Foto del docente

Stefano Corlaita

Adjunct professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Hospital Profile

Diploma in Radiology Technician obtained in 1995

TSRM at Guastalla AU Reggio Emilia Hospital from March 1998 to February 1999
TSRM at IRCCS AOU Emergency Radiology in Bologna Sant'Orsola Malpighi since February 1999

Activities in Conventional Diagnostics and CT at the Lovato Emergency Radiology Unit of the IRRCS AOUBO

University Profile

Contract Professor since 2017

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

Department of Diagnostic and Experimental Specialized Medicine DIMES

CT Imaging and Angiography techniques 2 CFU year 2017-18

Professional Workshop I year 1 CFU from 2018 to 2021

Technical Sciences of Radiological Imaging Abdomen and Chest 2 CFU 2020-2021 to 2022-2023

Clinical and Internship Tutor at Emergency Radiology since 2001 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of the Degree Course in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy University of Bologna


Master's Degree in Diagnostic Health Professions at the University of Ferrara in 2014

II level Master in Human Resources and Organization Marconi University year 2021

University of Padua University Course in "Learning Tutor" year 2010

University of Bologna Advanced University Course in "Clinical Tutor" year 2008

Qualification Diploma as Health Technician of Medical Radiology by USL City of Bologna in 1995

Working experience

Health Technician of Medical Radiology

The Radiology Technician for Images and Radiotherapy carries out, with professional ownership and autonomy, the technical procedures necessary for the execution of diagnostic methods on biological materials or on the person, or technical-assistance activities, in implementation of the provisions of the regulations concerning the identification of the figures and their professional profiles.

He has adequate training in basic disciplines, such as to allow a better understanding of the most relevant elements that underlie the pathological processes that develop in the developmental, adult and geriatric age, on which the diagnostic intervention focuses.

The achievement of professional skills is implemented through theoretical and practical training that also includes the acquisition of behavioral skills and that is achieved in the specific work context of each profile, so as to ensure full mastery of all the necessary skills and their immediate use. in the workplace.

Functional Position

Health Technician of Medical Radiology since 1995
Clinical and Internship Tutor since 2001

The internship is the place where students learn the skills necessary for professional practice in contact with patients, tools and operators.

The main objective of this position is to facilitate the trainee to learn meta-competences, specific and technical-practical skills, with the help of teaching methodologies that capture the student's experience and involve him in the analysis of same.

Another objective is to try to develop his abilities which he demonstrates in adapting to the evolutionary dynamics of the context of action in which he finds himself, or to transit between the different contexts in which he has the opportunity to enter during his professional life by building and continuously transforming one's models of knowledge and action indispensable requirements for being a professional

Academic career

I collaborate with the Degree Course in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy at the University of Bologna

Scientific Activity

Participation in various refresher programs both as a learner and as a speaker on topics related to meta-competences, student specific competences and NTS

Other activities

Collaboration with the EBN group of the IRRC AUO of Bologna with the production of CAT in the radiological field since 2016
Collaboration with NTS Emilia Romagna group since 2018
Collaboration in counseling courses

Latest news

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