Foto del docente

Vanessa Grotti

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: SDEA-01/A Discipline demoetnoantropologiche

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: Antropologia sociale, Antropologia medica, Storia della medicina, Amazzonia indigena, Mediterraneo e Balcani, Salute Globale, Corpo e Genere, Colonialismo, Etica, Religione, Antropologia della natura, Migrazioni, Memoria e patrimonializzazione

Student Supervisions:

I welcome enquiries about thesis/research supervisions in social and medical anthropology + medical humanities which coincide with my research, teaching and publication profile, with a particular interest for research on the following topics:

- history of medicine and colonialism, empire, missionary expansion and institutions, colonial medicine and hygiene, history of infectious diseases, history of science;

- Lowland South American ethnology; Amazonia (past & present); Amerindian studies; Latin America & the Caribbean (land, coasts & sea areas);

- Mediterranean & Adriatic anthropology; Anthropology of Europe; maritime anthropology;

- anthropology of religions and Christianity (conversion to Christianity, missions, etc.), shamanism, indigenous ethnology, animism, indigenous science and ontologies;

- colonial, decolonial and postcolonial studies, ethics & bioethics, feminism, gender and queer studies, care, humanitarianism (secular and faith-based);

- medical anthropology; anthropology of public health; kinship, reproduction, STS, the body, making of the body, sexual and reproductive health and rights;

- nomadism, pastoralism, walking as ethnography, anthropology of migration and diasporas (I insist on the anthropology part, I do not supervise political science or sociology dissertations);

- anthropocene & anthroposea, anthropology of nature, human-nonhuman relations, multispecies ethnography, ethnography beyond the human, indigenous science, queer ecology, climate change, pollution and extinction; wetlands and coastal areas, marine ecology, anthropology of soil and sediment.

- material culture, memorialisation, trauma, death & dying; forensic anthropology; recontruction, dissonant heritage, objects and things, museum studies, design and architecture, art and activism.

Prospective studies should contact me by email with a summary of the research project and a first bibliography.

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