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Vando Borghi

Full Professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: GSPS-08/A Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes


Keywords: capability labour emancipation public sphere critique knowlege city culture

His main research interests – pursued into different empirical fields such as labour and work, unemployment and vulnerability, active policies, urban cultural policies, metamorphoses of public realm, critique and social emancipation – can be summarized in terms of a general interest for the “social bases of democracy”.

These specific research interests interwoven with broader interests in social theory. These interests concern the "regimes of justification" in the contemporary welfare capitalism, the concept of capacity (and of “capacity to aspire”), the related concept of “informational basis of judgment” (its relevance in the field of labour issues, but not only) and the relationship between sociology and critique in the context of the new spirit of capitalism.

Currently he is involved in the international project GRETA - Green Energy Transition Actions (see here and here) and coordinates the research team of the University of Bologna for the project PRELOC - Building local preparedness to global crises.

  • transformations of work and transformations of the city
  • "socio-reproductive contradiction" of capitalism
  • infrastructures' capitalism and forms of life
  • socioeconomic changes and social emancipation
  • social and political representation of labor
  • anthropocene and capitalism
  • infrastructures of experience and infrastructures of capitalism
  • city, culture and politicies
  • capacity, capacity to aspire and institutions