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Since 10 October 2022, Andrea Benedetti has been a Type B Fixed term Researcher for the Courses “Translation from German into Italian I (First Language)” and “German Language and Culture III (First Language)” (L-LIN/14) at the University of Bologna (Department of Interpreting and Translation [DIT], Forlì Campus). His research activity evolves around Translation Theory and Practice, specifically the literary field. He has also gained proven experience as a technical translator, both with reference to the lexicographic and terminological translation practices of UE institutions, and as a freelance translator for private companies. The current focus of his research is on the relationship between translation practice, cognitive processes and teaching methodologies, especially the most recent aesthetic-linguistic (in particular the neuro-linguistic and neuro-literary approach) and pragmatic-linguistic (in particular the Deconstructionist and Universalist approaches) critical findings.
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