Foto del docente

Alessandra Cantagalli

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: STEC-01/B Economic History

Curriculum vitae

Associate professor since January 2020, her research area is economic history. Research topics include the history of professions and the history of technical education.


Graduated in Contemporary History at Università di Bologna in 2001, PhD in European History at Università di Bologna in 2006.

Academic Career

After being a research fellow at the History and Cultures Department of Università di Bologna from October 2006 to March 2014, she has become Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) in the scientific area SECS-P/12 ECONOMIC HISTORY. In February 2014 obtains the National Scientific Qualification for Assistant Professor for the 13/C1: Economic History area, and in January 2015 for the 11/A3: Contemporary History area. From January 2017 to she is Senior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the History and Cultures Department of Università di Bologna. Since January 2020 she is Associate professor.

Teaching activity

Since 2014 she teaches Economic History, Histoy of Industry and Business; History of Work and Professions.

In the years between 2008 and 2010 she has been the tutor of a module belonging to the History of Professions course (PhD in Economy and Profession) at the Faculty of Economics, Università di Bologna, supervising several graduation theses and taking part at exam and graduation committees.

Research activity

She took part in the following national research programs: “Professioni e potere in età moderna e contemporanea” research program (PRIN 2007); strategic program of Università di Bologna “Atlante storico delle professioni” (2007).

She is currently working on two research projects:

- the PNRR PRIN 2022 research project “Rethinking Made in Italy. Food and wine savoir faire and storytelling in the construction of the Italian myth (1950 - today)” (PI Stefano Magagnoli, University of Bologna), where she is co-investigator.

- the PRIN 2022 research project "Arms, Beads and Cloth: African consumers and the 19th-century global economy" (PI Karin Pallaver, University of Bologna).

Visiting fellow at London School of Economics and Political Science from June to August 2004.

Participation in editorial boards

Since January 2012 she is part of the international scientific board of the editorial series “Professioni intellettuali” (Bononia University Press).

Research Centers

Since 2006 she is part of the “Centro studi sulla storia delle professioni” (CEPROF) of University of Bologna.

Scientific associations

Since 2012 she is a member of “Società italiana degli storici dell'economia” (S.I.S.E) and of “Società per gli studi di storia delle istituzioni”.