Graduated in Classics at the Bologna University, she has
achieved the title of Expert in Archaeology at the School of
Specialization in Archaeology and the Ph.D. in African
Antiquities. She was Researcher in Phoenician and Punic Archaeology
at the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Faculty of Bologna
University, from the year 2000, and Associate Professor from the year 2014. From the 2019 she is Full Pofessor. Between 2000 and 2007 she has
taught Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. From 2007
she holds the course of Phoenician and Punic Archaeology. From 2000 until 2015 she was editor of the Rivista di Studi Punici, after Byrsa, Rivista di
arte, cultura e archeologia del Mediterraneo punico. From 2015 she was was a member of the Scientific Committee of the magazines Byrsa; Albahri. Entre Oriente y Occidente. Revista Independiente de Estudios Históricos (Albahri. Between East and West. Magazine Independent of Historical Studies); from 2016 she was member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine Folia Phoenicia. Now she is Scientific Director of the magazine Byrsa. Scritti sull'antico Oriente mediterraneo. From 1988 she
has participated in different excavations in Italy and to the
foreign countries, in some of which she has developed functions of
coordination and/or direction on the field. In particular way, has
completed researches in Central Sicily in cooperation with the
Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. of Caltanissetta and, in the collaboration
with the Bologna and Cagliari Universities and with the
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Province di Cagliari e
Oristano, she has conducted activity of excavation and prospecting
in Sardinia, in the Punic-Roman site of Tharros. She has carried
out museum sets and has participated in the ideation of new
exhibitions, in Sicily and Sardinia. She has participated in
different National and International Conferences and Congresses of
Phoenician and Punic Archaeology, and of Classical and Musical
disciplines. Since 2012 she is the Scientific Director of the
archeological excavation in the Southern Phoenician and Punic
cemetery of Tharros-Capo San Marco (OR) and in the Isthmus, where she highlighted a Punic artisan district. Since 2018 she is the Scientific Director of the archeological excavation on the cardo maximus.
She is director of the Past Lab. in the DBC.
Since November 2021 she has been the rector's delegate for interdsciplinarity in the team of the Vice Rector for the Research.