Foto del docente

Valda Rondelli

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-04/B Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization

Curriculum vitae

Degree in Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna; phD in Agricultural Engineering, University of Bologna; visiting researcher at the Silsoe Research Institute of Silsoe (UK), in the Chemical Application Group, coordinated by the Professor Paul H. Miller; Postdoc at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering; Chartered agronomist.    

Since 1999 Researcher at the University of Bologna,  Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL). Since December 2008 head of the Laboratorio di Meccanica Agraria of the DISTAL, official OECD Testing Station for tractor performance and ROPS strength.
Since  2014 Associate Professor at the University of Bologna,  Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL)

The main activity as researcher has been directed to different fields of the agricultural mechanisation. Specifically research has been carried out on: sprayers for arable crops, orchards and vineyards; spreaders for the distribution of organic fertilizers; sugarbeet harvesters evaluated in field and laboratory; mechanical distribution of beneficial organisms in the biological control of the crops, this activity has been based on the design of a prototype equipment, patented by the University of Bologna and then tested on greenhouse crops; techniques of soil tillage to evaluate the quality and the quantity of work in respect to the energy consumption; safety characteristics of agricultural and forestry tractors and agricultural machinery, with specific attention to narrow track tractors and seat belt anchorage.

The research activity has been supplemented with an intensive testing activity carried out at the Laboratory of Agricultural Mechanisation. The Laboratory is an official OECD Testing Station for all OECD Codes. The activity of the Laboratory is focused not only on the tests of tractors and agricultural machinery for performance and safety aspects, strength of the protective structures, noise level, road circulation homologation, but also research carried out with the aim to increase the safety level for the agricultural operator.

The testing and research activity in the field of tractor safety has been integrated with the attendance to the official OECD activity related to the updating of the OECD tractor codes. Specifically this has involved being the chairperson for the OECD Official Working Group and support the OECD Secretariat for the Tractor Codes and Schemes as expert consultant.  


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