Foto del docente

Alessio Erioli

Assistant professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-09/A Architectural and Urban Design

Short Bio

Assistant Professor in Architectural Design and Senior Researcher, MArch in Biodigital Architecture, PhD in Architectural Engineering, Co-de-iT ( ) co-founder. Advisor of 50+ Master Thesis in Engineering and Architecture; he has lectured and/or taught at (among others) IaaC (Barcelona), École des Ponts ParisTech, AA Visiting school (Paris, Dubai, Miami), TALM Le Mans. His interests regard the theoretical and applied consequences of computation as a design medium in architecture and related fields, focusing on autonomy/intelligence/agency in the design process. Alma Human Artificial Intelligence Centre (AlmaAI) member since 2023. He is also skilled in computational design & 3D modelling on several platforms, with a preference for Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, and C#.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 3183

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Architettura
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Erasmus/Overseas related inquiries: see here


For simple inquiries you might write me anytime on the Microsoft Teams chat (or the dedicated channel); if you think you need a meeting session:

. February > June 2025

February 18 till June 10 - every Tuesday afternoon, 15-19 >>> book here 

For any inquiry and/or a talk outsied this time range, please send me a message in a Teams chat