Luca Mazzei, Lara Massei, Michele Cianci, Luigi Messori, Stefano Ciurli, Medicinal Au(I) compounds targeting urease as prospective antimicrobial agents: unveiling the structural basis for enzyme inhibition, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2021, 50, pp. 14444 - 14452 [Scientific article]
Maroney M.J.; Ciurli S., Nickel as a virulence factor in the Class I bacterial carcinogen, Helicobacter pylori, «SEMINARS IN CANCER BIOLOGY», 2021, 76, pp. 143 - 155 [Scientific article]Open Access
Camporesi G.; Minzoni A.; Morasso L.; Ciurli S.; Musiani F., Nickel import and export in the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori, perspectives from molecular modelling, «METALLOMICS», 2021, 13, Article number: mfab066 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
Masetti, Matteo; Bertazzo, Martina; Recanatini, Maurizio; Ciurli, Stefano; Musiani, Francesco, Probing the transport of Ni(II) ions through the internal tunnels of the Helicobacter pylori UreDFG multimeric protein complex, «JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY», 2021, 223, Article number: 111554 , pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
Elisabeth Darrouzet, Clara Rinaldi, Barbara Zambelli, Stefano Ciurli, Christine Cavazza, Revisiting the CooJ family, a potential chaperone for nickel delivery to [NiFe]‑carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, «JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY», 2021, 225, Article number: 111588 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Mazzei L.; Musiani F.; Zerko S.; Kozminski W.; Cianci M.; Beniamino Y.; Ciurli S.; Zambelli B., Structure, dynamics, and function of SrnR, a transcription factor for nickel-dependent gene expression, «METALLOMICS», 2021, 13, Article number: mfab069 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access
Mazzei, Luca; Ciurli, Stefano, Urease, in: Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2021, pp. 1 - 11 [Chapter or essay]
Zambelli, Barbara; Mazzei, Luca; Ciurli, Stefano, Intrinsic disorder in the nickel-dependent urease network, «PROGRESS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE», 2020, 174, pp. 307 - 330 [Scientific article]
Pierro A.; Etienne E.; Gerbaud G.; Guigliarelli B.; Ciurli S.; Belle V.; Zambelli B.; Mileo E., Nickel and gtp modulate helicobacter pylori ureg structural flexibility, «BIOMOLECULES», 2020, 10, Article number: 1062 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access
Masetti, Matteo; Falchi, Federico; Gioia, Dario; Recanatini, Maurizio; Ciurli, Stefano; Musiani, Francesco, Targeting the Protein Tunnels of the Urease Accessory Complex: A Theoretical Investigation, «MOLECULES», 2020, 25, Article number: 2911 , pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]Open Access
Musiani F.; Broll V.; Evangelisti E.; Ciurli S., The model structure of the copper-dependent ammonia monooxygenase, «JBIC», 2020, 25, pp. 995 - 1007 [Scientific article]Open Access
Mazzei L.; Musiani F.; Ciurli S., The structure-based reaction mechanism of urease, a nickel dependent enzyme: tale of a long debate, «JBIC», 2020, 25, pp. 829 - 845 [Scientific article]Open Access
Alfano M.; Veronesi G.; Musiani F.; Zambelli B.; Signor L.; Proux O.; Rovezzi M.; Ciurli S.; Cavazza C., A Solvent-Exposed Cysteine Forms a Peculiar NiII-Binding Site in the Metallochaperone CooT from Rhodospirillum rubrum, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2019, 25, pp. 15351 - 15360 [Scientific article]
Maroney M.J.; Ciurli S., Bioinorganic chemistry of nickel, «INORGANICS», 2019, 7, pp. 131 - 132 [Scientific article]Open Access
Mazzei L.; Wenzel M.N.; Cianci M.; Palombo M.; Casini A.; Ciurli S., Inhibition Mechanism of Urease by Au(III) Compounds Unveiled by X-ray Diffraction Analysis, «ACS MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS», 2019, 10, pp. 564 - 570 [Scientific article]Open Access