Foto del docente

Valeria Vignali

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-03/A Roads, Railways and Airports

Curriculum vitae


2002 Laurea (M.S.), Magna Cum Laude, Civil Engineering, University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering.

2003 - 2006 Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering.

2006 - 2010 Research Assistant, University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering.

2010 - 2020 Assistant Professor of "Roads, railways and airports", University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM).

2020 Associate Professor of "Roads, railways and airports", University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM).


The scientific research of Valeria Vignali is mainly related to the field of the roads, railways and airports construction, and covers a variety of aspects as:

  • Road Safety Analysis, road design consistency, road design and human factor interaction;

  • Distinct Particle Elements modelling of bituminous mixtures and asphalt binders;

  • Methodologies for fast surveying and analysis of damage phenomena in road and airport pavements;

  • Reduction techniques for environmental impact of road and airport pavements.

Valeria Vignali was and is involved in Competitive research Projects and Department research agreements.

Among the Competitive Projects are:

  • (2004-2006) National Basic Research Investments Funding, FIRB 2001: Study of non-traditional bituminous mixtures for the mitigation of noise and vibrations from road traffic. National Coordinator Prof. Alberto Bucchi, University of Bologna;

  • (2008-2010) National Relevant Project, PRIN 2007: Modeling and advanced design of perpetual pavements. National Coordinator Prof. Ezio Santagata, Polytechnic of Turin. Local Coordinator of the Bologna Unit Prof. Andrea Simone.

Among the Department Research Agreements are:

  • AlfaEvolution Technology spa: Effects on driving task and road safety impact induced by the usage of Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Keeping.

  • Alstom Ferroviaria SpA: A risk assessment method for "Eurobalise" fastening system;

  • api SpA: Finalized study for the quality control of bitumen prepared according to the api technology;

  • api SpA: On site performance characterization of a special pavement undergoing intense traffic and designed with api technology;

  • api SpA: Performance characterization of bituminous mixtures prepared with api technology;

  • Autovie Venete SpA: Maintenance and requalification of the Villesse - Gorizia crosslink.

  • CGS Consolidamenti SpA: Improvement and Stabilization of materials for subgrades and foundations.

  • Consorzio Cave Bologna Soc. Coop: Valorization of waste materials in construction ones.

  • Ecopneus ScpA: Cold Recycling of waste aggregates with rubber from scrap tires.

  • G2B srl: Characterization of the bonding properties of the Ecosand B product for the construction of stabilized natural soils.

  • Isoltema SpA: Application of bituminous sealants in the road construction;

  • Provence of Forlì-Cesena: Monitoring of the Road Safety within the Integrated Project for road safety of a urban stretch of SP4 “Del Bidente”- Ex SS310 in the Municipality of Meldola (FC);

  • Province of Bologna: Kinematic analysis of traffic-calming devices foreseen in the safety improvement project of the SP 610 "Selice-Montanara".

  • Siteco Informatica srl: Study of a surveying and analysis methodology for the quantification of the structural and functional deterioration of a road pavement.

  • Slurry Italia srl: Performance characterization of the Continuous Reinforced waterproofing system (IAC): tests for waterproofing and direct shear resistance of the interface.

  • Strada dei Parchi SpA: Planning of the needed interventions for the resolution of the hydraulic issues arisen in the Torano - Avezzano stretch of motorway;

  • CORECOM SRL: Analysis of the stress-strain behavior of asphalt mixtures with Evizero

  • FIS IMPIANTI INTERRATI srl: Study of the mechanical behavior of asphalt mixtures containing C&D recycled materials.

The results of the research activity have been presented in several national and international scientific congresses and Valeria Vignali has been awarded with the:

  • Best Paper Award of the section "Road and Airport Infrastructures" of the 4th international SIIV congress (Palermo, 12- 14 September 2007), for the paper "Flexible pavement simulation with Distinct Particle Element Method";

  • Best Paper Award of the section "Recycling and use of industrial by-products" of the seventh International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control (Auckland (New Zealand), 28 - 30 August 2012), for the paper "A new "Frugal" approach to road maintenance: 100% recycling of a deteriorated flexible pavement";

  • Overall Best Paper Award of the seventh International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control" (Auckland (New Zealand), 28 - 30 August 2012), for the paper "A new "Frugal" approach to road maintenance: 100% recycling of a deteriorated flexible pavement".

Valeria Vignali is involved in the reviewing activities for International journals with IF and in Scientific Committees of National and International Congresses and Conferences.

Among the journal:

Advances in civil engineering journal; Applied science; Coatings; Construction & Building Materials; Current psychology; International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion; International Journal of Pavement Engineering; Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Journal of engineering and technology research; Journal of environmental research and public health; Journal of infrastructure systems; Journal of injury control and safety promotion; Materials; Materials and design; Modeling in materials and structures; Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures; Powder Technology; Safety Science; Sustainability; Transport (ICE); Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.

Among the congress:

  • IV International SIIV Congress “Advances in Transport Infrastructures and Stakeholders Expectations” (Palermo, 12-14 September 2007);

  • V International SIIV Congress “Sustainability of Road Infrastructures” (Roma, 29-31 October 2012);

  • International Symposium on Design and Practice of Geosynthetic - Reinforced Soil Structures (Joint Sessions with 26th Italian National Conference on Geosynthetics)" (Bologna, 14-16 October 2013);

  • 3rd International Conference on Transportation Infrastructures - ICTI 2014 (Pisa, 22-25 April 2014).

  • AIIT International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems - TIS 2019” (Roma, 23-24 September 2019).

Valeria Vignali is ordinary member of many Scientific Societies:

Since 2003: ordinary Member of the Italian Society of Transportation Infrastructures (SIIV).

Since 2013: ordinary Member of the Committee CT 2.2 "Improvement of urban mobility" of the World Road Association (AIPCR).

Since 2016: ordinary Member of the Italian Association for the transportation and traffic engineering (AIIT).

Valeria Vignali actively operates to the works of Department Committees:

Since 2010: ordinary Member of the Research Committee of the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM).

2015-2020: ordinary Member of the Board of the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM).

Since 2017: ordinary Member of the Civil Engineering Erasmus Commission of the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM).

2018-2020: ordinary Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (Coordinator: Luca Vittuari).

Since 2020:ordinary Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Health, Safety and Green Systems (Coordinator: Patrizia Tassinari).


Valeria Vignali is in charge of the course of "Railways constructions M" for the 2nd cycle degree programme in Civil Engineering of the University of Bologna.

Valeria Vignali is in charge of the course of "Airport constructions M" for the 2nd cycle degree programme in Civil Engineering of the University of Bologna.

Valeria Vignali is in charge of the course of "Road constructions" for the 2nd cycle degree programme in Architecture and Building Engineering of the University of Bologna.

She was and is also supervisor of more than 150 master and degree theses.