Department of Economics - University of Bologna
Strada Maggiore 45
I-40125 Bologna, ITALY
Sex Female | Date of birth 09/04/1967 | Nationality Italian
Present positions
- Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, ITALY.
- Member of the Interuniversity research centre “Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies” (SEEDS), (reference person of Department of Economics – University of Bologna Unit).
2002 to present
University of Bologna,
Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics (DSE), (contract professor/researcher from 2000) and then Associate Professor (since)
Teaching (undergraduate, graduate):
2014/2015 and 2015/2016: Resource Valuationa and Decision Making Methods (30 hours);
2011/2012 to present: “Environmental economics" (10 ECTS);
2011-2012 to present: “Strategie e gestione delle imprese";
2007-2008 to 2011-2012: Economics;
2009-2010 to 2010-2011: “Innovation economics”;
2009-2010 to 2010-2011: "Economic Statistics";
2007-2008 to 2008-2009: “Marine resource economics”
2008-2009: “Development economics”;
2006-2007 to 2008-2009: “Environmental economics”
2007-2008: “Environmental economic politics";
2000-2001 to 2006-2007: “Economics".
Teaching post-graduate:
2005-2006 to present: "Costi della prevenzione e project management della sicurezza", Master in Sicurezza e Prevenzione nell’ambiente di lavoro, University of Bologna;
2000-2001 to 2011-2012: “Applied and Quantitative Methods", Master in Development, Innovation and Change, University of Bologna;
2004-2005 to 2010-2011:
"Natural Resources and Environmental Economics", Master in Development, Innovation and Change dell'Università di Bologna
7FP-Environment, EMININN Project, Environmental Macro Indicators of Innovation, 2011-2014, coordinator WUPPERTAL INSTITUT FUR KLIMA, UMWELT, ENERGIE GMB (member Ceris-CNR);
member of several Italian research projects from 1998 (PRIN 2010-11, MIPAAF-COSVIR IV 2010, PRIN 2005, PRIN 2003, PRIN 2001, MURST 40% 1998, UNIBO-Progetto Strategico, ADRIABIO 2007-09):
1998 to present
IrCRes-CNR, Research Institute on Firms and Growth - Italian National Research Council, formerly CERIS-CNR and IDSE-CNR
Assistant researcher
Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Bologna
Junior, post doctoral and assistant researcher
Department of Statistics, University of Bologna, Bologna
Junior researcher
ERVET-Politiche per le imprese, Bologna
Junior researcher
Nomisma S.p.A., Economic Research, Bologna
Junior researcher
Phd Agricultural economics and politics, University of Siena
Laurea Degree (five years) in Economic and Statistics Science (109/110), Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna.
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Conferences (main)
2017 The Safe Bathing Master Plan in Rimini (with L. Migliori, M. Paganelli, D. Ronchi, E. Rossi di Schio), SET 2017 Bologna.
2015 Studi Multidisciplinarietà Sicurezza e Legalità per il lavoro "Mettere in Sicurezza conviene", Sicurezza: Costi e Benefici per le imprese, 2 ottobre, Bologna.
2015 IAERE (Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Conference, Waste and tourism in Italy 20-21 Feb., Padua.
2014 IAERE (Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Conference, Local environmental preferences/choices and waste management and disposal in Italy 13-14 Feb., Milan.
2013 SIE (Società Italiana degli Economisti), Waste Management beyond the North-South Divide: Spatial Analyses of Geographical, Economic and Institutional Dimensions 23-24 Oct., Bologna.
2010 International Conference ‘The Structure of Economic Systems through Input-Output Applications’, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and Fondazione Edison, Rome, October 21-22, 2010: paper ‘Joining Input-Output and NAMEA: results and research directions’ (with G. Marin, M. Mazzanti, R. Zoboli).
2009 SIE (Riunione annuale della Società italiana degli economisti), Evidence on waste generation and landfill diversion from Italy (with M.Mazzanti and F.Nicolli), Roma, 22-24 Oct 2009.
2008 ENVECON Environmental Applied economics conference, “Embedding Landfill Diversion in Economic, Geographical and Policy Settings” (with M.Mazzanti and F.Nicolli), The Royal Society, London, 14 March 2008.
2007 Conferenza annuale della Società di Economia Pubblica (SIEP), “Struttura produttiva territoriale ed indicatori di efficienza ambientale attraverso la NAMEA regionale” (with M.Mazzanti and R.Zoboli), Pavia, 13 Sept 2007.
2007 ESEE 2007 Biannual conference, “Environmental Kuznets Curves for air emissions in Italy: Evidence from NAMEA and provincial panel data” (with M.Mazzanti and R.Zoboli), Leipzig, June 2007.
2007 ENVECON Environmental Applied economics conference, “Environmental Kuznets Curves for air emissions in Italy: Evidence from NAMEA and provincial panel data” (with M.Mazzanti and R.Zoboli), The Royal Society, London, 23 March 2007.
2006 Conferenza annuale della Società di Economia Pubblica (SIEP) Pavia, settembre, Decoupling, Emission trends and the EKC hypothesis. New evidence using sector and provincial panel data for Italy (with M.Mazzanti, R.Zoboli) e Municipal waste production, economic drivers, and ‘new’ waste policies: EKC evidence from Italian regional and provincial panel data (con M.Mazzanti, R.Zoboli).
2003 Conferenza annuale della Società di Economia Pubblica (SIEP) Pavia, ottobre 2003: Analisi econometrica della domanda di acqua - Applicazioni di modelli panel a dati comunali dell’Emilia Romagna e della Lombardia (with M. Mazzanti).
2001 Thirteenth Annual Conference European Association for Evolutionary Economy (EAEPE) Siena, Italy, 8-11 nov 2001: Infrastructures endowment at local level in Italy (with R. Zoboli).
2001 42° Riunione Scientifica Annuale Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE) Sessioni libere: Microeconomia e critica del pensiero economico, Roma 25-27 ottobre 2001: Valutazione economica multi-attributo mediante esperimenti di scelta: aspetti metodologici e strumenti di analisi econometrica (with M.Mazzanti).
2001 Convegno della Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP), Pavia 5-6 ottobre 2001: Valutazione economica multi-attributo mediante esperimenti di scelta: aspetti metodologici e strumenti di analisi econometrica (with M.Mazzanti).
2001 Convegno della Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP), Pavia 5-6 ottobre 2001: Il danno del crollo del ponte di Mascarella a Bologna: un esperimento di valutazione mediante interviste via e-mail (with F. Nuti and M. Stampini).
2001 Econometric Society Australasian Meeting (ESAM 2001), Auckland (NZ) 6-8 luglio 2001: The evolution of industrial sectors in Europe (with G. Cainelli and R. Leoncini).
2001 Royal Statistical Society (RSS) Conference, Glasgow (UK) 4-6 luglio 2001: The Multinomial Logit Model in the Valuation of Multi-Attribute Non-Market Good (with M. Mazzanti.
2001 Nelson & Winter Conference, Aalborg (DK) 12-15 giugno 2001: The evolution of industrial sectors in Europe (con G. Cainelli e R. Leoncini.
2001 71st EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economics) Seminar, Saragozza (ES) 19-20 aprile 2001: Food away from home and households expenditures in Italy.
2000 EAEPE Conference, Berlino 2-5/11 2000 - The evolution of industrial sectors in Europe (with G. Cainelli and R. Leoncini).
2000 The Eighth International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference - The Millennium Conference”. Manchester/UK 28th June - 1st July 2000: The Evolution of Industrial Sectors in Europe (with G.Cainelli and R. Leoncini).
2000 12 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zeland, 30 January - 4 February 2000: Variation of Tourism Flows in the Umbria Region after the September 26, 1997, Colfiorito (Central Italy) Earthquake (with Caleffi M., Meroni F., Zoboli R., Zonno G.).
1998 Food Consumption at Home and Away from Home, presentato al “3rd Karlsruhe Nutrition Symposium” (poster session) 18-20 oct 1998, Atti del Convegno.
1998 The Agrofood System in Europe: Long Term Structural Changes (1970-1995) (with C. Brasili, R. Fanfani), presentato al Convegno Internazionale "Globalizaciòn y Sistemas Agroalimentarios", Caracas 15-17 july 1998.
Publications (in English)
Articles (journals with anonymous referees)
2013 – D'Amato A., Mazzanti M., Montini A., Nicolli F., Economic, environmental and energy systems: market dynamics, innovation and policy towards sustainability, ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, vol. 1, p. 69-71, DOI: 10.3280/EFE2013-001004
2013 – COSTANTINI V., MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A.. Environmental performance, innovation and spillovers. Evidence from a regional NAMEA, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, vol. 89, p. 101-114, ISSN: 0921-8009
2013 - MAZZANTI M, MONTINI A.. Waste management performances beyond the North-South Divide: Spatial Analyses of Geographical, Economic and Institutional dimensions in Italy. Handbook on waste management (edited by Thomas C. Kinnaman), Edward Elgar, forthcoming.
2012 - MARIN G., MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. Linking NAMEA and Input Output for 'consumption vs. production perspective' analyses. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, vol. 74, p. 71-84, ISSN: 0921-8009
2012 - COSTANTINI V., MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. (eds). Hybrid Economic-Environmental Accounts. ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, p. 1-239, Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-59421-9, ISSN: 2155-9074
2012 - MAZZANTI M, MONTINI A., NICOLLI F. Waste dynamics in economic and policy transitions: decoupling, convergence and spatial eects. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 55, p. 563-581, ISSN: 0964-0568
2012 - COSTANTINI V., MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. Air emissions in Italian regions. In: Hybrid Economic-Environmental Accounts. ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, p. 36-64, Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-59421-9, ISSN: 2155-9074
2011 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., NICOLLI F. Embedding landfill diversion in economic, geographical and policy settings. APPLIED ECONOMICS, vol. 43, p. 3299-3311, ISSN: 1466-4283
2010 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. Embedding the drivers of emission efficiency at regional level. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, vol. 69, p. 2457-2467, ISSN: 0921-8009
2010 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. Introduction. In: Environmental Efficiency, Innovation and Economic Performance. p. 1-7, LONDON:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-47852-6
2010 - BULLETTI C., MONTINI A., LEVI SETTI P., PALAGIANO A., UBALDI F., BORINI A. Vaginal parturition decreases recurrence of endometriosis, FERTILITY AND STERILITY, vol.9, p.850-855, doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.04.012.
2009 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., NICOLLI F. The dynamics of landfill diversion: Economic drivers, policy factors and spatial issues. Evidence from Italy using provincial panel data. RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, vol. 54, p. 53-61, ISSN: 0921-3449
2009 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., ZOBOLI R. Municipal waste generation and the EKC hypothesis; new evidence exploiting province-based panel data. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, vol. 16, p.719-725, ISSN: 1350-4851
2009 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. Introduction. In: Waste and Environmental Policy. p. 1-12, LONDON:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-45936-5
2009 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., NICOLLI F. Embedding landfill diversion in economic, geographical and policy settings. In: Waste and environmental policy. p. 126-153, Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-45936-5
2009 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., ZOBOLI R. Municipal waste generation, socio-economic drivers and waste management instruments. In: Waste and environmental policy. p. 107-125, Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-45936-5
2008 - M. MAZZANTI, A. MONTINI, R. ZOBOLI. Municipal waste generation and socio economic drivers. Evidence from comparing Northern and Southern Italy. THE JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT, vol. 17 (1), p. 51-69, ISSN: 1070-4965
2008 - M. MAZZANTI, A. MONTINI, R. ZOBOLI. Environmental Kuznets Curves and Greenhouse gas emissions. Evidence from NAMEA and provincial data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, vol. 8, p. 392-424, ISSN: 1466-6650
2008 - M. MAZZANTI, A. MONTINI, R. ZOBOLI. Environmental Kuznets Curves for Air Pollutant Emissions in Italy: Evidence from Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) Panel Data. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH, vol. 20 (3), p. 277-301, ISSN: 0953-5314
2007 - CAINELLI G., LEONCINI R., MONTINI A.. Spatial knowledge spillovers and regional productivity growth in Europe. REVUE D'ÉCONOMIE RÉGIONALE ET URBAINE, vol. -2, p. -201-222, ISSN: 0180-7307
2007 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., ZOBOLI R. Municipal waste production, economic drivers and new waste policies. In: Servizi Pubblici: Nuove Tendenze nella Regolamentazione, nella Produzione e nel Finanziamento. Pavia, 14-15 settembre 2006, p. 419-450, Milano:Franco Angeli
2007 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A., ZOBOLI R. Environmental Kuznets Curves for GHGs and Air Pollutants in Italy. Evidence from Sector Environmental Accounts and Provincial Data. ECONOMIA POLITICA, vol. 3, p. 369-406, ISSN: 1120-2890
2006 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. The Determinants of Residential Water Demand. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, vol. 13, p. 107-111, ISSN: 1350-4851
2004 - Montini A, Zoboli R. Environmental impact and innovation in industrial districts. In: The Evolution of Industrial Districts. Changing Governance, Innovation and Internationalisation of Local Capitalism in Italy (Contributions to Economics). p. 275-315, Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag, ISBN: 3-7908-0095-3
2001 - Mazzocchi M, Montini A. Earthquake effects on tourism in central Italy. ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, vol. 28, p. 1031-1046, ISSN: 0160-7383, doi:
2013 - D’AMATO A., MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. (eds). Waste management in spatial environments. ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, (2013), ISBN-10: 0415687187
2012 - COSTANTINI V., MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. (eds). Hybrid Economic-Environmental Accounts. ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, p. 1-239, Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-59421-9, ISSN: 2155-9074
2010 - MAZZANTI M, MONTINI A. (eds). Environmental Efficiency, Innovation and Economic Performances. Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-47852-6
2009 - MAZZANTI M., MONTINI A. (eds). Waste and Environmental Policy. Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-45936-5
2013 – Marin G., Montini A., DataLocator ( )
The DataLocator consists in a web pages system that includes many links a: (i) Italian and International database by theme; (ii) statistical classifications; (iii) open source software for the statistical analysis; (iv) on line statistics textbooks; (v) shapefiles for spatial analysis.
Book chapters and conference proceedings
2014 – Alternative subsidy scenarios for different agricultural practices: A sustainability assessment using fuzzy multi criteria analysis (con Ragona M., Albertazzi S., Nicolli F., Mazzanti M., Montini A., Vitali G. and Canavari M.). DOI:10.13140/2.1.4598.4007 (conference paper)
2014 – Zoboli R., Paleari S., Marin G., Mazzanti M., Nicolli F., Montini A., Miceli V., and Speck S., Resource-efficient green economy and EU policies, EEA Report 2/2014, Copenhagen
2014 - Mazzanti M, Montini A., Waste management performances beyond the North-South Divide: Spatial Analyses of Geographical, Economic and Institutional dimensions in Italy. Handbook on waste management (edited by Thomas C. Kinnaman and K. Takeuchi), p.256-284, Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9780857936868.00017
2009 - Mazzanti M. Montini A., Zoboli R., Socio-economic Drivers and Waste Management Instruments: Regional and Provincial Panel Data Evidence from Italy in Mazzanti M. Montini A. (eds.), Waste & environmental policy, Routledge, London.
2007 - Mazzanti M., Montini A., Zoboli R., Municipal waste generation, economic drivers, and "new" waste management instruments. EKC evidence from Italian regional and provincial panel data, in Marrelli M., Padovano F., Rizzo I. (a cura di), Servizi pubblici. Nuove tendenze nella regolamentazione, nella produzione e nel finanziamento,Franco Angeli, Milano.
2004 - Montini A., Zoboli R., Environmental impact and innovation in industrial districts, in Cainelli G., Zoboli R. (eds), The Evolution of Industrial Districts, Springer-Verlag, Eidelberg.
2000 - Caleffi M, Meroni F., Montini A., Zoboli R., Zonno G., Variation of tourist flows in the Umbria Region after the September 26, 1997, Colfiorito (Central Italy) earthquake, proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, February 2000.
Published research reports and Working papers (with referees)
Zoboli R., Paleari S., Marin G., Mazzanti M., Nicolli F., Montini A., Miceli V., and Speck S., 2014, Resource-efficient green economy and EU policies, EEA Report 2/2014, Copenhagen
Paleari S., Zoboli R., Montini A., Marin G., Speck S., Asquith M., 2013, Towards a Green Economy in Europe, EU Environmental Policy Targets and Objectives 2010-2050, EEA Report 8/2013, Copenhagen
Eckermann F., Golde M., Herczeg, M., Mazzanti M., Montini A., Zoboli R., 2012, Resource taxation and resource efficiency along the value chain of mineral resources, ETC/SCP Working Paper 3/2012, European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Copenhagen, October.
Mazzanti M., Montini A., Zoboli R., 2007, Economic Dynamics, Emission Trends and the EKC Hypothesis New Evidence Using NAMEA and Provincial Panel Data for Italy, Nota di lavoro FEEM 24.07, Milano, .
Mazzanti M., Montini A., Zoboli R., 2006,Municipal Waste Production, Economic Drivers, and 'New' Waste Policies: EKC Evidence from Italian Regional and Provincial Panel Data [], Nota di lavoro FEEM 2008.155,
Mazzanti, M., Montini A., Zoboli R., 2006, Municipal Waste Production, Economic Drivers, and 'New' Waste Policies: EKC Evidence from Italian Regional and Provincial Panel Data [], Nota di lavoro FEEM n. 155.06, Milano, .