Foto del docente

Alessandro Marzani

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-06/A Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Director of First Cycle Degree in Building Construction Engineering


Zaccherini, R., Palermo, A., Krödel, S., Dertimanis, V., Marzani, A., Daraio, C., Chatzi, E.N., Resonant metabarriers as seismic attenuators in granular media, in: Proceedings of ISMA 2018 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2018 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2018, pp. 3047 - 3057 (atti di: 28th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2018 and 7th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, USD 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 17 September 2018 through 19 September 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Nicola Testoni; Cristiano Aguzzi; Federica Zonzini; Luca De Marchi; Giuseppe Agugliaro; Tullio Salmon Cinotti; Alessandro Marzani, Reti di monitoraggio “leggere” basate su un nodo sensore multifunzione, in: Sicurezza ed affidabilità delle attrezzature a pressione. Atti di convegno, 2018, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: SAFAP2018. Sicurezza ed affidabilità delle attrezzature a pressione, Bologna, 28/11/2018-29/11/2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Antonio Palermo, Farhad Zeighami, Alessandro Marzani, Seismic metasurfaces for Love waves control, in: Proceedings of EGU2018 conference, 2018, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 20th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 04/04/2018-13/04/2018) [Abstract]

L. De Marchi, M. Dibiase, N. Testoni, A. Marzani, Shaped sensor for material agnostic Lamb waves direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, in: Proceedings of the 9 th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2018, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2018), Manchester, UK, July 10-13, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Luca De Marchi, Nicola Testoni, Alessandro Marzani, Spiral-shaped piezoelectric sensors for Lamb waves direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, «SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES», 2018, 1, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

Elishakoff, Isaac*; Tonzani, Giulio Maria; Marzani, Alessandro, Three alternative versions of Bresse–Timoshenko theory for beam on pure Pasternak foundation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES», 2018, 149, pp. 402 - 412 [Scientific article]

Messina, Marco*; De Marchi, Luca; Testoni, Nicola; Cozzani, Valerio; Marzani, Alessandro, Tomographic and scattering based methods for damage detection on atmospheric storage tanks, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2018, 67, pp. 223 - 228 [Scientific article]

Palermo, A.; Vitali, M.; Marzani, A., A multi-mass metabarrier to protect buildings from seismic Rayleigh waves, in: 2017 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017, pp. 250 - 252 (atti di: 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2017, fra, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Luca De Marchi; Alessandro Marzani; Jochen Moll; Pawel Kudela; Maciej Radzienski; Wieslaw Ostachowicz, A pulse coding and decoding strategy to perform Lamb wave inspections using simultaneously multiple actuators, «MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING», 2017, 91, Article number: S0888327016305349 , pp. 111 - 121 [Scientific article]Open Access

Esfandabadi, Yasamin Keshmiri; Marzani, Alessandro; Testoni, Nicola; De Marchi, Luca, Accelerated guided waves inspection using compressive sensing and local wavenumber domain analysis, in: Esfandabadi, Yasamin Keshmiri, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, IEEE Computer Society, 2017, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2017, usa, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

KESHMIRI ESFANDABADI, Yasamin; Marzani, Alessandro; DE MARCHI, Luca, Compressive sensing and local wavenumber estimations for fast damage imaging with guided waves inspections, in: Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2017, 2017, pp. 1630 - 1637 (atti di: International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, 12 -14 September 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Jochen, Moll; Mälzer, M.; Testoni, Nicola; DE MARCHI, Luca; Marzani, Alessandro, Experimental analysis of digital data communication in intelligent structures using lamb waves, in: Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2017, 2017, pp. 1654 - 1661 (atti di: International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, 12 -14 September 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Yasamin Keshmiri Esfandabadi; Alessandro Marzani; Luca De Marchi, Fast guided waves inspection using compressive sensing and wavenumber domain analysis, in: 2017 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, EESMS 2017 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2017 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, EESMS 2017, ita, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Moll, Jochen; Luca De, Marchi; Kexel, Christian; Marzani, Alessandro, High resolution defect imaging in guided waves inspections by dispersion compensation and nonlinear data fusion, «ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA», 2017, 103, pp. 941 - 949 [Scientific article]

Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Journal of Engineering»