director, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna.
2021 – present. Representative of the University of Bologna for the Global Research
Alliance (GRA, Flinders University).
2019 – present. Elected member of National Ethics Committee, AIP, Italy.
2016 – 2022. Member of the Bioethics Committee, University of Bologna.
2016 – 2022. President of the Ethics Committee, Department of Psychology, University of
2016 – present. Representative of the University of Bologna for the Joint Research
Laboratory on Student Wellbeing & Prevention of Violence (Free University of
Bozen, University of Flinders, Australia).
2015 – 2021 Director of Organizational Unit (UOS) Bologna, Department of Psychology,
University of Bologna.
2013 – present. Member of the Ph.D. Committee in Psychology, Department of
Psychology, University of Bologna.
2013 – present. Director of the Psychological Service “SERES”, Department of
Psychology, University of Bologna (annual income of about 30.000 euros).
2007. PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna.
2002. Master in Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistics of Development and
Psychopathology of Learning, Bologna.
2002. University degree cum laude in Psychology, University of Bologna.
2020. Visiting Professor at the University of Haifa, Israel, Erasmus Teaching Exchange
2018. Visiting Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, US.
2017. Visiting Scholar at the Flinders University, Australia.
2005. Marco Polo scholarship at the Institute of Child Health, UCL, London.
2003. Visit granted by the University of Bologna at the Institute of Child Health, UCL,
a) Language, cognition and number development in typical, atypical and at-risk
populations (i.e., preterm children) from birth to school age using a neuroconstructivist
b) Social inclusion in young children and bullying and cyberbullying in adolescence:
analysis of the phenomena and development of intervention programmes.
Both research fields are documented by national and international publications, projects,
and collaborations.
Current long-run collaborations have resulted in several research projects/publications.
Annette Karmiloff- Smith, Birkbeck, University of London, UK (passed away on 19th
December 2016).
Phillip Slee and Grace Skrzypiec, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.
Peter K. Smith, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
Rosario Del Rey, University of Seville, Spain.
Vassilis Barkoukis, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Laura Justice, The Ohio State University, US.
Jana Iverson, University of Pittsburg, US. Columbia University, USA.
Miguel Pérez Pereira, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Anneloes van Baar, Utrecht University, Nederlands.
Anat Scher, University of Haifa, Israel.
Noel Purdy, Stranmillis University College, Northen Ireland.
Herbert Scheithauer, Freie University of Berlin, Germany.
Cristina Caselli, Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies.
Arianna Bello, University of Roma Tre.
Andrea Marini, University of Udine.
Antonella Brighi, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen.
Valentina Tobia, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.
National projects
PRIN project (2022-2024): "Parenting APP for promoting language acquisition", role:
principal investigator.
PRIN project (2019-2021): "Early markers of language-learning impairment", role:
Con i bambini (2018-2021): “Cantieri Comuni”; role: principal investigator for the
Department of Psychology.
Con i bambini (2018-2021): “Educativa di casa- Trame educative per nuove comunità”;
role: principal investigator for the Department of Psychology.
USR- Emilia-Romagna (2018-2019): “Non restiamo a guardare. Alunni, docenti e
genitori contro il bullismo e il cyberbullismo”; role: principal investigator for the
Department of Psychology.
MIUR (2017-2018; Italian National plan to prevent bullying and cyberbullying
phenomena): Formare per prevenire. L’educazione ai new media per la prevenzione
dei fenomeni di bullismo e cyberbullismo; role: principal investigator for the
Department of Psychology.
CORECOM Regional Project (2012-2015): “Online and offline lifestyles in
adolescents”; role: principal investigator.
FARB project 2012 (2012-2014): "Reading processes in preterm children, children with
dyslexia and typically developing children"; role: principal investigator.
PRIN project (2008) "Gestures and language in children with atypical and at-risk
developmental profiles: relationships among competences, mother-child interaction
modalities and proposals of intervention"; role: participant.
PRIN project (2004-06) “Development of expressive communication in the first months
of life: normal and at-risk paths”; role: participant.
International projects
Erasmus + (2017-2019; 2017-1-UK01-KA201-036554): “Blurred Lives Project – a
cross-national, co-participatory exploration of cyberbullying, young people and socioeconomic
disadvantage”; role: senior researcher.
Spanish National Program (2016-2019 PSI2015-66697-R): “Diferencias entre niños
prematuros de bajo riesgo y nacidos at termino en lectoescritura y habilidades
cognitive-linguisticas”; role: member.
European DAPHNE III project (2016-2018; JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/BULL/766): “A child
rights approach to combat bullying in detention and residential care settings”; role:
senior researcher.
European DAPHNE III project (2012-2014; JUST72012/DAP/A/G/3451): “Turning
obstacles into opportunities. Early interventions for developing children’s bully proofing
abilities”; role: senior researcher.
European DAPHNE III project (2009-2011; JLS/2008/DAP3/AG1211-30-CE-
0311025/00-69): “Cyberbullying in adolescence: investigation and intervention in six
European Countries”; role: national coordinator.
European DAPHNE II project (2007-09; JLS/2006/DAP-I/241/YC30-CE- 0120045/00-
79): “An investigation into forms of peer-peer bullying at school in pre-adolescent and
adolescent groups: new instruments and preventing strategies”; role: national
European Socrates project (2004-06 n. 2004-05/001-001 SO2-61OBGE): “Relational
approaches in early education: enhancing social inclusion, personal growth and
learning”; role: participant.
Scopus, July 2024: 80 documents (2004-2024); Citations = 2288; h-index = 24.
TEACHING ACTIVITIES (University of Bologna)
Bachelor degree
2015 – 2022. Developmental Psychology (24 hours), Expert in Social and Cultural
2008 – 2017. Methods of Child Observation (24 hours), Educators in Childhood Social
2010 – 2012. Psychology of Observation (30 hours), Expert in Social and Cultural
Master degree
2020- present. Risks and Protective Factors in Development (15 hours), Psychology of
Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity (International course).
2018 – present. Pathways of risk and protective factors (48 hours), Planning and
Managing of Educational Intervention in Social Distress.
2009 – present. Psychology of Disability and Integration (48 hours), Primary Teacher
Post-graduate level
2014 – 2022. Ethical issues in Psychology (8 hours), PhD in Psychology.
2014 – present. Psychology of Developmental Disabilities (15 hours), Education
Programme for support teacher.