Foto del docente

Anna Montini

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-02/A Economic Policy

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development


Keywords: Air Emissions Waste External Costs Economic Valuation Cost-Benefit Analysis Environmental Accounts

(i) Environmental and natural resources economics. Generation and municipal solid waste management. Separate waste collection. Waste landfilling and incineration. Landfill tax. Air emissions. Pollution and human health. Environmental Kuznets Curve. Environmental accounts. NAMEA and regional NAMEA.

(ii) Consumption demand and consumers' preferences. Expressed preferences. Public goods. Value of Statistical Life (VOSL).

(iii) Cost-Benefit Analysis. Private Costs, external costs, social costs.

(iv) Local systems. Industrial districts. Labour local systems. Local infrastructures. Air emissions and local systems.

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