Professor of Hydraulics, Bologna University
(2001-present). Ricercatore (Assistant Professor) of Hydraulics,
Bologna University (1992-2001). Education: Laurea (Degree), Civil
Engineering (Hydraulics Major), Bologna, 1988, grade 100/100 cum
Laude; Ph.D., Hydraulics and Hydrology, Milan, 1993.
Extensive teaching experience. Courses taught since 1995:
Hydraulics, Environmental Hydraulics, Modelling and Management of Natural Hydraulic systems, Uncertainty
and Risk in Hydraulic Systems, Groundwater and Contamination
Processes for civil, environmental, and architectural engineers,
and Master's student in Civil Engineering (taught in English).
Advisor for 9 Ph.D dissertations, 70 graduate Theses, 90
undergraduate Theses.
Theoretical and applied research in civil/environmental
engineering, including: fluid mechanics, non-Newtonian fluids, groundwater
hydrology and hydraulics, environmental hydraulics, reliability and
risk analysis of natural and man-made systems. Associated
investigator in several local and national research projects
(1992-1995); P.I. for research
projects financed by Bologna University since 1996 on flow and transport in porous media, free-surface flows
and various topics in hydraulics; P.I. for national
research project “Analysis of subsurface fluxes in heterogeneous
domains at various scales” (1999-2000); P.I. of UBologna Unit for EU
funded projects: 1) “CARE_W: Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Water
Networks”, 5th Framework Program, 2001-2004; 2) “CARE_S: Computer
Aided Rehabilitation of Sewer Networks”, 5th Framework Program,
2002-2005; 3) TRUST: Transitions to the Urban Water Services of
Tomorrow, 2011-2015; 4) StopUP: Protecting the aquatic environment from urban runoff pollution, Horizon Europe, 2022-2025, and for the projects WATERGY (L’efficientamento energetico del Servizio Idrico Integrato) financed by PON 2014-2020, and GS4WATER (Green Smart Technologies for Water) financed by Emilia-Romagna; he cooperates with several international research institutions. Author of 230 papers on national and
international journals and conference proceedings, and of a book
on water distribution networks.
“Ing. Icilio Tornani" Award for the best Thesis in Hydraulic Engineering (1988). Visiting Fulbright Scholar (1994-1995), Department of Hydrology
and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A.
Recipient of N.A.T.O.-C.N.R. Advanced Fellowship Program 1994
Grant. Associate Editor, Advances in Water Resources, Elsevier (2015-). Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, AGU-Wiley (2019-). Guest Editor, Water Special Issue “Non-Newtonian Fluids in Environmental Hydraulics: Modelling and Applications”, MDPI (2019). Editorial Board Member, Water, MDPI (2021-) and Associate Editor, Frontiers in Water - Water and Hydrocomplexity (2022-). Scientific Committee member, L’Acqua (Water, in Italian) (2016-). Vice-Chair and Member of Steering Committee, Italian Chapter of Interpore (2016-).
Reviewer for several italian and
international journals and programs, among others: Advances in
Water Resources, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Computers and
Geosciences, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Environmental Modeling and Software, Geoderma,
Geophysical Research Letters, Hydrological Processes, Hydrology and
Earth System Sciences, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal
of Chemistry, Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Hydrology,
Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Food
Engineering, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, L'Acqua
(Water, in Italian), Mathematical Problems in Engineering,
Meccanica, Mechanics Research Communications, Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Transport in Porous
Media, Urban Water Journal, Vadose Zone Journal, Water Resources
Research, Water Research, Water Science and Technology: Water
Supply, 34th IAHR World Congress, EU RTD Programs, Israel Science
Foundation, The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of
the Czech Republic, National Fund for Scientific and Technological
Research of Chile, STW Technology Foundation, The
Netherlands, Italian Ministry for University National Research
Program, Italian National Agency for Evaluation of University
System and Research, University of Padua, Fulbright Commission.
Director of University of Bologna Professional Master Program in
“Management of Risk induced by natural hazards” (2009-2010). Member
of Bologna Academy of Science, Class of Physical Sciences, Section of Technical Sciences, since 2009. Departmental Delegate for International Relations (2015-2018). Director of Studies in Civil Engineering (2017-2018). Chair (2019-2020) and Member (219-2020) of Library scientific Committee, School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna (2019-2020). Member of departmental Board (2007-2010, 2012-2018, 2024-). Member of the Board of the School of Engineering and Architecture (2015-2018). Faculty member of Board of Ph.D. Program in Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna (202-2012, 2014-);
Scientific committee membership: XXIX Convegno di Idraulica e
Costruzioni Idrauliche, Trento, 2004; XXXI Convegno di
Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Perugia, 2008; XXXV Convegno di
Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Bologna, 2016; XXXVI Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Ancona, 2018; 7th
International IAHR Groundwater Symposium, 22-24 September 2014,
Perugia, Italy; 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June 2022, Granada, Spain.
Invited presentations at several national and international
conferences, among these the “Nanshan Distinguished Lecture on Environment” on “Complexity in Geologic Media flow across Scales”, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China, April 25th, 2019.