Associate Professor of Medieval History.
Member of Deputazione di Storia patria per le province di Romagna.
Member of Società italiana degli storici medievisti (SISMED).
Member of Istituto per la Storia dell’Università di Bologna (ISTUB).
Member of Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medio Evo Latino (SISMEL).
Member of De Statutis Society.
Graduated in Medieval History in 2002 at the University of Bologna, he graduated in Archive Administration, Paleography and Diplomacy at the Archivio di Stato di Modena in 2005 and holds a Ph.D. in Romance Philology and Medieval Culture in 2006.
Academic career
March 2011 - August 2019: Senior Assistant Professor of Medieval History Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Bologna.
2006 - 2010: Research Fellow at the Department of Paleography and Medieval Studies of the University of Bologna with the research project "Diplomacy between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the Po Valley".
Teaching activity
- Since 2004 he has collaborated with the didactic activities of the courses of Medieval History and Antiquities and Medieval Institutions held by Prof. A.L. Trombetti.
- He is a member of the Committee for Examining Medieval History, Antiquity and Medieval Institutions, Medieval Political Institutions.
- Professor contracted in Medieval history for 30 hours of teaching, a.a. 2008-2009 (notice of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Bologna)
- Professor contracted in Medieval history for 30 hours of teaching, a.a. 2009-2010 (notice of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Bologna)
- a.y. 2012-2013: holder of a 30-hour seminar (6cfu) on "The Living and the Dead in the Middle Ages" in the History of History
- Since the a.y. 2012/2013 to the a.y. 2018/2019 teaches History of the Universities in the Middle Ages (6cfu) in the First Cycle Degree in History
- Since the a.y. 2019/2020 teaches History of the Universities in the Middle Ages (6cfu) in the Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in History and Oriental Studies
- Since the a.y. 2018/2019 to the a.y. 2019/2020 he teaches Medieval Antiquities and Institutions (6cfu) in the First Cycle Degree in History and in the First Cycle Degree in Humanities
- a.y 2019/2020 teaches a Seminar on Medicine in the Middle Ages (6cfu) in the First Cycle Degree in History and a Laboratory on Historical Sources (6cfu) in the Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in History and Oriental Studies
- Since a.y. 2020/2021 to the a.y. 2021/2022 he teaches Medieval Antiquities and Institutions (12cfu) in the First Cycle Degree in History and (6cfu) in the First Cycle Degree in Humanities
- Since a.y. 2020/2021 he teaches Medieval Political Institutions (6cfu) in the Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in History and Oriental Studies
- Since a.y. 2021/2022 he has been coordinator of the Laboratorio di Medievistica - Digitalizzazione e schedatura informatica di fonti medievali in the Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in History and Oriental Studies
- Since a.y. 2022/2023 he teaches Medieval History (12cfu) in the First Cycle Degree in History
He has conducted the following didactic activities for PhD students:
- Seminar "La costruzione di ordini normativi negli statuti cittadini e nella legislazione signorile in Italia tra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna", Dottorato internazionale "Comunicazione politica dall’antichità al XX secolo" (Frankfurt am Main, Innsbruck, Bologna, Pavia, Trento): Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna: Dottorato in Storia - Indirizzo internazionale "Comunicazione politica dall’antichità al XX secolo" 14/10/2010
- Seminar "LE FONTI. Laboratorio sulle fonti scritte medioevali: critica ed esegesi: i libri iurium", Dottorato di ricerca in Storia - Università di Bologna 14/03/2013
- Seminar "Il rapporto medico-paziente nel medioevo" - Dottorato di ricerca in storia culture civiltà, Università di Bologna 28/05/2015
- Seminar "Libertà e poteri signorili nelle città italiane" - Dottorato di Studi Storici, Università di Firenze e Università di Siena 22/03/2017
- Seminar "Scienza, saperi, potere" - Dottorato interateneo di Storia delle società, delle istituzioni e del pensiero. Dal Medioevo all’Età Contemporanea, Università di Trieste – Università di Udine 25/09/2020
Scientific activity
He participated in the research programs:
FIRB 2001: Interculturality between the Islamic world and the Western world in the Norman-Swabian age, scientific coordinator Anna Laura Trombetti
FIRB 2001: Urban Civilization in Bologna between the 13th and the 15th centuries: legal culture, art, mentality, daily life, scientific coordinator Anna Laura Trombetti
PRIN 2007: Trade routes: productions, goods, settlements between Romania and Langobardia, scientific coordinator Sauro Gelichi
PRIN 2008: Sick People, Treatment and Hospitalization in Medieval Europe, Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Gemelli
FARB 2012-UniBO: Doctor and patient from antiquity to today. History, cultures, representations, scientific coordinator Maria Malatesta
Head of a CNR Research Fund (Call for Research Promotion 2005 - Cultural Identity as Integration) on the project "The Cultural, Administrative and Political Role of Diplomatic Relationships in Renaissance Bologna "
From October 2020 he is scientific supervisor of the project MemoBo. A mare magnum of possibilities: the Bolognese “Memoriali" and their digitisation (1265-1452)
Principal Investigator of PRIN 2022 Project: ON - Objects in Network. The social life of things in the fifteenth century between notarial sources and semantic web
Institutional activities and academic assignments:
- Since December 2012 to July 2020 representative of the Medieval Section in the Library committee of the Department of History and Cultures
- Since July 2015 to December 2020 member of the Commission of internships of First Cycle Degree in History
- October 15, 2015 - April 30, 2018 member of Department Committee of Department of History and Cultures
- Since 2016 to December 2020 member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the First Cycle Degree in History
- January 2020 - May 2024 Department representative on the TOLC test committee
- November 2021 - march 2024 elected representative of the Department in the Council of the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage
- february 2022-march 2024 member of the Faculty – Students Peer Committee of the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage
- since april 2024 President of the Department - Students Peer Committee
Membership in scientific and editorial committees
- From November 2016 he is a member of the scientific committee of the "Studies and memories for the history of the University of Bologna" and of the Scientific Committee of the "Opere dei Maestri" series of ISTUB - Istituto per la Storia dell’Università di Bologna.
- From May 2017 he is a member of the Scientific Committee of the "Center for Research on the History of Professions" (CEPROF) of the University of Bologna.
Other activities
- Participation in the exhibition "Bologna, Re Enzo and its myth", curated by A.L. Trombetti, V. Braidi, R. Pini and F. Roversi Monaco, held in Bologna at the headquarters of the Rectorate of the University from 24 May to 9 June 2000; At the Palazzo Comunale in September 2000; In the Great Cloister of San Giovanni in Monte in November 2000; In the courtyard of Archiginnasio in February-March 2001 and later in the town of Jesi.
- Collaboration on the creation of the Norman-Swabian bibliographic database for the CESN [] website (European Center for Norman Studies)
- Editor of "Emilia Medievale"
- Since January 2017 is a member of the Scientific Committee of the School of History of Medicine at the Order of doctors and surgeons in Rimini
- Collaboration in scientific curatorship of Frederick II Stupor Mundi Museum of Jesi
- a.y. 2020-21: Coordination of a cycle of seminars "Medioevo in città" for secondary school teachers
- a.y. 2021-22: Coordination of a cycle of seminars "Medioevo femminile" for secondary school teachers.
He is a member of the referee boards of the journals: "Annali di Storia delle università italiane"; "Archivio storico italiano"; "Nuova rivista storica"; "I Quaderni del M. Ae. S."; "Reti Medievali Rivista".