Current Research Projects
(2018-2021) ‘Ecologies of Remembrance: The Moral Afterlives of Unidentified Migrant Death Along the Central Mediterranean Migration Route’ - Wenner-Gren Foundation Post-PhD Research Grant ($20,000), co-PI with M. Brightman (Unibo) & N. Ben-Yehoyada (Columbia University).
(2015-2021) ‘Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries – EU BORDER CARE’, 5-year project funded by an ERC Starting Grant (€1,500,000)
Previous Employment
(2015-20) Part-time Professor, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute.
(2012-15) Wellcome Trust Research Fellow, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford University.
(2008-15) Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford University.
(2008-12) British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University.
(2007-08) Ville de Paris Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Collège de France - EHESS, Paris.
(2007) Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Maternal Health Group, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit, Epidemiology and Population Health Department.
Education & Qualifications
(2003- 2007) PhD Social Anthropology, Trinity College and Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge. First Pass Without Corrections. 19/01/2007. (Title of PhD: Nurturing the Other: Wellbeing, Social Body and Transformability in Northeastern Amazonia. Supervisor: Stephen Hugh-Jones).
Studentships and Awards: ESRC 1+3 ‘fees only’; Gates Cambridge Trust Scholarship; Smuts Memorial Fund; Crowther-Beynon Fund; Trinity College Rouse Ball/Eddington Fund; Ling Roth Fund.
(2002-03) MPhil Social Anthropological Research, Trinity College and Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge.
Studentships and awards: ESRC 1+3 ‘fees only’; Trinity College Pre-Studentship for Linguistic Study; Trinity College Rouse Ball/Eddington Fund; Ling Roth Fund.
(2000-01) MSc Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Wolfson College and Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford. Awarded ‘Distinction’.
(1998- 99) Maitrise History & Anthropology, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Awarded ‘Mention Très Bien’.
Italian (mother tongue); French (mother tongue); English (bilingual); Portuguese (good); Spanish (good); German (intermediate); Tarëno (Carib language, intermediate); Dutch (basic); Sranan Tongo (basic).
Fellowships & Awards
Wenner-Gren Foundation, ERCcOMICS Competition for EU Border Care, European Research Council Starting Grant, Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship at Oxford University, John Fell OUP Small Research Grant, Oxford University, Wolfson College Oxford Research Fellowship, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at Oxford University, Musée du Quai Branly Paris Research Fund, Ville de Paris Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Collège de France-EHESS, Paris, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge Conference Funding, Trinity College Research Fund Conference Funding, Ling Roth Fund Museum Grant to purchase ethnographic collection in South America for the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Fieldwork Funding, Smuts Memorial Fund & Smuts Audio-Visual Research Fund for fieldwork and audio-visual equipment, Gates Cambridge Trust 3-year Scholarship, Trinity College Travel Fund for 1-month Pilot Study Trip in South America, Trinity College Pre-Research Studentship for Linguistic Study, UK Economic and Social Research Council ‘Fees-Only’ 1+3 Scholarship with Special 1-year extension for rare language learning (i.e.: to learn Tarëno, a little-documented Carib language spoken by c. 2,500 people).
Field Experience & Field Research Management
(2018-) Italy & Albania, new field research on forensic science, forensic oceanography, unidentified death and migrant burials in Italy.
(2015-) Field research supervision & management of team conducting long-term data collection in Greece, Italy, France (including Overseas France: French Guiana & Mayotte) and Spain.
(2015-) Italy, 10 months field research in Sicily (& Italy) among local and migrant populations, biomedical and rescue officials, and cultural regeneration and integration stakeholders in Italy.
(2007-) French Guiana and Metropolitan France, 2 months field research among biomedical practitioners, policy makers and stakeholders in ministerial offices and hospital environments.
(2002-) Suriname, French Guiana and Guyana, 21 months field research among Central Carib populations in remote rural and urban settings.
(2007) Burkina Faso, 1-month interdisciplinary field research as part of a collaborative public health project on maternal and neonatal health (FP7 AuDoBem, LSHTM).
(2002) Guyana, 1-month field research among Central Carib populations of southern Guyana.
Professional Memberships & Scientific Merit
(from Sept. 2019) Core Member of the Medical Humanities Interview Committee, Wellcome Trust ( ).
(since 2018) Member of the Jury and Interview Panel of the Eugène Fleischman Fellowship for PhD and Postdoctoral Researchers, Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative, Université de Paris X Nanterre
( ).
(since 2018) Expert Reviewer and Interview Committee Member, RSCAS, European University Institute (IT).
(since 2018) Expert Reviewer for the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Turku (FI).
(since 2018) Member of the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation (ATGender).
(since 2018) Advisory Board Member for the ANR (French National Research Agency)-funded project ‘Discretionary Power at the Border: Socio-legal Controversies Surrounding Migrants’ Rights’ led by Dr. A.-L. Lendaro (CNRS, France).
(2018) External Reviewer TIAS Researcher Call 2018, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Turku.
(2018) External Reviewer for SPIN Funding Call 2018, University of Ca' Foscari, Venice.
(since 2017) Member of IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe).
(since 2017) Expert Reviewer for the European Research Council (ERC).
(2016-) Expert Reviewer and Interview Committee Member for the Wellcome Trust (UK).
(2013) Visiting Fellow, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
(2012-2015) Research Associate, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University.
(since 2010) Professional Member of the American Anthropological Association.
(2010) Visiting Fellow, Museu Nacional, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
(since 2008) Professional Member of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
(2007-08) Associate Member, Équipe de Recherche en Ethnologie Amérindienne (CNRS), Paris, France.
Peer Reviewer for Social Science and Humanities journals and publishers in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese such as (not exhaustive): American Journal of Sociology, Anthropology & Medicine, Berghahn, BMC Health Services Research, BRILL, Bulletin of Latin American Research, European Journal of Women’s Studies, Hunter-Gatherer Research, Journal de la Société des Américanistes, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Social Science and Medicine, Regions and Cohesion, Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America.