Foto del docente

Susi Pelotti

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-25/A Forensic Medicine

Head of Scuola di Specializzazione Medicina Legale (DI 68/2015)

Coordinator of PhD Programme in General Medical and Services Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Susi Pelotti graduated in Medicine and Surgery on the 22nd of march 1983 with 110/110 cum laude and obtaneid the MD habilitation at the University of Bologna during the first session of 1983 with 110/110.

She specialized in Legal Medicine at the University of Bologna on the 21st of july 1986 with 70/70 cum laude. From 2006 is associate professor of the School of Medicine at the University of Bologna. From 2016 she is full professor of Legal Medicine. Since 2000 she is secretary of Ge.F.I. (Italian Society of Forensics Genetics). Since 2006 she was vice-president of GeFI and since 2014 she is President of the Society.

She is director of the School of Legal Medicine of the University of Bologna.

She is teacher of the School of specialization in Legal Medicine at the University of Bologna.

She teaches Legal Medicine for the School of Law and for the School of  Medicine of the University of Bologna.

She was President of equal opportunity commitee of the University of Bologna from the year 2010 to 2013.

She is the chief of the Genetic Forensic laboratory of the University of Bologna.

Prof. Susi Pelotti started a collaboration with the European Violence Prevention in Health Network in cooperation with Social Affairs Ministry of Land Hessen, Germany. She is teacher of the formation course about the emergency service for victims of violence.She is part of the Italian group involving in child abuse guidelines. 

She is member of the executive board of the Italian society of legal medicina (SIMLA).

She is member of ethics committee of the university of Bologna.