Foto del docente

Angela Carpi

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-11/A Comparative Private Law

Curriculum vitae

Angela Carpi 

Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna.

Courses assigned at the Law School of the University of Bologna: Law and Language, Private Comparative Law.


Academic Year 1992-1993: 4 month high school study in Canada, at the High School “Adam Scott”, Pitersborough (Toronto, Ontario), within the programme of the Association Intercultura.

A.Y. 1994-1995: Graduation from High School, human studies, in Bologna, with the score of 48/60.

A.Y. 1997-1998: Scholarship within the European programme “Socrates-Erasmus” of the University of Bologna for a period of 9 month study at the University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom.

A.Y. 2000-2001: Scholarship of the University of Bologna for a 4 month period of research at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

A.Y. 2000-2001: LLM cum laude in Private Comparative Law at the University of Bologna, with the final dissertation “Jurisdiction and Uniform Law International Conventions” (“Giuristdizione e convenzioni di diritto univorme”).

A.Y. 2002-2005: PhD student (Comparative Law) at the University of Milan.

July 2003: Participation at the Summer School in Comparative Law organised at the University of Insubria – Como (Italy), within the activities of the Inter-university Research Centre in Comparative Law (Universities of Bologna, Como and Milan).

July 2004 – July 2005: Participation, with organisation tasks, at the Summer School in Comparative law, organised at the University of Insubria – Como (Italy), within the activities of the Inter-university Research Centre in Comparative Law (Universities of Bologna, Como and Milan).

March 2006: Doctorate in Comparative Law, with a thesis on “The Fundamental Breach in the Vienna Convention on International Sale of Goods. A Comparative Law Analysis” (“Il Fundamental Breach nella vendita di beni mobili: un’analisi di diritto comparato”).

Professional Activity

2001 – 2005 Internship at the office of Avv. Mario Jacchia in Bologna

2005 – Today, Lawyer specialised in Civil and Commercial law. Working in the office of Prof. Federico Carpi, in Bologna

Specialisation in Civil and Commercial law, Bankruptcy law, Arbitration and ADR, Chinese law, Contract law, Comparative and International contracts.

May 2011, member of the editorial staff of the Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile (Civil and Procedural law Quarterly), in charge of the Comparative and Foreign law section.

President of AIGA (Italian Association of Young Lawyers), section of Bologna (2008-2014)

Member of the Board of AIGA, delegate for international relations (2011-2013), national treasurer of the Association (2013-2015).

Academic Activity

January 2019: Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna

January 2016: Senior Researcher at the University of Bologna (RTD-B).

From 2001 until present: work as an assistant of Prof. Marina Timoteo, full professor of Private Comparative Law, Asian Law and Law and Language at the Law Faculty of the University of Bologna.

From the A.Y. 2004-2005 until A.Y. 2012-2013: Teaching activity in the module Legal Systems and Development, within the Master Programme in Development, Innovation and Change (MiDIC) organised by the University of Bologna.

A.Y. 2005/2006: Contract of Tutoring (Prof. Marina Timoteo, Private Comparative Law, Asian Law) at the Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

June 2006: in charge of the organisation of the Summer School in Private Comparative Law, at the University of Bologna, within the activities of the Inter-university Research Centre in Comparative Law (Universities of Bologna, Como and Milan).

From June 2006: Research fellow at the University of Bologna with a research grant for a study on “Languages of the Law: Legal Terminology and Vague Notions in Chinese Contract Law” (“Lingue del diritto: la terminologia giuridica e le nozioni vaghe nel diritto dei contratti cinese”).

October 2006: in charge of the administrative and scientific organisation of the International Conference “Rules and Safeguards of Intellectual Property in China”, organised by the Collegio di Cina and the University of Bologna.

2006: organisational support during the activities of the cooperation agreement between the University of Bologna and the China’s University of Political Science and Law, Beijing.

September 2007: Organisation and teaching activity in the Summer School in Private Comparative Law: Introduction to Chinese Law, at the University of Bologna, within the activities of the Inter-university Research Centre in Comparative Law (Universities of Bologna, Como and Milan).

A.Y. 2007/2008: Appointed Professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy (two 60 hours courses in Private Comparative Law, in Ferrara and Rovigo).

July 2008: Organisation and teaching activity in the Summer School in Private Comparative Law: Law in a Chinese Context, at the University of Bologna, within the activities of the Inter-university Research Centre in Comparative Law (Universities of Bologna, Como and Milan).

A.Y. 2008/2009: Appointed Professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy (20 hours course in Private Comparative Law – Module in Comparative Legal Systems).

September – October 2008: in charge of the administrative and scientific organisation of the Second Annual Conference of the Europe – China Law Studies Association, organised in Bologna and Turin (1-3 October 2008) by the University of Bologna, the China’s College of the University of Bologna, the University of Turin and the Centre of Advanced Studies on Contemporary China.

December 2008: Chercheur en visite at the Tunc Institute, University of Paris I (prof. Loïc Cadiet).

A.Y. 2008/2009 – March 2009: Tutor for Contract Law e Property Law (16 hours courses) at the China – EU Law School established at the University of Political Science and Law (zhongguo zhengfa daxue), Beijing, within a project of the European Union (2008-2013) where the University of Bologna is partner of the Consortium in charge of the management of the project.

March 2009 until present: support for the organisation and the activities of the Confucius Institute (executive director), established at the University of Bologna following an agreement with Renmin University, Beijing.

May 1 – July 31 2009: Cercherur en visite at the Institut de droit civil, University of Paris II – Pantheon Assas (prof. Denis Mazeaud).

July 2009: in charge of the organisation of the Summer School in Private Comparative Law: Law and Business in a Chinese Context, organised at the Law faculty of the University of Bologna.

November 2009: research grant within the national research project “Per una fondazione teorica delle politiche di sviluppo economico di aree montane: unioni territoriali tra fallimenti del mercato e fallimenti sistemici” (“A foundation for economic development of mountain areas: land unions between market and systemic failures”), within the activities of the School of Development Innovation and Change (SDIC), University of Bologna, prof. Gilberto Antonelli. The specific research was on the situation in Scotland.

8-9 March 2010: visiting professor at the University of Genoa (Italy), for a two days course on Chinese Law.

June 2010: Organisation and teaching activities in the Summer School in Private Comparative Law: Law and Business in a Chinese Context, organised by the University of Bologna and the Confucius Institute at the University of Bologna.

5 – 12 June 2011: Research grant by the CESL (China Europe School of Law) established at the University of Political Science and Law, Beijing.

June – July 2011 appointed expert for the production on multimedia tools in English, Chinese, French and German languages, addressed to explain the idea and practice of IPR protection in the digital environment for the 2011 EU-China Year of the Youth, within the activities of the EY-China IPR2 project “Copyright: a changing wor[l]d”.

November 2012: teaching and organisation activities within the Summer School in Private Comparative Law, at the University of Bologna “Introduction to Chinese Legal System and Language. Legal Translation: English – Chinese – English”.

December 2012-November 2014, Junior Researcher within the cooperation project “The capacity building of environmental justice and guarding environmental rights in Western China”, financed by the European Union within the call Europaid “Eu-China environmental governance programme (EGP)” (partners: Università di Bologna-China’s University of Political Science and Law).

Research group of the feasibility study (FARB) of the University of Bologna “EU and China towards smart development: strategies and instruments for a legal and economic cooperation” (2013-2015).

A.Y. 2012-2013/ A.Y. 2014-2015: teaching activities in the course “Europe China/Far East: Law and Regulation”, within the MBA China/Far East and Europe Business Relations, organised at the Alma Graduate School of the Universities of Bologna.

A.Y. 2012-2013 until present: teaching activities in the Joint International Doctoral (PhD) Degree in Law Sciences and Technologies (University of Bologna and University of Turin), on Chinese IPR Law.

October 2013: Visiting professor at the University of La Plata Argentina, in the Maestria en Derecho Procesal. Course on Chinese Law (in Spanish).

October 2013, organisation activities of the “II Joint Conference of Bologna University and Humboldt University - Inequality, competition and social dumping. Crossroads of the smart development’s strategies in the global South and the global North”, organised at the Law School of the Unversity of Bologna.

May 31 2014, organizing commitee of the international conference “Sustainability actually. Dialogues on Environment and Environmental Justice”, held at the Law School of the University of Bologna.

July 2014, July 2015, July 2017, teaching activity at the International Summer School “Italy and China: two Judicial Experiences to comparison between tradition and innovation”, Department of Legal Studies, University of Brescia, Italy.

October 2014, teaching and organizational activities within the Summer School “Law for business in China. A Language Perspective”, organised by the Department of legal studies and the Confucius Institute at the University of Bologna.

May 22, 2015 organizing committee of the international conference “A Civil Code for XXI century”, organized at the Law School of the University of Bologna.

December 2015, in charge of the section “Fashion Law in China” within the master in “Fashion and Law”, organised by the University of Insubria and Marangoni Institute.

Academic Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 visiting professor at the Insitut de droit comparé, Université Paris II Panthèon-Assas, Paris, with a course on “Droit comparé de la propriété” (Comparative property law).

February 18, 2016 Organizing commitee of the workshop “Comparing legal languages and creating common/uniform terminologies”, organised at the School of Law of the University of Bologna

April 22, 2016 Member of the scientific committee of the workshop “Norme della scrittura giuridica-Normes de l’écriture juridique”.

Academic Year 2015-2016 member of the board of the LAST JD, Joint International Doctoral (PhD) Degree in Law Sciences and Technology, organised within the project Erasmus Mundus at the University of Bologna.

From May 2017 is member of the board of the PhD program in European Law, University of Bologna.


Angela Carpi participates to a number of conferences as a speaker, among which:

23 September 2011, participation to the conference “The Paradox of Plenty: Redefining La Dolce Vita” organised in Turin by the Mount Holyhoke European Alumnae Association, with a paper on “The Chinese Consumption Model – Development and Unbalance”

18 November 2011, participation to the conference “Climate Change in a EU-China Perspective: the Legal Framework for a Sustainable Global Market”, organised within the activities of the China-EU School of Law, with a paper on “Climate Change and Clean Energies in the EU-China Perspective: Cooperation and Competition”

23 March 2012, participation to the EYBA (European Young Bar Association) Spring Conference, organised in Rome, with a paper on “Transnational Bankruptcy: Common Interests and Conflicts in Europe”

June 29-30, 2013 paper “Environmental liability within the European Context: a Comparative Analysis in the Perspective of EU-China Cooperation” presented at the international conference “The Remedies for Environment Pollution Victims: the Environment Justice and Legislation”, organized in Beijing within the cooperation project EuropeAid "The Capacity Building of Environmental Justice and Guarding Environmental Rights in Western China", as part of the program “EU-China Environmental Governance Programme”.

April 29, 2016 speaker at the conference “Norme della Scrittura Giuridica – Normes de l’écriture juridique” organised at the School of Law of the University of Bologna, speech on “Lo stile delle sentenze delle giurisdizioni superiori: Cour de Cassation, Corte di Cassazione e Supreme Court of the United Kingdom a confronto”.

September 23, 2016 speaker at the 11th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, organised at the University of Rome 3. Accepted paper: “Strategies and Programmes of EU-China Legal Cooperation”.

June 11, 2019 speaker at the international conference "The Internationalisation of EU Law and EU-China Relations", organised at Queen Mary UNiversity of London. Paper: "EU-China Legal Cooperation to the Test of Chinese Indigenous Innovation".


Member of the Europe-China Law Studies Association (August 2007).

2000 until present: Drama teacher in high schools within the activities of the Company Teatro dell’Argine, Bologna.


“Il Legal Aid nella Cina contemporanea” (“Legal Aid in Contemporary China”), in Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, January – March 2007, pp. 177-191.

La lingua giuridica francese” (“French Legal Language”), in Pozzo-Timoteo (eds.) “Europa e linguaggi giuridici” (“Legal Languages and Europe”), Giuffrè editore Milano, 2008, pp. 83-121.

Il nuovo regolamento riguardante la protezione doganale della proprietà intellettuale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese” (“The New Regulation regarding Custom Protection of Intellectual Propery Rights of the People’s Republic of China”), in AAVV “Atti del convegno Regimi e tutela della proprietà intellettuale in Cina – Bologna, 5/6 ottobre 2006”, Tiellemedia, Roma, 2008, pp. 267-275.

L’inadempimento importante nel sistema francese: uno studio di diritto comparato” (“Fundamental Breach of Contract in French Law: a Comparative Law Analysis”), Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2010. Review by Antonio Gambaro on the Rivista di diritto civile, 2011.

Climate Change and Clean Energies in the EU-China Perspective: Cooperation and Competition”, in Timoteo (ed.) “Environmental Law in Action. EU and China Perspectives”, Bononia University Press, 2012, pp. 59-76.

La cooperazione sino-europea in campo giuridico nella Cina verde e della «innovazione indigena»”, in Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, n. 4 ottobre-dicembre 2012, pp. 1203-1215.

Brevi riflessioni sulla mediazione in Cina”, AMS ACTA – Contributi di ricerca dell’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, pp. 1-11, 2013.

Environmental Liability within the European Context: Definitory Problems”, in Timoteo-Fei Anling-Wang Canfa (eds.) “Legislative and Judicial Remedies for Environmental Torts Victims – A Study in the Framework of EU-China Cooperation”, Bononia University Press, 2013, pp. 41-51.

La disciplina di marchi, brevetti e diritto d’autore in Cina nel ventennale dei TRIPS”, in Rivista Trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, vol. 4, 2014, pp. 1435-1448.

Il contratto di trasferimento di tecnologia nel diritto cinese”, AMS ACTA - Contributi di ricerca dell’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2014, pp. 1-10.

Innovazione, sviluppo, riforma giuridica. Uno studio di diritto comparato sulla cooperazione Europa Cina in materia di proprietà intellettuale”, Bononia University Press, 2015, pp. 1-161.

First Copy then Innovate: the Chinese National Intellectual Property Strategy”, in Timoteo (ed.) “Law and Sustainable business in China”, Bononia University Press, 2015, pp. 133-147.

Knowledge and Intellectual Property in the EU-China Cooperation”, in Timoteo (ed.) “Towards a Smart Development. A Legal and Economic Enquiry into the Perspectives of EU-China Cooperation”, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016, pp. 81-100.

Famiglia e regime delle successioni nell’ordinamento cinese”, in Fondazione Italiana del Notariato, “Tradizione e modernità del diritto ereditario nella prassi notarile. Gli atti dei convegni”, I Quaderni della Fondazione Italiana del Notariato, Gruppo 24 Ore editore, 2016, pp. 265-275.

Italy”, in Guadalupe Soriano-Barabino (ed.), “Comparative Law for Legal Translators”, “New Trends in Translation Studies – vol 17”, Oxford-Bern, Peter Lang AG International Publishers, 2016, pp. 37-51.

Unconscionability as a defense against enforcement of arbitration clauses in the aftermath of AT&T Mobility v. Conception”, forthcoming on Revista de processo - RePro, 2017.

Foreign Languages

English, excellent written and oral – June 2001: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English

French, excellent written and oral

Spanish, excellent oral, very good written

Chinese, basic knowledge (HSK-2)

Use of computer Very good knowledge of the current programmes