Foto del docente

Alessandra Zambonelli

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-01/A General Botany

Curriculum vitae

• In 1991 she graduated in Agricultural Science with a score 110/110 with laude.

• On the 24th of November 1986 received the “prof. Alessandro Trotter” price by the University of Bologna.

• On the 6th of June 1987 she was awarded the title of PhD in Plant Pathology

• From 1991 to September 1997 she has worked at the Dipartimento di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agroalimentare Agroalimentare of Bologna University as a technician.

• In November 2003 she was elected President of the Italian Mycological Association Unione Micologica Italiana.

• From the 1st of October 1997 to January 2005 she has continued her work at the Dipartimento di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agroalimentare Agroalimentare of Bologna University as a Researcher.

• On the 20th of January 2005 she became Associate Professor at the Bologna University, Faculty of Agriculture (Scientific sector AGR 12).

• On 2012 she was declared suitably qualified to become Full Professor in the scientific sector (abilitazione scientifica nazionale) (sector BIO 05/A1).

• With the Rector decree N. 1440 of 17.11.2015 she resulted the first of a comparative , procedure of a post of full professor requested by the department of Agricultural Science (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie), sector 05/A1 – Botanic SSD BIO/01 – General Botanic.

• From the 1st of February 2016 to today she isfull professor of Botany (sector 05/A1 – General Botanic SSD BIO/01) at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of Bologna University.

• From the 1st of February 2016 to 2020 was president of CEMM (Confédération européenne de la Mycologie Méditerranée) and actually is vice-president.

Research activity

• h-index: 29 (Scopus), total citations n.2590 (retrieved on 05 Jan 2021).

• Prof. Alessandra Zambonelli has contributed to 236 publications, most of them were published in collaboration with other research groups, Italian and foreign. She is co-author of many Italian books on truffles and one in English “Taming the truffle. The history, lore and science of the ultimate mushroom edited by Timber Press. This book has 264 citations (retrieved on 05 Jan 2021 on google scholar).

• was a referee for the numerous International Scientific Journals: (New Phytologist, Molecular Ecology, Trends in Biotechnology, Cryptogamie Micologie, Plant and Soil, Applied soil ecology, Mycorrhiza, FEMS microbiology letters, Microbial Ecology, Fungal biology, Environmental microbiology, Mycotaxon, African journal of Microbiology Research, Industrial Crops and products, Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, International Journal of Biometeorology, Journal of Basic Microbiology, Scientific report, Frontiers in microbiology MPI journals, etc.).

She was referee of international scientific projects of CRUI, Czech Science Foundation, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Swiss National Science Foundation.

• is editor in chief of the Italian Journal of Mycology (ex Micologia Italiana), open access by the University of Bologna “AlmaDL.

• is member of the editorial committee of Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Infections, of MDPI Plant journal (as section Editor) and of Frontiers in Mycrobiology (as rewiever Editor) . She was co- editor of the supplemental number of Mycorrhiza 1, 2014.

• was Co-editor of the book Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms: current knowledge and future prospects”, (Zambonelli A. & Bonito G.M., ed.), Soil biology series, Springer. She wa Co-editor of the book “True Truffles (Tuber spp.) in the World”, (Zambonelli A., Iotti M. & Murat C., ed.) Soil biology series, Springer.

• Since 1992 she has collaborated with the New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research (today Plant and Food) on cultivation on truffles and was invited many times to New Zealand to advise on their truffle research. During this collaboration she visited many time New Zealand for collaborative researches.

• is honorary member of New Zealand Truffle association. She is president of the National Mycological association Unione Micologica Italiana ( ), vice- president (she was president from 2016 to 2020) of CEMM (Confédération européenne de la Mycologie Méditerranée) and member of the Botanical National Association Società Botanica Italiana.

• is member of OPTIMA (Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation in the Mediterranean Area) and of 'Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura.

• has partecipated at more than 70 national and international conferences. She was member of the organizing committee and/or scientific committee of several national and international conference (Second International Workshop on Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms, First International Congress of Trufficulture, International Congress on Mycorrhizae 2014,First International Conference on truffle research, 7Th International workshop on edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms, 2013, The second symposium on hypogeous fungi in Mediterranean basin (HYPOGES 2), The Fifth Congress Tuber aestivum / uncinatum European Scientific Group (TAUESG 5),Workshop Internacional sobre Hongos Micorrícicos Comestibles, XVII, XVIII, XX Convegno Nazionale di Micologia, XVII Convegno Nazionale Sipav ) ed invited speaker at numerous international and national conferences.

• is responsible of the hypogeos fungi herbarium (CMI-Unibo), of the DISTAL which collects more than 5500 specimens of truffle collected in different part of the world.

Project Research responsibility and participation

• Scientific responsible for the Bologna research unit of the COFIN 2003: “Interactions between Tuber borchii Vittad. strains during the different phases of the ontogenetic cycle.”.

• Scientific responsible for the Bologna research unit of the COFIN 2008: " Investigations of cytomorphological changes in Tuber species caused by environment and genetic variation "

• Coordinator and scientific responsible of the interregional project MAGNATUM (2008-2010) co-funded by the regions Abruzzo, Emilia – Romagna, Molise and Tuscany and coordinated by ARSIA (Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l'Innovazione nel settore Agricolo-forestale) –Tuscany Region.

• Italian scientific responsible of a bilateral Research project Italy-Hungary years 2008-2010.

• Italian scientific responsible of a bilateral Research project Italy-France (Galileo project) year 2004-.

• Scientific responsible for the Bologna research unit of the strategic project CNR “Biotecnologia della Micorrizazione” years 1994-1995 (Research Unit Bologna-Parma)

• •Scientific responsible for the Bologna research unit of the strategic project CNR- Regions. “Tuber: Biotecnologia della Micorrizazione” years 1996-1997 (Research Unit Bologna-Parma)

• Scientific responsible for the Bologna research unit of the strategic project CNR- Regions -Provinces: “Biotecnologia dei funghi eduli ectomicorrizici dalle applicazioni agro forestali a quelle agroalimentari”.years 2001-2003 (Research Unit Bologna-Parma)

• Responsible of a researcher-exchange between the University Yerevan (Armenia) (where she spent one short work period) and Bologna University.

• •Scientific is responsible of the project S.U.N.B.E.A.M. “Structured University mobility between the Balkans and Europe for the Adriatic-ionian Macroregion” approved in July 2015.

• She was a member of “Tuber genome consortium” coordinated by Dr. Francis Martin (INRA, Nancy). At this consortium participated the Genoscope center (Paris) and research groups of CNR and of different Italian Universities. .

• She is the unique Italian collaborator at the international Project 1KFG: Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya having Francis M. Martin (INRA-Nancy), Joseph W. Spatafora (Oregon State University), Rytas Vilgalys (Duke University) e David Hibbett (Clark University) as proposer.

• She was responsible for numerous scientific collaboration with public and private bodies such as the Regione Emilia Romagna and the provinces of Bologna, Modena, the Consortium “Comunalie of Parma”, the “Unione dei Comuni Valsamoggia”.

She is scientific responsible of a MOU with the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

She participated to the EU project LIFE (2014-2020) AGROWETLANDS II and she is participating to the LIFE (2019-2025) LIFEGREEN4BLUE.

From 23/11/2016 she is member of the technic table od truffle sector of the Italian “Ministero delle politiche agricole e forestali”(MIPAF).

Teaching Experience

• From the academic year 2004-2005 to today she has teached at Bologna University (ex Agrarian Faculty) where she taught General Borany, Plant Biology, General Plant Pathology, Special Plant Pathology, Agrarian Myvcology, Pathology of officinal Plants, Mycology applied to bioremediation and valorization of the territory, Applied Mycopathology. New she is the responsible of the courses of Plant Biology and agricultural genetic (C.I.) – and Plant Biology and Biodiversity (C.I.) at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

• She was teacher of Plant pathology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Parma University and of Agrarian Faculty of Modena-Reggio Emilia.

• She has presented numerous lectures to phD students to Bologna, Palermo and Urbino Universities. She presented a seminary to Godollo (Hungary) students. In addition, since 1998 she has presented public seminars at the New Zealand Truffle Association’s Annual Conferences.

• She was the Director and teacher of the master in Agrifood Mycology at Bologna University (2007-2008) ( In 2008 she was director of a course of High University formation “Tecniche analitiche finalizzate al riconoscimento dei funghi freschi e conservati”

• she has been member of the PdD scientific commitee of the phD in plant pathology and in microbial ecology. Actually she is member of the PdD scientific commitee of the phD Health, Safety and Green Systems of Bologna University.

• She has been a member of PhD examination boards in Torino, Bologna, Pavia, l’Aquila, Urbino, Sassari, University of Murdoch (Australia) e University of Murcia (Spain). Since 1986 she has supervised or co-supervised PhD students at the University of Bologna. She has also provided ad hoc advice to phD students at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.