Foto del docente

Andrea Borghesi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 319KB )
Short Bio

Andrea Borghesi received the M.S. degree in Computer Engineering and the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Bologna (Italy), in 2013 and 2017 respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor (“RTD-A”) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) of the University of Bologna. He received the Italian National Scientific Qualification for the role of Associate Professor in Computer Engineering (ASN 2018-2020 settore 09/H1 II Fascia, VI Quadrimestre).
His research interests are focused on optimization techniques and Machine Learning approaches for complex systems and novel computer paradigms, with a special attention towards power and energy related aspects and predictive and prescriptive maintenance. His expertise spans different areas, with the general target of minimizing power consumption and automatize and improve the maintenance of the target systems: optimization and implementation of novel scheduling policies for supercomputers; creation of Machine/Deep Learning predictive models for automated maintenance; design and deployment of fine-grained monitoring infrastructure for heterogeneous large computing machines; studying the interaction of methods from different Artificial Intelligence areas to solve problems over complex, real-world systems. A big focus of his research has been the exploration of areas at the intersection of different branches of Artificial Intelligence, such as combining Machine Learning, optimization and simulation models.

Record of Employment

  • 03/2020 – Present: Executive Scientific Representative (HPC scientific unit) at the Inter-departments Center
    for Artificial Intelligence at University of Bologna, Italy (ALMA-AI, in Italian: “Centro Interdipartimentale di Intelligenza Artificiale”)
  • 12/2019 – Present: Assistant Professor (RTDA) at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer
    Science (DISI), University of Bologna, Italy
  • 2018 – 2019: Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI),
    University of Bologna, Italy
  • 2017 – 2018: Research intern at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI), University of Bologna, Italy
  • 02/2016 – 07/2016: Research Fellow at University College of Cork (UCC), Ireland
  • June 2013 – December 2013: Research intern at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Bologna, Italy


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, 2017 (Advisors: Prof. Michela Milano, Prof. Luca Benini)

Professional Activities
Contribution to National & International Academic Research Projects

International Projects

  • H2020-ICT-2020-101017142-StairwAI: Stairway to AI: Ease the Engagement of Low-Tech users to the AI-on-Demand platform through AI
  • H2020-ICT-2019-952215-TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization
  • H2020-ICT-2018-3-857191-IoTwins: Distributed Digital Twins for industrial SMEs: a big-data platform
  • H2020-FETPROACT-732631-OPRECOMP: Open transprecision computing
  • FP7-RI-312763-H2020-653838-PRACE-3IP: OpenPower cluster
  • FP7-IDEAS-ERC-291125-MULTITHERMAN: Multi-Scale Thermal Management of Computing Systems
  • FP7-ICT-2011-7-288147-ePolicy: Engineering the POlicy-making LIfe CYcle

National Projects

  • CINECA-ISCRAS-C-HP10CVV2VY-vertOpt: Vertical Match Making of Artificial Intelligence Applications
  • CINECA-ISCRAS-C-HP10CVDID8-V-Match: Vertical Match Making of Artificial Intelligence Applications
  • CINECA-ISCRAS-C-HP10C0V1Z5-EXADATA: Exascale Monitoring and Big Data Analytics

Research Projects in Collaboration with Private Institutions and Companies

  • Job-scheduling optimization for High-Performance Computing systems, commissioned research by ENI
  • Advanced diagnostic in complex industrial systems, with YANMAR Italy S.P.A




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