Foto del docente

Alessandro Bazzi

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor of the DEI department of the University of Bologna, he carries out his research activity in the field of wireless systems and networks, with particular emphasis on connected vehicles.


Alessandro Bazzi received the Master Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (with honors) and Ph.D. in in Electronic, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, both at the University of Bologna, in 2002 and 2006 respectively.


From 2002 to 2019 he worked at the IEIIT-CNR, first as a research fellow, then from 2008 as a fixed-term researcher and finally from 2012 as a permanent researcher.

In 2019 he joined the DEI Department of the University of Bologna as senior researcher and became Associate Professor in 2022.


Since 2007 he has been holding courses as Adjunct Professor at the universities of Bologna and Ferrara in the field of wireless systems and networks. More specifically, he held the role of Adjunct Professor for the degree course in Engineering and Technologies for Telecommunications and Electronics at the School of Engineering of the University of Ferrara in the academic years 2006/07 and 2008/09 and for various Bachelor's and Master's degree courses at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna in the 2007/08 academic year and from the 2009/10 academic year to today.

Currently, he holds corses on telecommunications for the master's degree course in Telecommunications Engineering, for the master's degree course in Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles, and for the Bachelor degree course in management engineering.

Scientific activity

His research activity is conducted in the context of national and international projects concerning issues related to wireless systems and networks of various kinds (including short-range networks, wireless LANs, cellular networks, communication systems via LED) with attention to the level physical, access to the medium and management of resources. Currently, his activity is mainly focused on the study of wireless technologies for intelligent transport services and more specifically in their use for autonomous and connected vehicles. During his activity, he coordinated and participated in the development of several simulators and testbeds.

He coordinated and coordinates various activities in the filed of telecommunications and especially on the topic of connected vehicles. From 2020 to 2022, he was part of an ETSI specialist task force for the definition of standards for the use of the different channels available for short-range communications involving vehicles in the 5.9 GHz band in Europe.

Editorial activities and other relevant activities

He participated in the editorial board of the international magazine Scirp Open Journal on Modeling and Simulation (OJMSi) from 2013 to 2016 and participates in the editorial board of the international journal Hindawi Mobile Information Systems since 2016 and in the editorial board of the international journal Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing from 2018 . He was also Guest Editor for the special issue "Towards 5G and beyond for the Internet of UAVs, Vehicles, Smartphones, Sensors and Smart Objects", published in the Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications in 2019 and for the special issue "Wireless Technologies Applied to Connected and Automated Vehicles ”, published in the MDPI Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks" in 2020. Since 2020 he is Chief Editor of the Hindawi Mobile Information Systems.

He held a keynote entitled "I want my car connected!" in the ICUMT 2020 conference. He participated in the "Next Steps for Enhanced Mobility" panel in the IARIA MOBILITY 2012 international conference and in the "Connected vehicles: how?" in the IEEE ISWCS 2017 international conference.

He held a tutorial entitled "Towards the 5G vehicular networks: when the vehicles will talk to each other" in the IEEE ISWCS 2017 conference, one entitled "Communication Technologies for Connected and Automated Vehicles" in the IEEE PIMRC 2019 conference, and one entitled "5G-and-beyond V2X communication technologies and enablers for connected and automated vehicles" in the IEEE ICC 2021 conference. He also gave a lecture entitled "Cellular-V2X for Cooperative Connected and Autonomous Vehicles", for the IEEE ComSoc One-Day School organized after the IEEE WCNC 2019 conference.

He organized a Special Session entitled "Wireless Technologies for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles" within the IEEE PIMRC 2018 conference and a workshop entitled "Time-Critical Cyber Physical Systems" in the IEEE PIMRC 2019 conference.

He has also participated in the organization of numerous conferences as a member of the technical committee (TPC) and is reviewer for numerous international conferences and journals.

He plays the role of reviewer for competitive national projects.

He is the contact person for CNIT within the Car2Car Communication Consortium.

Awards and acknowledgments

The article entitled "Adaptive Beaconing for Safety Enhancement in Vehicular Networks" and presented at the "15th edition of International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST)", Warsaw, May 2017, received the Best Paper award.

Since 2018, he is a senior member of the IEEE. In 2019 he received the habilitation for the role of Associate Professor (Professore di II fascia) and in 2021 that for the role of Full Professor (Professore di I fascia).

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