Foto del docente

Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering


Keywords: Raw material processing Sustainability and SDGs Circular Economy and Urban Mining Life Cycle Thinking and LCA Green technologies for Urban Resilience Appropriate technologies for Developing Countries water supply

Environmental Sustainability and SDGs UN Agenda 2030

Circular Economy

Urban Green Technologies for the Urban resilience

Raw materials and mineral processing Several studies have been carried out in comminution, crushing and grinding mills and in dewatering and tailing disposal.

Work safety and Environmental Protection

Studies on waterborne emissions, airborne emissions and waste management in mineral processing plants are carried out. Risk assessment in mineral processing plants: dust inhalation, mechanical risks, noise exposure, mobility, chemical compounds.

  Solid wastes processing - Reuse and recycling opportunities for waste materials Many studies have been carried out in Waste size reduction and materials separation , Materials recovery from municipal solid waste , Plastic and homogeneous materials recycling processes , Construction and Demolition waste recycling , Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment.


Ecodesign, Life Cycle THinking and Life Cycle Analysis

  Application of Life Cicle Assessment (LCA) methodology to many industrial sectors and separated waste collection

Sustainability in water utilisation

Studies have been carried out on characterisation of ground water and thermal water, concerning water consumption minimisation and water management

Appropriate environmental technologies for developing countries

Many studies have been carried out in waste management and recycling, in wastewater treatment, in drinking water purification related with developing countries realities.

The team of Engineering of Transition is developing research activities oriented to building a sustainable world, from the point of view of environmental, social and economic, by saving and valorizing natural resources: raw materials, water and energy. Several themes of study and research to support design and management, in urban and industrial context, that can be summarized as follows:

®     treatment, valorization and recycling of raw materials and solid waste;

®     water supply, water and groundwater saving, wastewater recovery and recycling in relation with urban, industrial and agricultural uses;

®     energy recovery from solid waste and study of environmental impacts and waste production in relation with renewable energy sources;

®     research of unconventional or recycled materials for building and construction: recycled aggregates from demolition, utilization of straw, hemp, raw land, etc. for energy savings and to reduce climate-change emissions, for zero impact buildings, and in relation to greater simplicity in the process of rebuilding in areas affected by seismic events;

®     support to technological innovation in industrial R&D by recycling, savings and minimizing of environmental impacts: Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis, evaluation of Ecological Footprint, Carbon and Water footprint, multicriteria analysis and risk analysis in several production issues and in many environmental engineering activities (as soil and polluted water reclamation, resources use and saving, waste management, etc.)

®     application of the concepts of resilience, green technologies and  "site specific" design in rural and urban areas in order to reduce climate-change emissions and to save water, energy,  soil and natural resources.


A specific stream of research concerns the application of all these researches and studies in cooperation activities for emerging and developing countries.