vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
(forthcoming) Living with the Enemy: First Contacts and the Making of Christian Bodies in Amazonia. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
(in press, out 2020) Brightman, M. & V. Grotti (eds.) Mediterranean Migrant Hospitalities: Encounters with Alterity in Birth and Death. Palgrave Pivot Series.
(2016) Ownership and Nurture: Studies in Native Amazonian Property Relations. Co-editor with M. Brightman & C. Fausto. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
(2012) Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals and Non-humans in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. Co-editor with M. Brightman & O. Ulturgasheva. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
Journal Special Edition
(2007) Rethinking the ‘Frontier’ in Amazonia and Siberia: Extractive Economies, Indigenous Politics and Social Transformations. Co-editor with M. Brightman & O. Ulturgasheva. Special edition of Cambridge Anthropology 26(2).
Journal Articles
(under review) Grotti, V. & M. Brightman. ‘Strange Patience: Kinship, Death and the Regeneration of Life in the Central Mediterranean’. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
(under review) ‘The Making of Christian Bodies: Kinship and Pacification in Daily Village Life’. Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social.
(2020) Grotti, V. & C. Quagliariello. 'Birthing Alone: Pregnancy and Maternity Care in the Shadow of COVID-19 in Italy'. Medical Anthropology Quarterly
(2020) Grotti, V. & C. Quagliariello. 'Partorire da Sole'. InGenere
(2019) Grotti, V. & M. Brightman. ‘Accueillir les morts: Pratiques d’identification et d’inhumation des corps de migrants en Italie’, L’Homme Vol. 231-232.
(2019) ‘Temporalities of Emergency: Migrant Pregnancy and Healthcare Networks in Southern European Borderlands’, co-authored with C.Malakasis, C. Quagliariello & N. Sahraoui, Social Science and Medicine 222: 11-19. .
(2018) ‘Shifting Vulnerabilities: Gender and Reproductive Care on the Migrant Trail to Europe’, co-authored with C.Malakasis, C. Quagliariello & N. Sahraoui, Comparative Migration Studies 6 (23),
(2017) ‘(Dez)fazendo Vidas Na Fronteira’, Revista DR,
(2016) ‘Narrating the Invisible: Autobiography, Kinship and Alterity in Native Amazonia’, co-authored with M. Brightman. Social Analysis, Special issue edited by K. Swancutt & M. Mazard.
(2014) 'Human (In)Security on an Amazonian Frontier: Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, and Socialities of Securitisation in a 'Stateless' Zone’, co-authored with M. Brightman. Regions and Cohesion 4(3).
(2013) ‘The Wealth of the Body: Trade Relations, Objects and Personhood in Northeastern Amazonia’. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 18(1).
(2012) ‘Happy with the Enemy: Kinship, Pacification and Corporeal Transformations in Trio Beer Feasts, Northeastern Amazonia’. Anthropology and Humanism 37(2).
(2010) ‘Nurturing the Other: Contact Expeditions and Inter-ethnic Relations in Northeastern Amazonia’, OSO, Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek en het Caraïbisch Gebied 29(2).
(2010) ‘The Other’s Other: Nurturing the Bodies of ‘Wild’ People Among the Trio of Southern Suriname’, co-authored with M. Brightman, Etnofoor 22(2).
(2010) ‘‘Personhood’ and ‘Frontier’ in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia’, co-authored with M. Brightman & O. Ulturgasheva. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 2.
(2009) ‘Un Corps en Mouvement: Parenté, ‘Diffusion de l’Influence’ et Transformations Corporelles dans les Fêtes de Bière Tirio, Amazonie du Nord-est’, Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris 91(1).
(2007) ‘Introduction: The Frontier in Amazonia and Siberia: Extractive economies, Indigenous Politics and Social Transformations’, co-authored with M. Brightman & O. Ulturgasheva. Cambridge Anthropology 26(2).
(2006) ‘Social Bodies, Other Bodies: Distributed Personhood and Diffusion of Influence in the Guianas’, in Boletim Anual do GERI 10 (Universidade de Brasilia).
Book Chapters
(in press, out 2020) Grotti, V. & M. Brightman. ‘Introduction: Mediterranean Migrant Hospitalities’, in Grotti, V. and M. Brightman (eds.) Mediterranean Migrant Hospitalities: Encounters with Alterity in Birth and Death. Palgrave Pivot Series.
(in press, out 2020) Grotti, V. & M. Brightman. ‘Hosting the Dead: Forensics, Ritual and the Memorialisation of Migrant Human Remains in Italy’, in Grotti, V. and M. Brightman (eds.) Mediterranean Migrant Hospitalities: Encounters with Alterity in Birth and Death. Palgrave Pivot Series.
(2019) ‘Comparison and Difference: Kinship, Nurture and Personhood in Amazonia and the Mediterranean’, co-authored with M. Brightman, in G. Cometti, P. Le Roux, T. Manicone et N. Martin (eds) Au seuil de la forêt: Hommage à Philippe Descola, l’anthropologue de la nature. Mirebeau-sur-Bèze: Tautem Éditions, pp. 379-390.
(2019) ‘The Ethics of Anthropology’, co-authored with M. Brightman, in R. Iphofen (ed.) The Springer Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. NY: Springer.
(2017) ‘Pregnant Crossings: A Political Economy of Care on Europe’s External Borders’, co-authored with C.Malakasis, C. Quagliariello, N. Sahraoui & D. Vargas, in Shekhawat, S & E. Del Re (eds) Women and Borders: Refugees, Migrants and Communities. London: I.B. Tauris.
(2017) ‘Citizenship on Europe’s Ultra-Periphery: Childbirth, Universalism and National Integrity in French Guiana’, in Decimo, A. and A. Gribaldo (eds) Boundaries Within: Migration, Nation and Identity Among Migrants and Minorities, IMISCOE Research Series, New York: Springer.
(2016) ‘Indigenous Networks and Evangelical Frontiers: Problems with Governance and Problems with Ethics in Cases of ‘Voluntary Isolation’ in Contemporary Amazonia’, in Pyhälä, A. and V. Reyes-García (eds) Hunter-Gatherers in a Changing World. New York: Springer. Co-authored with M. Brightman.
(2016) ‘Introduction: Altering Ownership in Amazonia’, co-authored with M. Brightman & C. Fausto, in M. Brightman, C. Fausto & V. Grotti (eds) Ownership and Nurture: Studies in Native Amazonian Property Relations. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
(2016) ‘First Contacts, Slavery and Kinship in Native Amazonia’, co-authored with M. Brightman, (eds) Ownership and Nurture: Studies in Native Amazonian Property Relations. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
(2013) ‘Christian Bodies, Other Bodies: Processes of Conversion and Transformation in Northeastern Amazonia’, in S. Botta (ed.) Manufacturing Otherness: Missions and Indigenous Cultures in Latin America, Newcastle upon Thyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
(2012) ‘Introduction: Animism and Invisible Worlds: The Place of Non-humans in Indigenous Ontologies’, co-authored with M. Brightman & O. Ulturgasheva, in M. Brightman, V. Grotti & O. Ulturgasheva (eds) Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals and Non-humans in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
(2012) ‘Humanity, Personhood and Transformability in Northern Amazonia’, co-authored with M. Brightman, in M. Brightman, V. Grotti & O. Ulturgasheva (eds) Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals and Non-humans in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
(2012) ‘Umanità e Trasformabilità nell’Amazzonia Settentrionale’, in Bollettin, P. (ed.) Etnografie Amazzoniche. Padova: CLEUP.
(2011) ‘Like Scars on the Body’s Skin: The Display of Ancient Things in Trio Houses, Northeastern Amazonia’, in P. Fortis & I. Praet (eds) Exploring the Dangers and Virtues of Ancient Things. Special issue of the Journal of the Centre for Amerindian, Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
(2009) ‘Protestant Evangelism and the Transformability of Amerindian Bodies in Northern Amazonia’, in A. Vilaça & R. Wright (eds) Native Christians: Modes and Effects of Christianity Among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. London: Ashgate.
Publications for Public Dissemination :
(In press, out 2020) ‘Préface : D’Expecting à Je suis chez toi’, co-authored with C. Malakasis, in S. Martin. Je suis chez toi (graphic novel), Paris : Casterman.
Features in News Outlets
(2017-2018) ‘Enceintes Aux Portes de l’Europe’, Profession Sage-Femme N. 241, pp. 40-42.
(2017) ‘The Invisible Women of Europe’s Migration Crisis’, Horizon 2020 Magazine,
(2016) ‘Migrant Maternity-Vanessa Grotti’, EUI Times,
Blog Posts
(2018) ‘Risk and Hardship on the Way to Europe: What Makes Women Migrants Vulnerable in EU Borderlands?’, co-authored with C. Malakasis & N. Sahraoui,
(2018) ‘Vanessa Grotti: What Happens to Migrant Women if they Are Pregnant?’,
(2017) ‘Vanessa Grotti: ‘In Borderlands, Invisibility Equates to Safety’’, Interview, Materobservatori.
(2017) ‘Giving Birth at Europe’s Door: (Un)Making Precarious Lives in the Mediterranean’, Anthropology News, Society for the Anthropology of Europe ( ).
(2015) ‘Taking Time in the Midst of a Crisis: Prior Informed Consent, Sociability and Vulnerability in Ethnographic Research’, AHRECS. ( )
Book Reviews
(2019) ‘Review of The Anthropology of Marriage in Lowland South America: Bending and Breaking the Rules, edited by P. Valentine, S. Beckerman & C. Alès, University of Florida Press’, Journal of Latin American Studies.
(2018) ‘Review of Cosminsky, Sheila (2016) Midwifes and Mothers: The Medicalization of Childbirth on a Guatemalan Plantation. University of Texas (Austin), Bulletin of Latin American Research.
(2015) ‘Review of Boehm, Deborah (2012) Intimate Migrations: Gender, Family, and Illegality Among Transnational Mexicans. New York University Press (New York)’, Border Criminologies Oxford.
(2012) ‘Review of Vilaça, Aparecida (2010) Strange Enemies: Indigenous Agency and Scenes of Encounters in Amazonia. Duke University Press (Durham and London)’, Bulletin of Latin American Research 31(4).