Foto del docente

Alice Bencivenni

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Director of Second Cycle Degree in History and Oriental Studies


Keywords: political communication kings/poleis Greek inscriptions Hellenistic kingdoms Hellenistic institutions

My general interest is the Greek world after Alexander, and in particular the history and institutions of Asia Minor. 
I worked on the relationship between Hellenistic kings and cities in Asia Minor and on the royal projects concerning constitutions and political organization of the cities as reflected in Greek inscriptions. Cf. Progetti di riforme costituzionali nelle epigrafi greche dei secoli IV-II a.C., Bologna 2003. I studied institutional issues related to the status of lands and territories, to the union of different political bodies, and to the relationship of philia kai symmachia between kings and cities in Hellenistic Asia Minor.   
I am working on the political communication between Hellenistic kings and cities in Asia Minor and the Near East and on the Seleukid and Attalid royal letters. Cf. Il re scrive, la città iscrive. La pubblicazione su pietra delle epistole regie nell'Asia ellenistica., in: Studi Ellenistici, 24, Pisa 2010, pp. 149 - 178; The King's Words: Hellenistic Royal Letters in Inscriptions, in K. Radner (ed.), State Correspondence in the Ancient World. From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire, Oxford - New York 2014, pp. 141-171, 235-243.   
As a longer term project I am part of an international group (King's College London – Centre for Hellenic Studies and Department of Digital Humanities; Université Paris IV Sorbonne – Centre de recherche sur la Libye antique; University of Bologna; University of Macerata) devoted to the digital edition of the inscriptions of ancient Libya (InsLib). The digital edition of the Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica (IGCyr) started in 2011. I contributed content for the launch in September 2014 of Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica / Greek Verse inscriptions of Cyrenaica (IGCyr/GVCyr) demo website, dal 2017 open access publication IGCyr / GVCyr, developed and maintained by the CRR-MM University of Bologna.    
I am in charge of the edition of the Greek inscriptions from Ravenna for the Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR).

I founded Hellas Unibo, a markup Laboratory dealing with inscriptions and papyri.