Alessandro Martelli (6/6/1968), Sociologist (SPS/07), Full Professor,;
00-39-(0)51-2092889 (Department of
Sociology and Business Law); 0543-3741640543-374164 (Forlì Campus)
Academic Career
2021 (20/12) - full professor at the Department of Sociology and Business Law - Forlì Campus
2019 (1/3) - associate professor at the Department of Sociology and Business Law - Forlì Campus
On april 6th 2017 he has obtained the scientific qualification for the position of associate and full professor in the Sector of General Sociology (14/C1).
2004 (7/1) – researcher (ricercatore non
confermato) (SPS/07) at Faculty of Political Science "R.
Ruffilli" - Forlì Campus -
University of Bologna. By 7/1/2007 assistant professor
(ricercatore confermato)
1999/2003 - Fellowship “Documentazione scientifica
multimediale per l'apprendimento delle scienze
economico-sociali” - Polo Scientifico-Didattico di
Forlì - Faculty of Political Science "R. Ruffilli" -
University of Bologna
1998 - Phd. in Sociology and social policies, University of
1996 - Visiting scholar at Stockholm Centre for Organizational
Research (S.C.O.R.E.) - University of Stockholm
and Stockholm School of Economics
1993 - Degree in Political Science, University of Bologna
Scientific and Research Activity
- Member of European Sociological Association (ESA) and of Associazione Italiana di Sociologia (AIS)
- Member of Editorial Board - review Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, “il Mulino” - Bologna
- 2019-2022: coordinator of the University of Bologna team, PRIN "COPING - COntrasting Poverty through Inclusive Governance) - together with Universities of Trento (national coordinator), Milano, Torino
- 2015-2018: member of the University of Bologna
team - European Project PARTISPACE (Spaces and Styles of
Participation. Formal, non-formal and informal possibilities of
young people's participation in European cities) - European
Commission, Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework
- January
2015- December 2016:
member of the University of Bologna team within the agreement
between the Department of Sociology and Business Law and the
Assembly of Emilia-Romagna Region, for the research project “Analisi, valutazione ed
integrazione delle pratiche di difesa e garanzia dei diritti”
(Ombudsmen activities)
- 2011-2021 - member of Scientific Board of ESPAnet (European
Social Policy Analysis network), Italy
- 2011-2014 - social expert for University of Bologna,
appointed as Focal Point for Italy by European Union Agency
for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
- 2010-2013 - member of the University of Bologna team -
European project G.O.E.T.E. (Governance of educational trajectories
in Europe), within VII Framework Programme
- 2010-2012 - Observatory on youth policies of Province
of Bologna - member of Scientific Committee
- 2006-2015 - “Observatory on welfare” - Province
of Forlì-Cesena - coordinator of the research team of
University of Bologna
- 2005-2007 - researcher for University of
Bologna - national research project - “Innovazioni nei sistemi
locali di sviluppo della Terza Italia: indicazioni per nuove
strategie di governance”, on governance of local development
- 2004-2012 - Study Center “Labour policies and local
society” - Province of Rimini - member of Scientific
- 1999/2000 - scientific consultant within an
European project funded by DG V named “Le organizzazioni
attive nella lotta all'esclusione sociale a livello locale:
obiettivi, criteri e modelli d'azione” (Organizations fighting
social exclusions at a local level: aims, criteria and action
- 1998-2000 - researcher for University of Bologna -
national research project (ex MURST 40%), “Le nuove forme di
debolezza socio-economica e di precarizzazione lavorativa. Le
politiche attive per l'occupazione e le risposte istituzionali.
Valutazione di interventi di livello locale”, on active labour
- 1997-1999 - coordinator of local research
activity on projects and experiences fighting
social exclusion and promoting transition to work for homeless
people in the city of Bologna, within an European project named “I
laboratori di Piazza Grande. Legare insieme occupazione, sviluppo
sociale e ambientale” (Piazza Grandes's laboratories. Linking
employment, social and environmental development) - Pilot Action
“Terzo sistema e Occupazione” (Third system and Employment), funded
by DG V “Employment and social affairs"
- 1995-1997 - researcher for University of
Bologna - European project PRELUDE (PREparation for Learning
by Undergraduates in Distance Education), UE - DG XXII
Teaching at University (last 3 years)
- From a.a. 2020/2021 Sociology (BA), Forlì Campus.
- From a.a. 2012/13 Social Policies (BA), Forlì Campus.
- Member of the teaching staff of the PHD programme
"Sociology and social research" at University of Bologna
- Responsible for the Erasmus exchanges with Université Catholique de l’Ouest – Angers and Université Gustave Eiffel - Paris (France) and University of Huddersfield (UK)
- Since October 2018, Director of First Cycle Degree in Sociology - Forlì Campus