Foto del docente

Valerio Melandri

Ricercatore confermato

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-06/A Economia aziendale

Curriculum vitae

Valerio Melandri

Home address: Via Biagio Bernardi 8/a, 47121 Forlì, Italy

e-mail: [] ; skype: liverani29

Web: ; ; ;


University Education


Certificate in Fundraising Management, Center on Philanthropy of the University of Indiana, Indianapolis


Master in Nonprofit Management, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University. Thesis: An Analysis Of The Characteristics Of The Third Sector In The United States: Establishing A Basis For Comparison with The Italian Sector (supervisors prof. Roy Sparrow e prof. Leanna Stiefel).


Master in Research Methods, University of Turin

School of Research Methods. Pinerolo Campus. Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (A.I.D.E.A.) (Italian Academy of Management).


Laurea (Magna cum Laude) in Business Management, University of Bologna

School of Economics, Management and Statistics, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Professional experience

2008 to present

Founder, Chairman and President of the Italian Fundraising Conference (Festival del Fundraising), Forli

Planning and realization of the first 10 editions of the Italian Fundraising Conference. With more than 900 delegates, it is the 4th biggest conference on fundraising in the world.

2005 to present

Founder and scientific director of [], the most visited Italian web-site on fundraising.

2004 to present

Scientific Director. Maggioli-Philanthropy Fundraising Book Series

The Italian series dedicated to Fundraising, has already published 11 books on various themes (Major Donors, Legacy, Digital Fundraising, Emotionraising, etc.). Headquartered at the School of Economics, Management and Statistics, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna,

2000 to present

Founder and President of the Study Centre for Philanthropy, Forlì

President and Senior Consultant on fundraising, corporate social responsibility, ethics, business strategy, organization and nonprofit management. Headquartered at the School of Economics, Management and Statistics, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

2012 – 2000

Member of the Editorial Board of the Magazine Terzo Settore. Il Sole24Ore, Milan.

The most important magazine about nonprofit in Italy.


Careers Service, University of Bologna

Senior Consultant on nonprofit careers. The Careers Service is the career orientation center of the University of Bologna.

1996 - 1994

Visiting Scholar, Robert F. Wagner School for Public Service, New York University, New York

Assistant to prof. Roy Sparrow and prof. David E. Mason (with whom I wrote and published my first book: Mason, Melandri, Il Management Nonprofit, Maggioli, 1999). I also researched nonprofit management, and coordinated the Program for Italian Managers, a training class in New York for Italian nonprofit executives.

1994 - 1993

Confcommercio, Cedascom s.r.l., Bologna

Coordinated and developed strategic and business consulting activities. Redesigned organizational and management processes, redefined business areas, developing a more marketing oriented image and more strategic corporate communications.

1993 - 1991

Sileo & Associati, Bologna[GC1] [#_msocom_1]

Junior Analyst

Academic Experience in the USA

2012 to present

Visiting Professor in Fundraising, Columbia University, SIPA - School of International and Public Affairs.


Visiting Scholar in Management of Nonprofit Organization, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University, New York, NY.

Academic Experience in Italy

2003 to present

Founder, Director and Professor of the Masters in Fund Raising for the Nonprofit Sector (16 editions), School of Economics, Management and Statistics, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

2002 to present

Professor in the Nonprofit Management Sector. School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

2014 – 2007

Elected academic councillor for the administrative board for the Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

2007 – 2003

President of the Internships and Training Commission. School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

2007 – 2003

Member of the Didactic Committee. School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

2006 – 1996

Supervisor of the Careers Service. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

1990 – 1986

Students’ Representative at the Board of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics of Bologna. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Teaching Courses in the USA

2013/2014/2015/2016/2017 “Principles & Techniques in Fundraising” (INAF U6907). Columbia University, SIPA - School of International and Public Affairs.

2016 “Factors Critical to Success in Fundraising Development: The European Model”. (FUNDK4420) Columbia University, School of Continuing Education (now SPS - School of Professional Studies).

Teaching Courses in Italy (previous 10 Years)

Principles and Techniques of Fundraising. School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Video-Professor at the course in Fund Raising at the ‘Consorzio Universitario Nettuno-network per l’università ovunque’, (recorded video lectures for a duration of 10 hours). The lessons were broadcasted on Italian public television (Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana).

Management of Social Enterprises. Master's Degree in Social Entrepreneurship and local E-Governance. Faculty of Political Science, University of Pisa.

Management of Nonprofit Organization, online degree in Economics at the School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Economic-Business Profile, part of the degree in Economics and Commerce. School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Strategy of Fundraising and Peopleraising. Degree Programme in Economics of Co-operative Companies and Non-profit Organisations. School of Economics, Management and Statistics. Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Business Strategy and Ethics. Masters degree for Business Lawyers, Scuola Superiore SPISA. Faculty of Law, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.

Business Economics. Masters in Management of Not for Profit Organizzations at the School of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Turin.

Conflict Management, Masters in Management of Non-profit Organizations. School of Economics, Management and Statistics , Bocconi University, Milan.

Scientific Research (previous 10 years)

(2016) Holder of oriented fundamental research (financed by the MIUR Minister of the University) Research title: L’analisi delle erogazioni delle Fondazioni di Origine bancarie: il caso Cariplo e le Fondazioni di Comunità. The research aimed to produce the start-up of the fundraising offices in 7 Community Foundations of the Cariplo system.

(2014) Holder of oriented fundamental research (financed by the MIUR Minister of the University) Research title: Il sistema di certificazione CRFE- Certified Fundraising Executive. The research had as result the publication of La misurazione e la valutazioni dei costi di fundraising, Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì, 2014

(2012) Holder of oriented fundamental research (financed by the MIUR Minister of the University) Research title: Accountability, governance e collaborazione nelle aziende nonprofit. The research had as result the publication of Il Futuro del non profit: accountability, governance, collaborazione, Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì, 2012.

(2010) Holder of oriented fundamental research (financed by the MIUR Minister of the University) Research title: Accountability e aziende nonprofit. (Accountability and non-profit enterprises) The research had as result the publication of Accountability e aziende nonprofit”, Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2010.

(2008) Holder of oriented fundamental research (financed by the MIUR Minister of the University) Research title: Accountability, governance e collaborazione nelle aziende nonprofit. (Accountability, governance and cooperation in non-profit companies.)

(2007) Winner of the Research program Leonardo da Vinci, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna at cooperative enterprise in Brussels. Supervisor prf. Miretta Giacometti, Industrial Liaison Office “UETP Alma Mater”, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna, School of Economics, Management and Statistics.

(2006) Holder of oriented fundamental research (financed by the MIUR Minister of the University) Research title: Professionisti della raccolta fondi: i fundraiser al lavoro. (Fund raising experts: fundraisers at work.) The research had as result the publication of Fundraiser: professionista o missionario? Storia e futuro di una figura chiave del non profit (con Giorgio Vittadini), Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2006. (2006) Research activity for Philanthropy Centro Studi on “I bisogni formativi delle aziende nonprofit” (Educational needs of non-profit companies) Research responsible. Some International Presentations (previous 10 years)

Nairobi, December 2018. Speaker at CUEA - Catholic University of East Africa, Master Class: Advanced class in Fundraising.

Amsterdam, October 2017. Speaker at the International Fundraising Conference, Master Class: A deep dive into donor-centered major gift fundraising.

Nairobi, April 2017. Speaker at CUEA - Catholic University of East Africa: Principle and Techniques of Fundraising.

Boston, January 2017. Speaker at Tuft University School Fundraising Conference: the European experience.

Amsterdam, October 2016. Speaker at the International Fundraising Conference, Master Class: A deep dive into donor-centered major gift fundraising.

Boston, March 2016. Speaker at the International Fundraising Conference Association Fundraising Professional with the report Ethics and Fundraising: establish an international comparison”.

Baltimore, March 2015. Co-speaker (with Andrew Watt) at the International Fundraising Conference, with the report: Accountability and Fundraising: establish an international comparison.

Amsterdam, October 2015. Speaker at the International Fundraising Conference. Master Class: A deep dive into donor-centered major gift fundraising.

Guadalajara, September 2014. Plenary session speaker at the International Association of Christian Broadcasting Conference with a talk on Principles and Techniques of Fundraising.

Guatemala City, June 2014. Plenary session speaker at the International Association of Christian Broadcasting Conference with a talk on Principles and Techniques of Fundraising.

Santiago del Chile, May 2014. Plenary session speaker at the International Association of Christian Broadcasting Conference with a talk on Principles and Techniques of Fundraising.

Warsaw, October 2012. Plenary session speaker at the National Polish Conference of Fundraising (Polskie Stowarrzyszenie Fundraisingu) with a talk on Freedom of Fundraising: The Overhead Myth.

Barcelona, June 2012. Plenary session speaker at the Asociacion Espanola de Fundraising National Conference with a talk on: Freedom of Fundraising: The Overhead Myth.

Toronto, November 2011. Speaker at the Conference AFP Association of Fundraising Professional Toronto Greater Area, with a talk on: Is The Pyramid dead?.

Paris, November 2010. Speaker at the Association Francaise des Fundraisers National Conference with a paper on Freedom of Fundraising: the Overhead Myth.

Amsterdam, October 2010. Speaker at the International Fundraising Conference with paper on: A deep dive into donor-centered Major gift fundraising.

Lisbon, March 2010. Speaker at the Portuguese Fundraising Conference, New University of Lisbon, with the Report Fundraising and friendraising.

Toronto, November 2010. Speaker at the AFP Conference, Association of Fundraising Professionals. Toronto Greater Area, with a paper on: Is The Pyramid dead?.

Lisbon, January 2008. Speaker at the Portuguese Fundraising conference. School of Economics, Management and Statistics, New University of Lisbon, with a paper on: Strategies of fundraising.

Lisbon, June 2008. Speaker at “The nonprofit European panorama: a review”, School of Economics, Management and Statistics, Catholic University of Lisbon, with a paper on “The future of fundraising in Italy”.

Berlin, May 2008. Speaker at the 50° Annual General Meeting of ICFO, (International Committee on Fundraising Organizations), Berlin Chamber of Commerce, with a paper on “Charities, Social Cohesion and Public Opinion”.

Indianapolis, October-November 2007. Period abroad, to attend conferences and carry out research activities in collaboration with the Center on Philanthropy of the University of Indiana, Indianapolis.

Speaker and researcher on the themes of: Principles and Techniques of Fundraising, Interpersonal communication skills, developing annual sustainability, developing major gift, Managing the capital campaign, Purposeful board, Powerful fundraising, Preparing successful grant proposal.

London, June 2007. Speaker at the Conference Institute of Fundraising Conference: “Certificate Fundraising Executive: why do we need an European Authority”, with the report “Voluntary certification: the preferred alternative to government control”.

Bratislava, April 2007. Speaker at the “IFRC - International Fundraising Congress”, University of Bratislava, with the paper: Engaging donor trust.


Melandri V. (2018), Melandri Fundraising. Princípia Editora, Lisbon (Portuguese Edition of Melandri V. (2017), Fundraising Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini) (in print).

Melandri V. (2018), Melandri Fundraising. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra Pamplona (Spanish Edition of Melandri V. (2017), Fundraising Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini) (in print).

Melandri V. (2017), Melandri Fundraising. Creating Stronger Donor Relationships to Sustain your Nonprofit for The Really Long Haul, Civil Sector Press, Toronto. (English Edition of Melandri V. (2017), Fundraising. Il manuale più completo per fare raccolta fondi, Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini.

Melandri V. (2017), Fundraising. The Most Comprehensive Manual for Fundraising (Fundraising. Il manuale più completo per fare raccolta fondi), Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini.

Melandri V. (2017), Governance in Continental Europe in Cagney P. (ed.) (2017), Global Practices or CSO, NGO, and other Nonprofit Boards. Lesson from Around the World, Wiley, San Francisco.

Warwick M., Overman E., Melandri V. (2015), Direct Mail. How to Write Successful Letters (Direct mail. Come scrivere lettere di successo), Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini.

Melandri V. (2014), Telemarketing for Fundraising (Telemarketing per il fundraising), Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini.

Melandri V. (2012), Fundraising Manual. Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations and Public Bodies (Manuale di fundraising. Fare raccolta fondi nelle organizzazioni nonprofit e negli enti pubblici), Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini.

Melandri V., Mallabone G., Balmer K. (2012), Reaching Excellence in Fundraising. Audit as a Tool to Improve Fundraising (Raggiungere l’eccellenza nel fundraising. L’audit come strumento per migliorare la raccolta fondi), Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini

Melandri V. (2012), Volunteer Research Manual. People Serving a Good Cause (Manuale per la ricerca dei volontari. Persone al servizio di una buona causa), Collana Philanthropy-Maggioli, Rimini.

Melandri V. (2012), Freedom of Fundraising (Libertà di Fundraising), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V (2012), Freedom of Fundraising, Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì (English Edition of Libertà di Fundraising, Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì).

Melandri V. (2010), Time Donators: Manual for Collecting Volunteers (Donatori di tempo: manuale per la raccolta di volontari), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V. (2010), Principles and Techniques of Fundraising (Principi e tecniche di fundraising), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V. (2009), Measure and Evaluate Fundraising Costs (Misurare e valutare i costi di fundraising), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V., Farolfi B. (eds.) (2008), Fund Raising in Italy: History and Prospects (Il fund raising in Italia: storia e prospettive), Il Mulino, Bologna.

Melandri V. (2008), The Future of Nonprofit: Accountability, Governance and Collaboration (Il futuro del nonprofit: accountability, governance e collaborazione), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V. (2007), Promote a Foundation for Fundraising (Promuovere una fondazione dedicata alla raccolta fondi), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V. (2007), Develop the Case for Fundraising (Sviluppare il caso per la raccolta fondi), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V. (2007), Ask for and get Great Donations (Chiedere e ottenere grandi donazioni), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V. (2007), The Capital Collection Campaign (La campagna di raccolta capitali), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V., Chionetti G. (2007), Social Telemarketing (Telemarketing sociale), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V., Solfrini G. (2007), Find Work in the Nonprofit (Trovare lavoro nel nonprofit), Philanthropy Edizioni, Forlì.

Melandri V., Calderaio P., Noto M., Solfrini G. (2005), Work Destination: A new Employability Model (Destinazione Lavoro: un nuovo modello per l’occupabilità), Guerini e Associati, Milano.

Melandri V. (2005), Accountability in Nonprofits: Information Tools and Systems for the Third Sector (L’accountability nelle aziende nonprofit: strumenti informativi e sistemi per il terzo settore), Guerini e Associati, Milano.

Rosso H., Tempel E., Melandri V. (2004), The Book of Fund Raising: Ethics Strategy and Fundraising Tools (Il libro del Fund Raising: etica strategia e strumenti della raccolta fondi), Etas Rizzoli, Milano. (Italian edition of the book Rosso H., Tempel E. (2003), Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, Jossey Bass, Hoboken, New Jersey).

Melandri V., Vittadini G. (2004), Fundraiser: Professional or Missionary? History and Future of a Key Nonprofit Figure (Fundraiser: professionista o missionario? Storia e futuro di una figura chiave del non profit), Guerini e Associati, Milano.

Melandri V. (2004), Materials for a Fund Raising Course (Materiali per un corso di Fund Raising), Dupress Edizioni, Bologna.

Melandri V., Masacci A. (2004), Fund Raising for Non Profit Organisation (Fund Raising per le organizzazioni nonprofit), (2nd. Ed.) Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano.

Melandri V., Solfrini G. (2004), Orientation and Self-Marketing (Orientamento e self-marketing), Dupress Edizioni, Bologna.

Ellis S., Melandri V. (2003), People Raising, Volunteer Search Manual (People raising, manuale di ricerca volontari), Carocci Editore, Roma. (Published in English in 2002 with the title Volunteer Recruitment and Membership Development Book, Energize Book, San Francisco).

Melandri V., Solfrini G. (2003), Understand Work, Invent Work, Thrive with Work (Capire il lavoro, inventare il lavoro, prosperare con il lavoro), (2nd. Ed.) Dupress Edizioni, Bologna.

Melandri V., Sapignoli R., Zanelli E. (2003), Fundraising Trip: Success Stories in Fundraising in Italy (Viaggio nel fund raising: casi di successo nella raccolta fondi in Italia), Monti Editore, Saronno.

Melandri V. (2001), Nonprofit and Cooperation in the Library (Non profit e cooperazione in biblioteca), Centro di Documentazione Internazionale A.I.C.CO.N., Forlì.

Melandri V. (2001), The Criteria for the Distribution of Banking Foundations (I criteri di erogazione delle fondazioni di origine bancaria), Quaderni della SPISA, Bologna.

Melandri V., Masacci A. (2000), Fund Raising for Non Profit Organisation (Fund Raising per le organizzazioni non profit), Il Sole 24Ore, Milano.

Melandri, V., Orioli F. (2000), Freeing up Work: Managing Human Resources In Non-Profit Organizations (Liberare il lavoro: la gestione delle risorse umane nelle organizzazioni non profit), Monti, Milano.

Mason E. D., Melandri V. (1999), Management for Non Profit Organisation (Il management delle organizzazioni non profit), Maggioli Editore, Rimini.

Melandri V. (1999), Manage an Association (Gestire un’associazione), Fenacom, Roma.

Melandri V. (1998), Business Paradoxes: New Ideas from the Non-Profit World (Paradossi aziendali: nuove idee dal mondo non profit), Monti, Saronno.

Melandri V. (1997), Understand Work, Invent Work, Thrive with Work (Capire il lavoro, inventare il lavoro, prosperare con il lavoro), Edizioni Nautilus, Bologna.

Melandri V. (1997), What is a Career Service (Che cos’è un Careers Service), Università di Bologna, Fondazione Ceur, Bologna.

Melandri V. (1996), Brooklyn-Manhattan Back and Forth (Brooklyn-Manhattan andata e ritorno), Il Ponte Vecchio, Cesena.


Melandri V. (2017), Direct Response Television Advertising: a Case of Success (Direct Response Television Advertising: un caso di successo), Enti Non-Profit, p. 30.

Melandri V. (2017), Develop the “Case” for Fundraising (Elaborare il “caso” per la raccolta fondi), Enti Non-Profit, n. 4 April, pp. 29-33.

Melandri V. (2017), The Australian “Face to Face” Hybrid Model: Opportunities and Challenges in Italy (Il modelloibrido di “face to face” australiano: opportunità e sfide in Italia), Enti Non Profit, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 21–25.

Melandri V. (2017), The Business Logic of “Web 2.0” at the Service of the Good Cause (La logica aziendale del “Web 2.0” al servizio della buona causa), Enti Non Profit, n. 2 February, pp. 42-46.

Melandri V. (2017), Measure the Success of Fundraising Campaigns (Misurare il successo delle campagne di raccolta fondi), Enti Non Profit, n. 5 May, pp. 19-23.

Melandri V. (2016), How to Maximize Fundraising Results with New Tools and some Advice (Come massimizzare i risultati di fundraising con nuovi strumenti e qualche consiglio), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 10 October, pp. 42-46.

Melandri V. (2016), How to Make Tempting the Donation (Come rendere invitante la donazione), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 5 May, pp. 39-43.

Melandri V., Spinsanti D. (2011), The Will and Bequest: the Case of Lega del Filo d’Oro (I lasciti e i testamenti: il caso Lega del Filo d'Oro), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 38-42.

Melandri V. (2016), Individual Giving Model (Il Modello di donazione individuale), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July/August, pp. 38-43.

Melandri V. (2016), The Non-Profit Sector: Limits and Potential (Il settore non profit: limiti e potenzialità), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 11/12 November/Dicember, pp. 40-44.

Melandri V. (2016), The Need for Voluntary Fundraiser Certification: the Cfre Case (La necessità di una certificazione volontaria dei fundraiser: il caso Cfre), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 54-58.

Melandri V. (2016), Measure the Costs of Fundraising (Misurare i costi del fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 55-60.

Melandri V. (2016), Measure the Costs of Fundraising: The Direct Mail (Misurare i costi del fundraising: il direct mail), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 41-44.

Melandri V., Ghione A. (2016), Politics and the Web: Three Scenarios of Analysis (Politica e web: tre filoni di analisi), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 6 June, pp. 37-41.

Melandri V. (2015), How to find great donors and keep them (Come trovare i grandi donatori e mantenerli), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 51-55.

Melandri V. (2015), Do Fundraising: a Winning Mix of Strategy and Fieldwork (Fare fundraising: un mix vincente di strategia e lavoro sul campo), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 45-49.

Melandri V. (2015), Ghione A., Fundraiser: Analysis of the Italian Context (I fundraiser: analisi del contesto italiano), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 51-54.

Melandri V. (2015), Database for Fundraising (Il database per il fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 11 November, pp. 45-49.

Melandri V. (2015), Fundraising and Web 2.0 (Il fundraising e il web 2.0), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 46-50.

Melandri V. (2015), The Sponsorship Plan: from Drafting to Operational Phase (Il piano di sponsorizzazioni: dalla redazione alla fase operativa), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. Jaunary1, pp. 48-52.

Melandri V. (2015), The Nonprofit Encyclical (L'enciclica del nonprofit), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July/August, pp. 50-53.

Melandri V. (2015), Fundraising Bases: Case, Vehicle and Target (Le basi del fundraising: caso, veicolo e target), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 4 April, pp. 47-51.

Melandri V. (2015), Fundraising Human Resources (Le risorse umane del fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 49-54.

Melandri V. (2015), Rebuild the Pyramid (Ricostruire la piramide), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 12 December, pp. 49-53.

Melandri V. (2015), Enhance Volunteers and Paid Staff (Valorizzare i volontari e il personale retribuito), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 6 June, pp. 44-48.

Melandri V. (2014), Ask for a Donation to a Big Donor (Chiedere una donazione ad un grande donatore), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 12 December, pp. 43-47.

Melandri V. (2014), Direct Mailing: Strategy, Math and Creativity (Direct mailing: strategia, matematica e creatività), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.11 November, pp. 48-53.

Melandri V. (2014), Public Relations for Nonprofit and Fundraising (Le pubbliche relazioni per nonprofit e fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 47-53.

Melandri V. (2014), Catholic Fundraising in Italy and Abroad (Il fundraising cattolico in Italia e all’estero), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July-August, pp. 46-50.

Melandri V. (2014), Fundraising for School Establishments (Raccogliere fondi per gli istituti scolastici), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 6 June, pp. 46-50.

Melandri V. (2014), The Competitive Advantages of a Modern Nonprofit Company (I vantaggi competitivi di una moderna azienda non profit), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 5 May, pp. 46-50.

Melandri V. (2014), How to Ask for a Donation: Psychology and Useful Tips (Come chiedere una donazione: psicologia e consigli utili), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 4 April, pp. 52-56.

Melandri V. (2014), How to find great donors and keep them (Come trovare i grandi donatori e mantenerli), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 51-55.

Melandri V. (2014), Mailing: Examples of Letters and Myths to be Discarded (Mailing: esempi di lettere e miti da sfatare), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 46-50.

Melandri V. (2014), Fundraising is not Enough Anymore (Il fundraising non basta più), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 49-53.

Melandri V. (2013), What not to do to get Results in Mailing (Cosa non fare per ottenere risultati nel mailing), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n 12 December, pp. 50-54.

Melandri V. (2013), The Quest for Potential Donors: Theoretical and Practical Assumptions (La ricerca di potenziali donatori: presupposti teorici e pratici), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 50-54.

Melandri V. (2013), The Relationship Dimension of Fundraising (La dimensione relazione del fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7-8 July-August, pp. 50-54.

Melandri V. (2013), A Telephone Conversation with a Potential Donor (Al telefono con un potenziale donatore), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 6 June, pp. 48-53.

Melandri V. (2013), Practical Techniques for Easy Mailing (Tecniche pratiche per realizzare facilmente un mailing), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 5 May, pp. 46-51.

Melandri V. (2013), Internet for Nonprofits: Getting Started Guides (Internet per il nonprofit: linee guida per iniziare), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, 2008, n. 4 April, pp. 51-58.

Melandri V. (2013), How the Legislator can Promote Fundraising (Come il legislatore può promuovere il fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 51-55.

Melandri V. (2013), Mailing: Strategic Collaboration between Public and Private (Mailing: collaborazione strategica fra pubblico e privato), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 51-55.

Melandri V. (2013), How to Choose a Fundraising Advisor (Come scegliere un consulente di fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 54-58.

Melandri V. (2013), The Early Stages of planning in Fund Raising: Elaborate the “Case” for Fundraising. (Le prime fasi della pianificazione nel fund raising: elaborare il “caso” per la raccolta fondi), Nonprofit, Mayli Editore, pp. 621-657.

Melandri V. (2012), Human Resources in the Nonprofit: Management and Selection (Risorse umane nel nonprofit: gestione e selezione), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 12 December, pp. 52-56.

Melandri V. (2012), Donorization: when the Sponsor is Unbalanced (La donorizzazione: quando lo sponsor si sbilancia), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 11 November, pp. 53-57.

Melandri V. (2012), The Feasibility Study for a Large Fundraiser (Lo studio di fattibilità per una grande raccolta fondi), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 10 October, pp. 52-58.

Melandri V. (2012), Paper Letters, Words to Convince (Lettere di carta, parole per convincere), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 50-55.

Melandri V. (2012), Program Actions to Find Donors (Programmare le azioni per trovare i donatori), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July-August, pp. 51-58.

Melandri V. (2012), Fundraising: the Role of Public Relations (Fundraising: il ruolo delle relazioni pubbliche), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 6 June, pp. 54-57.

Melandri V. (2012), Fundraising for Universities: Real Opportunities or Utopia? (Fundraising per le università: reale opportunità o utopia?), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 5 May, pp. 45-50.

Melandri V. (2012), The Importance of Special fundraising Events (L’importanza degli eventi speciali per la raccolta fondi), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 4 April, pp. 50-56.

Melandri V. (2012), Improve Mailing: Possible Operation (Migliorare il mailing: operazione possibile), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 55-59.

Melandri V. (2012), Fundraising: Strategies to Solicit a Donation (Fundraising: strategie per sollecitare una donazione), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 51-55.

Melandri V. (2012), Fundraising Strategy: Interact with Executives (Strategia per il fundraising: interagire con i dirigenti), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 58-62.

Melandri V. (2011), Donations to Nonprofits: Strategies to Solicit Business (Donazioni al nonprofit: strategie per sollecitare le imprese), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 12 December, pp. 54-59.

Melandri V. (2011), Fundraising: Leadership and Building a Working Team (Fundraising: leadership e costruzione di un team di lavoro), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 11 November, pp. 53-57.

Melandri V. (2011), History of the Donation: the Long Italian Journey (Storia della donazione: il lungo cammino italiano), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 10 October, pp. 54-61.

Melandri V. (2011), Internet to Make Fundraising: Instructions for Use (Internet per fare fundraising: istruzioni per l’uso), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 50-55.

Melandri V. (2011), Start Funds for Fundraising (Costituire fondi per fare fundraising). Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July-August, pp. 50-55.

Melandri V. (2011), Establish a Foundation for Fundrfaising (Costruire una fondazione per fare fundraising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 6 June, pp. 52-57.

Melandri V. (2011), Fundraising Development Analysis: the Danish Model (Analisi di sviluppo del fundraising: il modello danese), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 5 May, pp. 51-57.

Melandri V. (2011), The Integration between the Fundraising Cycle and the Grant Making Cycle (L’integrazione fra ciclo del fundraising e ciclo del grant making), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 4 April, pp. 39-45.

Melandri V. (2011), Fundraising: the Five Possible Mailing Strategies (Raccolta fondi: le cinque strategie di mailing possibili), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 50-57.

Melandri V. (2011), Know Fundraising in an International Perspective (Conoscere il fundraising in una prospettiva internazionale), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 51-62.

Melandri V. (2011), Working Boundaries: The Fundraiser is Really the Profession of the Future (Frontiere lavorative: il fundraiser è davvero la professione del futuro), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 39-49.

Melandri V., Santini F. (2010), Italian Fundraisers: their Lives and their Careers. A field Survey (I fundraiser italiani: le loro vite e le loro carriere. Un’indagine sul campo), Nonprofit, Mayli Editore, pp. 505-529.

Melandri V. (2010), The Representation Node: a Possible Response to Business Type Classification (Il nodo della rappresentanza: una possibile risposta alla classificazione di tipo aziendale), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 12 December, pp. 33-41.

Melandri V. (2010), Contemporary Challenges, Fundraising in a Multiethnic Environment (Sfide contemporanee, il fundraising in ambiente multietnico), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 11 November, pp. 47-55.

Melandri V. (2010), Women’s Donation, a Phenomenon in Big Ascent (Donazioni al femminile, un fenomeno in grande ascesa), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 10 October, pp. 26-34.

Melandri V (2010)., How to Write a Letter for Fundraising: Working Notes (Come scrivere una lettera per la raccolta fondi: appunti operativi), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 9 September, pp. 55-62.

Melandri V. (2010), Fundraising Starts from the Blog: Strategies from a Moving World (La raccolta fondi riparte dal blog: strategie da un mondo in movimento), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July-August, pp. 28-33.

Melandri V. (2010), Solfrini G., Emerging Professionalism and Entry Modalities for Volunteering Tomorrow (Professionalità emergenti e modalità di ingresso per il volontariato di domani), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 5 May, pp. 34-38.

Melandri V., Santini, F. (2010), Fundraising: the Need for a More Personal Approach in “Direct Mail” (Raccolta fondi: il bisogno di un approccio più personale nel “direct mail”), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 4 April, pp. 43-54.

Melandri V. (2010), Fundraising: an Indispensable Planning for Achieving Strategic Goals (Raccolta fondi: pianificazione indispensabile per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi strategici), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 34-40.

Melandri V. (2010), Fundraising: A Look at the Future of “Management” (Raccolta fondi: uno sguardo al futuro del “management”), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 2 February, pp. 20-24.

Melandri V. (2010), How to Organize an Efficient and Productive “Fund Raising” Office (Come organizzare un ufficio “fund raising” efficiente e produttivo), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 30-36.

Melandri V. (2009), The “fundraiser” Remuneration: a Matter of Motivation and Accountability (Il compenso dei “fundraiser”: un problema di motivazione e di accountability), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 12 December, pp. 24-31.

Melandri V. (2009), Fundraising in Italy (Il fund raising in Italia), Nonprofit, anno X, n.3 March, pp. 509-539.

Melandri V. (2009), Accountability and Fundraising Budgets: How to Estimate Costs and Benefits (Accountability e budget della raccolta fondi: come valutare costi e benefici), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 3 March, pp. 30-42.

Melandri V. (2009), Accountability and Budget: Assess Costs, Outcomes and Benefits of Fund Raising (Accountability e budget: valutare costi, risultati e benefici del fund raising), Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria ed Economia Aziendale, March/April, pp. 183-195.

Melandri V. (2009), Fund Raising: How to Reconcile Ethics and Percentage Compensation (Fund raising: come conciliare eticità e compenso a percentuale), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 10 October, pp. 12-15.

Melandri V. (2009), Big Donors: Needs, Motivations and Strategies (Grandi donatori: esigenze, motivazioni e strategie), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.1 Jaunary, pp. 34-40.

Melandri V. (2009), Fundraising in the United Kingdom: the Role of British Charities (Raccolta fondi nel Regno Unito: il ruolo delle charity britanniche), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 7/8 July/August, pp. 37-45.

Melandri V.(2009), Styles of Donating and Analyzing Possible Approaches (Stili della donazione e analisi degli approcci possibili), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.2 February, pp. 22-28.

Melandri V. (2009), An Enlightened Management for Fundraising non-profit Organizations (Un management illuminato per la raccolta fondi degli enti non profit), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n. 10 October, pp. 43-53.

Melandri V. (2009), Italian Fundraiser Life and Career: a Field Survey (Vita e carriera del fundraiser italiano: un’indagine sul campo), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.9 September, pp. 31-38.

Melandri V. (2008), Marketing Concepts Used in Fund Raising (I concetti di marketing utilizzati nel fund raising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.7 July, pp. 27-30.

Melandri V. (2008), Fundraiser in the USA (I fundraiser negli Stati Uniti), Non Profit, 34, IX, n. 1 Jaunary, pp. 69-99.

Melandri V. (2008), Ideas and Strategies for a Modern Fund Raising (Idee e strategie per un moderno fund raising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.3 March, pp. 38-43.

Melandri V. (2008), Control over Fund Raising Activity: a Regulatory Proposal (Il controllo sull’attività di fund raising: una proposta di regolamentazione), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.10 October, pp. 30-37.

Melandri V. (2008), Nonprofit Financing in the United States: Ideas for Reflection (Il finanziamento del non profit negli Stati Uniti: spunti per una riflessione), Non Profit, anno IX, n.1 Jaunary, pp. 9-12.

Melandri V. (2008), Internet and Fund Raising: How to get the Best Results from the Network (Internet e fund raising: come ottenere i migliori risultati dalla rete), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.1 Jaunary, pp. 30-38.

Melandri V., Torroni A. (2008), Planned donations: a Fund Raising Strategy (Le donazioni pianificate: una strategia di fund raising), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.6 June, pp. 23-30.

Melandri V. (2008), Observations on the Tendency of Convergence Between Profit And Non-Profit Companies (Osservazioni sulle tendenziali convergenze tra imprese profit e non profit), RIREA, November-December, pp. 510-527.

Melandri V. (2008), A Philosophy of Fundraising (Per una filosofia del “fund raising”), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.9 September, pp. 9-12.

Melandri V. (2008), Fundraising and the New Economy (Fund Raising e la New Economy), Passaparola, n.1 Jaunary, pp. 18-23.

Melandri V. (2008), Guide to the Drafting of the Code of Ethics for Non Profit Organizations - Part I (Guida alla redazione del Codice Etico delle Organizzazioni Non Profit - parte I), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.4 April, pp. 46-50.

Melandri V. (2008), Guide to the Drafting of the Code of Ethics for Non Profit Organizations - Part II (Guida alla redazione del Codice Etico delle Organizzazioni Non Profit parte II), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.5 May, pp. 47-50.

Melandri V. (2007), Fundraising: Drafting and Budgeting (Fund raising: la redazione del budget), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.12 December, pp. 37-41.

Melandri V. (2007), The Importance of Communicating Fund Growth Correctly: The Risks of the American Philanthropic Model (L’importanza di comunicare il Fund raising in modo corretto: i rischi del modello filantropico Americano), Passaparola, 1, n. 4, pp. 12-17.

Melandri V. (2006), Italian Reality, Foundations of Local Communities (La realtà italiana, le fondazioni di comunità locali), Nonprofit, n. 4 April, pp. 471-493.

Melandri V. (2006), American Community Foundations: Development and Potential (Le community foundations americane: sviluppo e potenzialità), Persone, Imprese e Istituzioni, n. 3 March, pp. 28-38.

Melandri V. (2006), Italian Community Foundations: Development and Potential (Le community foundations italiane: sviluppo e potenzialità), Persone, Imprese e Istituzioni, n. 3 March, pp. 38-56.

Melandri V. (2006), Why a Big Fundraising Development is Needed in Italy (Perché è necessario un grande sviluppo del fund raising in Italia), Passaparola, n. 3 March, pp. 18-23.

Melandri V. (2006), Towards the Development of Modern Fund Raising (Verso lo sviluppo del fund raising modern), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.4 April, pp. 11-16.

Melandri V. (2005), Use and Abuse of Fund Raising Consultant in the Non-Profit Organization (Usi e abusi del consulente di fund raising nell’organizzazione non profit), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.4 April, pp. 7-16.

Melandri V. (2005), Non-Bank Foundations, ie the Social Capital of Local Communities (Fondazioni non bancarie, ovvero il capitale sociale delle comunità locali), Il Sole 24 Ore-Terzo Settore, n.10 October, pp. 7-10.

Melandri V. (2005), Public Funding to Non-Profit Companies (I finanziamenti pubblici alle aziende non profit), Azienda Italia, Anno IV, n.15-16, pp. 843-852.

Melandri V. (2005), The Activity of the Fund raising Consultant in the Non-Profit Organization (L’attività del consulente di fund raising nell’organizzazione non profit), Persone, Imprese e Istituzioni, n. 3 March, pp. 68-78.

Melandri V. (2005), The Economic Equation as an Information Tool for Non-Profit Companies (L’equazione economica come strumento informativo per le aziende non profit), RIREA, April-May, pp. 320-353.

Melandri V., Zamagni S. (2005), The Italian Way to Fund Raising: Public Intervention, Philanthropy and Reciprocity (La via italiana al fund raising: intervento pubblico, filantropia e reciprocità), Economia & Management, n.5 September-October, pp. 111- 123.

Melandri V. (2004), How and Why Fund Raising in Italy (Come e perché fare fund raising in Italia), Il Sole 24 ore-Terzo Settore, Anno 1, n.1 Jaunary, pp. 1-8.

Melandri V. (2003), Reflections on the Management of Non-Profit Health Organizations (Riflessioni sul management delle organizzazioni non profit sanitarie), Teme, July/August, pp. 18-22.

Melandri V. (2001), It takes a Little for Cooperation to Contribute More to Development (Basta poco perché la cooperazione possa contribuire di più allo sviluppo), Econoerre, Anno VI, n. 7/8 July/August, pp. 18-21.

Melandri V. (1999), The Internal Control in US Nonprofit Organizations: Comparison with Italian Reality (Il controllo interno nelle organizzazioni non profit USA: confronto con la realtà italiana), Iter Legis, Anno IV, n.1 Jaunary-February, pp. 15-25.

Melandri V. (1998), The Training Needs of Non-Profit Manager (I bisogni formativi del manager non profit), Nonprofit, Anno III, October/December, pp. 509-539.

Melandri V. (1996), The Nonprofit Training Problem (Il problema formativo nel settore non profit), Nonprofit, Anno II, July/August, pp. 249-273.

Chapters in books published in Italy

Melandri V. (2016), Future of Fundraising in Italy (Il futuro del fundraising in Italia), in Melandri, V., Farolfi, B. (edt.), Fundraising in Italy: History and Prospects (Il fundraising in Italia: storia e prospettive (pp. 213-233), Il Mulino, Bologna.

Melandri V. (2011), Introduction (Introduzione), in Melandri, V., Farolfi, B. (edt.), Fundraising in Italy: History and Prospects (Il fundraising in Italia: storia e prospettive (pp. 9-17), Il Mulino, Bologna.

Melandri V. (2010), Fund Raising Management Control (Il controllo di gestione del fund raising) in Gazzoni E., Organisation and Control in the Nonprofit (Programmazione e controllo nel nonprofit) (pp. 253-282), Carocci Editore, Roma.

Melandri V. (2005), Volunteering (Volontariato), in Enciclopedia Treccani. Libro 2003 (pp. 492-506), Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Giovanni Treccani, Roma.

Melandri V. (2005), Fund Raising and Accountability: Ethical and Transparency Criteria for Calculating Fund Raising Costs, Soliciting Donations, and Setting Fundraiser Fees (Fund raising e accountability: criteri etici e di trasparenza per il calcolo dei costi di fund raising, la sollecitazione delle donazioni e la definizione del compenso dei fundraiser), in Atti del XXV Conference AIDEA, Global Competition and Local Development between Ethics and Innovation (Competizione globale e sviluppo locale tra etica e innovazione), Novara, 4-5 October 2002 (pp.1852-1879) Tomo III.

Melandri V. (2004), The Fund Raising Planning Strategy (La strategia progettuale del fund raising) in Marangoni G. (edt.), From Nonprofit to Civil Economy (Dal non profit all’economia civile) (pp. 76-81), Ergon Edizioni, Vicenza.

Melandri V., (2003), Fund Raising and Accountability (Fund Raising e accountability) in Zamagni S. (edt.), The Italian Non Profit at the Junction (Il non profit italiano al bivio) (pp. 153-195) Egea, Milano.

Melandri V. (2002), Preface (Presentazione), in Foundations in the Counties of Forlì and Cesena, the Social Capital of Local Communities (Le fondazioni in provincia di Forlì e Cesena, il capitale sociale delle comunità locali) (pp. 7-12), Homeless Book, Faenza

Melandri V. (2001), The Legal and Fiscal Framework of Associations and Foundations in Italy (Il quadro giuridico e fiscale delle associazione e delle fondazioni in Italia) in Minardi E.,e Commissione Europea (edt.) Associations and Foundations in Europe (Le associazioni e le fondazioni in Europa (pp. 112-117), Homeless Book, Faenza

Melandri V. (2000), The First Degree in Economics of Cooperative Enterprises and Non-Profit Organizations (Il corso di laurea di primo livello in economia delle imprese cooperative e delle organizzazioni non profit), in Fifth Day of Economic Studies on Cooperation. Proccedings (Quinta giornata di studi economici sulla cooperazione. Atti, (pp. 25-32), Centro Studi sulla Cooperazione, Roma.

Melandri V. (1998), Internal Control in Nonprofit Organizations in the US: Ideas for a Debate on Italian Reality (Il controllo interno nelle organizzazioni nonprofit negli usa: spunti per un dibattito sulla realtà italiana), in Caloprisco A., de Polis M. (edt.), Internal Control Services and Public Administration Evaluation Bodies (I servizi di controllo interno e i nuclei di valutazione delle pubbliche amministrazioni) (pp. 177-193), Cedam, Padova.

Melandri V., Sparrow R. (1997), From the American Case to the Italian Case (Dal caso americano al caso italiano), in Vittadini G. (edt.) Non Profit Halved (Il Non profit dimezzato) (pp. 97-121), Etas, Milano.

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