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Zofia Maria Mazur

Teaching tutor

Department of Sociology and Business Law


Zofia M. Mazur, The Consumer Lending Protection. How to prevent the predatory lending and debt slavery on the small-dollar lending market, «JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND FINANCIAL LAW», December 2022.

Zofia M. Mazur, Sulla tutela del consumatore volutamente disinformato (a proposito dell’ordinanza della Corte di Giustizia dell’UE 10.6.2021, causa C-198/20), «RIVISTA DI DIRITTO DELL'IMPRESA», 2022, 2, pp. 463-485.

Weber A-M. e Z. Mazur, Zrównoważony ład korporacyjny all’italiana (eng. sustainable corporate governance in Italy) (part III)), «PRZEGLĄD PRAWA HANDLOWEGO», 2022, 8.

Zofia M. Mazur, Il dato personale nella disciplina del mercato e della concorrenza: l’esperienza tedesca, in V. Ricciuto e C. Solinas (ed.), Fornitura di servizi digitali e pagamento con la prestazione dei dati personali, CEDAM, 2022, p. 180 et seq.

Zofia M. Mazur, Dieselgate i konsekwencje prawne manipulowania emisją spalin, «INTERNETOWY KWARTALNIK ANTYMONOPOLOWY I REGULACYJNY», 2020, 7(9), DOI: 10.7172/2299-5749.IKAR.7.9.9.(eng. Dieselgate and the legal consequences of the manipulation of air pollution emissions)

Zofia M. Mazur, Where is the limit of Mis-selling?, «THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL CONSUMERS», 2021, 6(1), pp. 55-72.

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