Foto del docente

Stefano Benazzi

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: BIOS-03/B Anthropology

Curriculum vitae


Family name, First name: Benazzi, Stefano

Date of birth: 11/08/1977

Nationality: Italian

Researcher unique identifier: ORCID= 0000-0003-4305-6920

Principal Investigator ERC SyG n. 101118565– LAST NEANDERTHALS

Secondary Beneficiary ERC AdG n. 101019659- FIRSTSTEPS

Principal Investigator ERC CoG n.724046 – SUCCESS


09/2017 Full Professor, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna, Italy 


03/2017-08/2017 Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna, Italy

03/2014-02/2017 Senior Lecturer (RTD-b), Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna, Italy

2012-2014 Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany

2009-2012 Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria

2008-2009 Post-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow (EVAN: European Virtual Anthropology Network), Department of Palaeoanthropology and Messel Research, Senckenberg Research Institute, Germany


4/5/2007: PhD at the Department of Anthropology, University of Bologna, Italy. Thesis title: “Image analysis in the morphological and morphometric study of teeth”.

3/12/2002: Master in “Conservation of Cultural Heritage” (110 cum laude and dignity of printing), Archaeological field, with a palaeoanthropological dissertation in the morphological description and morphometric analysis of Italian Neandertal teeth (University of Bologna).


2022- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National PhD programme in “Heritage Science”, University of Roma La Sapienza

2018- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the PhD programme in “Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Campus of Ravenna, University of Bologna

2018-2022 Coordinator of the PhD programme in Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Campus of Ravenna, University of Bologna

2015-2021 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the PhD programme in “Cultural Heritage Studies”, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna, Italy


2014- Course of Paleoanthropology (First cycle degree programme in Cultural Heritage, Università di Bologna); Courses of Osteoarchaeology (Second cycle degree programme in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape, Università di Bologna)

2017-2020 Course of Anthropology and Biology Applied to Cultural Heritage (Single cycle degree programme in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage);

2018- Courses of Enhancement of Anthropological Heritage using 3D technology (Second cycle degree programme in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape, Università di Bologna);

2018- Course of Biology for Bioarchaeological Materials and Cultural Heritage (Second cycle degree programme in Science for the conservation - restoration of cultural heritage, University of Bologna).


2022- Co-Director of the archaeological excavation at the funerary site of Halban (Halban, Muscat, Oman)

2020- Director of the archaeological excavation at Grotta della Lea (Nardò, Puglia, Italy)

2018 Director of the archaeological excavation at Grotta Santa Maria (Marina di Camerota Campania, Italy)

2016- Director of the Laboratory of Osteoarchaeology and Paleoanthropology (BONES Lab), Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna

2016- Co-director of the archaeological excavation at Grotta di Uluzzo-C (Nardò, Apulia, Italy), in collaboration with Prof. Enza Spinapolice;

2015- Co-director of the archaeological excavation at Grotta di Arma Veirana (Erli, Liguria, Italy), in collaboration with Dr. Fabio Negrino.


2006 Best oral presentation, European Anthropological Association, Budapest (Hungary), 31 August – 3 September 2006.


2017- Member ISIPU - Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana

2017- Member AAI - Associazione Antropologica Italiana

2015- Member ESHE - European Society for the study of Human Evolution []


As Principal Investigator:

  • Project Title: The physical, cultural, and bio-genetic landscape of the last Neanderthals. Funding source: ERC SYNERGY GRANT 2023 (grant agreement n. 101118565 – LAST NEANDERTHALS). Amount: €12,920,328. Period: from 01-06-2024 to 31-05-2030
  • Project Title: Tracing early Homo sapiens in Italy – TRACE. Funding source: PRIN 2022 (MUR). Amount: €205,728. Period: from 5-10-2023 to 4-10-2025
  • Project Title: L’infanzia e la pandemia: analisi antropologica degli infanti del Lazzaretto Vecchio di Venezia. Fonte di finanziamento: Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna (Italy). Amount: €13,000. Period: from 1-11-2021 to 31-10-2022
  • Project Title: Using paleoproteomics to identify human remains in Italian archaeological sites with Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic deposits. Funding source: Grant FARE 2018 - Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Italy. Amount: €175,666. Period: from 01-06-2020 to 31-05-2023
  • Project Title: The earliest migration of Homo sapiens in southern Europe: understanding the biocultural processes that define our uniqueness. Funding source: ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANT (grant agreement n. 724046 - SUCCESS). Amount: €1,993,811. Period: from 01-05-2017 to 30-04-2022
  • Project Title: Functional morphology of mandibular post-canine teeth in modern human and hominoids derived from Finite Element Analyses (FEA). Funding source: “Rita Levi Montalcini Programme” awarded in Italy by the Ministry of Education. Amount (Euros): €199,916. Period: from 01-03-2014 to 28-3-2017
  • Project Title: Infectious diseases in the Emilia-Romagna region from ancient times to present day: the evolution of pathogens, immune response and modern implications. Funding source: Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna (Italy). Amount: €43,000. Period: from 30-09-2014 to 30-09-2016


In charge of a research unit:


  • Project Title: From foraging to farming. Human adaptations during major transitions. Funding source: Australian Research Council (PROJECT ID: DP240101081). Amount (Euros): €431,000. Period: from 01-06-2024 to 31-05-2027
  • Project Title: Our first steps to Europe: Pleistocene Homo sapiens dispersals, adaptations and interactions in South-East Europe. Funding source: European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n. 101019659- FIRSTSTEPS). Total amount: €3,306,062; Amount Benazzi: €722,500. Period: from 01-04-2022 to 31-03-2027.
  • Project Title: Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present (iNEAL) - COST Action (proposal OC-2019-1-24161; action CA19141). Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Period: from 2020 to 2024.
  • Project Title: Prehistoric hunter-gatherers in Istria and adjacent regions: patterns of Late Pleistocene lifestyle and mobility (PREHISTRIA). Funding source: Croatian Science Foundation - HRZZ Research Projects (IP-2019-04-7821). Amount (Euros): €78,000. Period: from 2020 to 2024
  • Project Title: A real-time biomechanical study of Neanderthal anterior dentition. Funding source: Australian Research Council (PROJECT ID: DP190100465). Amount (Euros): €151,450. Period: from 01-09-2019 to 31-08-2021
  • Project Title: Reconstructing prehistoric (Neolithic to Bronze Age) lifestyles on the territory of Croatia: a multidisciplinary approach (PASTLIVES). Funding source: Croatian Science Foundation - HRZZ Research Projects (IP-06-2016). Amount (Euros): €79,000. Period: from 2016 to 2020
  • Project Title: Rediscovering the Uluzzian in Italy. Funding source: Leakey Foundation. Amount (Euros): €20,000. Period: from 01-05-2015 to 31-12-2016
  • Project Title: Understanding the evolution of human diet through digital anatomy and dental biomechanics. Funding source: Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Strategic Grant Scheme 2016 (Monash, Australia). Amount (Euros): €31,695. Period: from 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2016

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