Foto del docente

Vanessa Grotti

Associate Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Short Bio

I am a social and medical anthropologist, Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Dep. of Cultural Heritage (Unibo). I have published on medicine & colonialism, human-nonhuman relations, kinship & gender, personhood, animism & material culture, and migration. My research centres around kinship & reproduction, with a particular focus on relations and encounters of care, within medical institutions and beyond. I have studied these processes in Amazonia, by documenting first contacts and medical missions in Suriname. I have also studied relations of care in hospitals & NGO clinics in the Mediterranean & Overseas France. I was PI of an ERC-funded project, EU Border Care (2015-21), which examined migration, maternity care & reproductive health in EU borderlands. I was co-investigator on a project which studied migrant death, mourning & memorialisation in the Mediterranean & Adriatic, funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (2018-21). My new research project examines human-nonhuman cohabitation and reproduction in the increasingly feral coastal landscape of the Po Delta (Adriatic).

EU Border Care Project

Webcomic 'Expecting'

Graphic Novel 'Chez toi'


Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Beni Culturali
Via degli Ariani 1, Ravenna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

From mid-September 2023 onwards: due to high volume of students, meetings need to be organised in advance via email. If enquiring about thesis supervision, please only contact me if you have a title, abstract and draft bibliography. I do not propose topics myself, I only supervise anthropology dissertations, and students need to demonstrate autonomy and creativity. I only accept students who have followed my courses and/or have prior training in anthropology. Please see Research Themes Section for further information on research supervisions.

Da metà settembre 2023 in poi: gli studenti devono inviare mail con breve spiegazione del motivo per richiesta ricevimento e per concordare eventuale incontro. Per richiesta tesi in antropologia inviare documento con proposta di ricerca, titolo e prima bozza di bibliografia. Accetto solo studenti che hanno seguito il mio corso in presenza.