Since June 2022: Associate Professor of Physiology, University of Bologna
From June 2019 To May 2022: Senior Assistant Professor, University of Bologna.
From January 2018 To May 2019: Young Assistant Professor, University of Bologna.
Education and past professional positions
2023: National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Physiology (05/D1)
01/10/2017 - 07/01/2018: Post-Doc at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna, Italy. Project title: “Quantificazione dei contributi del sistema nervoso simpatico e parasimpatico alle alterazioni cardiovascolari durante il sonno in un modello murino di narcolessia di tipo 1 causata dalla deficienza di orexine”. Tutor: Prof. Alessandro Silvani.
01/09/2015 – 30/08/2017: Post-Doc at the Institute of Neurological Sciences (IRCCS) ASL, Bologna. Project title:“Induction of a suspended animation state by inhibition of neurons of the central nervous pathway for thermoregulatory cold defense in pig”. Tutors: Dr. Mino Zucchelli and Dr. Matteo Cerri.
01/09/2014 – 30/08/2015: Post-Doc at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna, Italy. Project title: “Ruolo del sistema ipotalamico di arousal nella coordinazione delle modificazioni dell’attività cerebrale e della termoregolazione durante le transizioni fra stati di vigilanza”. Tutor: Prof. Alessandro Silvani.
01/09/2013 – 30/08/2014: Post-Doc at Department of Women's and Children's Health, Division of Neonatology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden granted by the foundation “Märta och Gunnar V. Philipsons Stiftelse”. Project Title: “Cotinine: a powerful but unrecognized developmental cardiovascular toxin?”. Tutors: Dr. Gary Cohen and Prof. Hugo Lagercrantz.
01/01/2011 – 31/12/2012: Post-Doc at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna, Italy. Project title: “Meccanismi ipnici e circadiani delle alterazioni della pressione arteriosa in un modello animale di obesità”. Tutor: Prof. Giovanna Zoccoli.
01/01/2008 – 31/12/2010: Attended Ph.D. Course in Applied Physiology and Pathophysiology at the Department of Human and General Physiology of the University of Bologna, Italy. Experimental thesis on “Sleep-related changes in blood pressure in Hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice”. Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Silvani.
10/07/2007: School of Medical Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy. Second Level Degree obtained cum laude, with experimental thesis on “Central and baroreflex control in spontaneously hypertensive rats during wake-sleep cycle”. Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Franzini.
27/10/2005: School of Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy. First Level Degree obtained cum laude, with experimental thesis on “The cardiovascular regulation during sleep in a model of essential hypertension”. Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Franzini.
training courses attended
2020: “Personal Data Protection”, - training course for assistant professor by the University of Bologna.
2020: Second-level Training Course for the “Use of animals for Scientific Research”, 28-29-30 January and 4-5-11-12 February 2020; Veterinary Department, University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
2011: SIF Physiology and Biophysics Course “New technologies for the study of the central nervous system” Società Italiana di Fisiologia, 4-7 april, Genova, Italy.
2010: Final Symposium for the ESRS (European Sleep research society)-EU "MARIE CURIE" Project. Title: “Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine”, 2-6 July, Kloster Seeon, Germany.
2008: Annual meeting of Young Physiology Researchers, organized by the “Società Italiana di Fisiologia”, 18-21 June, Bertinoro, Italy.
2008: “Practical training period in sleep research and sleep medicine”, with the project ESRS-EU "MARIE CURIE", at the Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (26-31 May).
2008: ESRS-EU "MARIE CURIE" Training Programme in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, 25-27 april, Italia.
teaching activity (University of Bologna) teaching courses
Since the AA 2022/23: Teacher of Physiology for the Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.
Since the AA 2017/18: Teacher of Neurophysiology for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques, Cesena Campus.
Since the AA 2018/19: Teacher of Physiology for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing, Rimini Campus.
AA 2018/19: Teacher of Physiology for the First cycle degree in Sanitary Assistant, Rimini Campus.
AA 2016/17: Tutoring (20 hours) for practical training in Physiology, Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery, Bologna.
AA 2015/16: Tutoring (17 hours) for practical training in Physiology, Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery, Bologna.
AA 2008/09: Tutoring (20 hours) for the Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Applied cognitive psychology, Bologna.
summary of teaching activity
Since 2022/23: 120 hours
AA 2021/22: 96 hours
AA 2020/21: 60 hours
AA 2019/20: 96 hours
AA 2018/19: 66 hours
AA 2017/18: 30 hours
AA 2016/17: 20 hours
AA 2015/16: 17 hours
AA 2008-2009: 20 hours
member of exam committee
Since 2018/2019: member of the exam committee for the course of “Physiology” in the Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery, Bologna.
AA 2018/19: member of the exam committee for the course of “Physiology” (Integrated Course) in the First cycle degree in Sanitary Assistant, Rimini Campus.
Since 2018/2019: member of the exam committee for the course of “Physiology” (Integrated Course) in the First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing, Rimini Campus.
Since 2017/2018: member of the exam committee for the course of “Neurophysiology” in the First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques, Cesena Campus.
Prof. Bastianini has been supervisors of 28 dissertations (one of which was included in the project ERASMUS+) and co-supervisor of 10 dissertations.
tutoring of pHd students and Research fellows
Prof. Bastianini has been tutoring of the following student enrolled in the PhD program of Applied Physiology and Pathophysiology (University of Bologna) as documented by joint publications:
Dr. Viviana Lo Martire.
Prof. Bastianini has been tutoring of the following students enrolled in the PhD program of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (University of Bologna) as documented by joint publications:
Dr. Alice Valli, Dr. Sara Alvente, Dr. Gabriele Matteoli.
Prof. Bastianini has been tutoring of the following research fellows:
Dr. Augello, Dr. Battistini, Dr. Lops, Dr. Coraci.
translation of didactic books
- “Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience”, Bradley R. Postle, Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
- “The Central Nervous System”, V edizione, Per Brodal, Piccin, Nuova Libraria, 2018.
university service activity activity of coordination/participation in committees
From AA 2022/2023 Coordinator of the First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing, Rimini Campus.
AA 2021/2022 deputy coordinator of the First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing, Rimini Campus.
AA 2021/2022 member of the judging committee of company calls for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing, Rimini Campus.
Since AA 2018/2019 member of the admission examining committee for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques, Cesena Campus.
AA 2018/2019 member of the Italian admission examining committee for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques, Cesena Campus.
graduation and admission test committee
Since AA 2018/2019: member of the graduation committee for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing, Rimini Campus. In June 2021 and November 2021 sessions, Dr. Bastianini participated as commission chairman.
Since AA 2018/2019 member of the admission examining committee for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques, Cesena Campus.
AA 2019/2020 e 2020/2021 member of the graduation committee for the second cycle degree in Medical Biotechnology.
AA 2018/2019 e 2021/2022 member of the graduation committee for the First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques, Cesena Campus.
research activity research teams
Since 2004: has been collaborating to the experimental activity of the research group directed firstly by Prof. Carlo Franzini and then by Prof. Giovanna Zoccoli, at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna. Primary goal of this research team is to investigate the physiological regulatory processes according to the different wake-sleep states in genetically-modified mice (as models of human diseases). In these mice, it is investigated the association between genetic manipulations and cardiorespiratory and body temperature controls during sleep.
From 2013 to 2014, Dr. Bastianini led the project “Cotinine: a powerful but unrecognized developmental cardiovascular toxin?” with Dr. Gary Cohen and Prof. Hugo Lagercrantz as supervisors, at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
From 2015 to 2017: has been collaborating to the experimental activity of the Dr. Mino Zucchelli aimed at the artificial induction of suspended animation through the inhibition of central thermoregulatory pathways in the pig. Istituto di Scienze Neurologiche (IRCCS) Bologna.
Since 2015 has been collaborating to the experimental activity of the team directed by Prof. Elisabetta Ciani, to study of new therapies for the CDKL5 syndrome. Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna.
national and international collaborations
Dr. Gary Cohen, Sleep Investigation Laboratory, Centre for Sleep Health and Research, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia;
Prof. J.-L. Elghozi, INSERM U652 Physiologie et Pharmacologie vasculaire et rénale, Medicine Faculty René Descartes, Paris, Francia;
Prof. Jian-Sheng Lin, INSERM U628 Physiologie intégrée du système d’éveil, Università Claude Bernard, Lyon, France;
Prof. Hiroshi Ohtsu, Applied Quantum Medical Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan;
Dr. Mauro Manconi, Neurocentro della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland;
Dr. F. Graus, Department of Neurology of Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain;
Prof. Quasar Padiath, Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA;
Prof. Hugo Lagercrantz, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Neonatal Unit, Karolinska Institutet, Stochkolm, Sweden;
Prof. Steven Swoap, Dept. of Biology, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA;
Prof. Thomas E. Scammell, Beth Israel Medical Center, Harvard, Boston, MA, USA;
Prof. Mayumi Kimura, Max Planck Institute, Monaco, Germany;
Dr. Silvia Pagliardini, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada;
Prof. Gregory Funk, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada;
Dr. Alessandro Gabrielli, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, University of Bologna;
Prof. Laura Gasparini, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova;
Prof. Laura Palagini, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione, University of Ferrara;
Prof. Giuseppe Plazzi, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Metaboliche e Neuroscienze, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Prof. Roberto Amici, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie, Università of Bologna;
Prof. Cristiano Bombardi, Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, University of Bologna;
Prof. Rocco Liguori, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie, University of Bologna;
Prof. Pietro Cortelli, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie, University of Bologna;
Prof. Mauro Ursino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi", University of Bologna;
Prof. Uberto Pagotto, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, University of Bologna;
Prof.Patrizia Romualdi, Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie, University of Bologna;
Prof. Sanzio Candeletti, Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie, University of Bologna;
Prof. Roberto Rimondini Giorgini, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, University of Bologna.
2024: WakeUp Narcolepsy Project. Title: “Fixing ORexin SIGnalling by Histaminergic neuron gene Therapy (the FORSIGHT project)”. Project grant amount $ 22000. Role: Principal Investigator.
2024: Bando Ricerca scientifica e alta tecnologia 2024, Fondazione CARISBO. Title “Sviluppo di un nuovo approccio chemogenetico per la cura delle apnee ostruttive del sonno”. Project grant amount € 8000. Role: Principal Investigator.
2023: PRIN2022-PNRR, code P2022RTCCA , title “ESTROSA: Energy-autonomous System for TReatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea”. Project grant amount € 244.004. Role: Participant.
2023: PRIN2022, code J53D23010940001, title “Chemogenetic and Optgenetic Rescue of Sleep Apnea (CORSA) in mice”. Project grant amount € 219.437. Role: Principal Investigator.
2023: PRIN2022, code C53D23004250008, title “Poor sleep during pregnancy as risk factor for post-partum stress and mental health: A translational, longitudinal and clinical study. Maternal Outcome after THERapy for Sleep (MOTHERS)”. Project grant amount € 211.364. Role: Participant.
2022: Almaidea project funded by University of Bologna, title “SONICA: Stimolazione Optogenetica dei Nuclei dell’Ipoglosso per la Cura delle Apnee”. Project grant amount € 24000. Role: Principal Investigator.
2021: has been collaborating to the project funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna, Bando di Ricerca Medica e Alta Tecnologia. Title: “Ricerca medica traslazionale per la validazione di un modello murino della sindrome di Morvan associata ad anticorpi anti-CASPR2”. Funding amount: € 8.000. Role: Participant.
2010: has been collaborating to the project funded by “Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Bologna”. Title: “Ruolo della neurogenesi ipotalamica nello sviluppo dell’obesità e delle sue comorbidità ipniche e cardiovascolari”. Funding amount € 57.000. Role: Participant.
2009: has been collaborating to the PRIN project, code 2008FY7K9S, title “Ruolo del sistema ipocretinergico nel controllo cardiovascolare termoregolatorio durante la veglia e il sonno”. Funding amount € 55.770. Role: Participant.
2013-2014 Scholarship for the project “Cotinine: a powerful but unrecognized developmental cardiovascular toxin?” by the “Märta och Gunnar V. Philipsons Stiftelse” Stockholm, Sweden.
2014 Prize “Stiftelsen Frimurare Foundation” (5000 Euros) granted by the Free Mason Foundation Stockholm, Sweden.
2017 ESRS Travel Grant for the World Sleep Congress, 7-11 October, Prague, Czech Republic.
2013 ESRS Travel Grant for Young Scientist Researchers to visit the lab directed by Prof. PH Luppi, 24 may – 7 june, Lyon, France.
2013 Travel Grant for the congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno”, 16 march, Rome.
2011 Travel Grant, International Workshop “Sleep: window to the world of wakefulness”, 6-8 October, Moscow, Russia.
2011 Travel Grant, SIF Physiology and Biophysics Course “New technologies for the study of the central nervous system” organized by the “Società Italiana di Fisiologia”, 4-7 April, Genova.
2011 Travel Grant for the congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno”, 28 May, L’Aquila.
2010 Travel Grant for the congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 14-18 September, Lisbon, Portugal.
2010 Travel Grant, to visit the Neurology laboratory, Beth Israel Medical Center, directed by Prof. Thomas E. Scammell, 29 April – 2 June, Harvard, Boston (USA).
2008 Travel Grant for the congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno”, 17-18 October, Trieste.
2008 Travel Grant for the congress of the “Società Italiana di Fisiologia”, 17-19 September, Cagliari.
2008 Travel Grant Travel Grant for the congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 9-13 September, Glasgow, UK.
2008-2010 selected for the participation to the triennial “ESRS - EU Marie Curie” »Training Programme in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine” project:
- Fellowship for Training Course, 25-28 September 2008, Bertinoro;
- Fellowship for Practical Training Period, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 26 May – 1 June2008;
- Fellowship for Final Symposium, Kloster-Seeon, Germany, July 2-6, 2010.
2007: Travel Grant for the congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno”, 26-27 October, Firenze.
2006: Travel Grant for the congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno”, 11-12 November, Milano.
reviewer activity
Prof. Bastianini has been reviewer for the following journals:
Cor et Vasa, The Journal of Sleep Research, Sleep, Plos One, Psychoneuroendocrinology,
STAR protocols, MethodsX Scientific Reports, Frontiers Physiology, Behavioural Pharmacology,
The Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Computer in Biology and Medicine,
He is Review Editor for:
Frontiers in Integrative Physiology,
Frontiers in Sleep and Circadian Rhythm.
reviewer for research project
2022 Project title: “Prenatal stress and infants' temperamental and stress reactivity - the role of the quality of mother-infant interaction and child's microbiota composition.” , Jagiellonian University in Cracow
2019 Project title: “Understanding the connection between stress-susceptibility and changes in sleep architecture” American University of Sharjah (Emirates).
visits to laboratories
01/09/2013 – 30/08/2014 Department of Women's and Children's Health, Neonatal Unit” and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (Genetic Physiology)” Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
2013 Molecular Sleep Laboratory, Glostrup University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,
invited by Dr Brigitte Kornum (6 September).
2013 University UMR 5292 CNRS/U1028 INSERM, Lyon, France, Prof. P.H. Luppi. 24 May– 7 June.
2011 Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Invited by the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), 6-8 October.
2011 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) in Genova. 4-7 April.
2010 Neurology laboratory, Beth Israel Medical Center, Harvard, Boston (USA), Prof. Thomas E. Scammell. 29 April – 2 June.
2008 Centre intégratif de génomique, Genopode, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Dr. Paul Franken. 26-31 May.
invited speaker
2020 Symposium “11 Minutes of Sleep” at the 14° virtual congress “Pisa Sleep Award”. Title: “Stress & Sleep: A Relationship Lasting A Lifetime”.
2020 Symposium “il sonno nel periodo perinatale” at the 30° virtual congress of the “Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno” (AIMS). Title “Sonno e stress nel periodo perinatale e conseguenze a lungo termine nell’adulto: novità dalla ricerca di base”.
2019 Symposium “Breathing through the ages - Rhythm generation and modulatory mechanisms” at the joint congress SIF-FEPS in Bologna, Italia. Title “New data on hypnic and breathing phenotype of a mouse model of Down Syndrome”.
2017 Symposium “Sleep and stress: a relationship that lasts a lifetime” at the 17° World Sleep Congress in Praga, Czech Republic. Title “Perinatal stress and hypnic derangements in adults: news from animal models”.
2015 Young Symposium of the “Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno” (AIMS) during the 25° national congress in Cagliari. Title “Perinatal nicotine exposure changes sleep in adulthood”.
2014 Young Symposium of the “Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno” (AIMS) during the 25° national congress in Pisa. Title “SCOPRISM: un nuovo algoritmo per la discriminazione automatica del sonno nel topo”.
2013 Seminar at the University UMR 5292 CNRS/U1028 INSERM, Lyon, France, invited by Prof. PH Luppi. Title “Cardio-respiratory control in genetically modified mice during sleep”.
2010 Symposium for the project “Marie-Curie” of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) in Kloster Seeon, Germany. Title “Sleep entails arterial hypertension in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice”.
2010 Seminar at the Neurology laboratory, Beth Israel Medical Center, Harvard, Boston (USA), invited by Prof. Thomas E. Scammell. Title “Cardiovascular regulation during sleep in mouse models of pathology”.
2008 Seminar at the Centre intégratif de génomique, Genopode, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, invited by Dr. Paul Franken. Title “Circadian and sleep-dependent regulation of arterial blood are altered in leptin-deficient obese mice”
congress oral presentations
06/10/2011 Oral Presentation at the 6° international workshop “Sleep: window to the world of wakefulness” in Moscow (Russia), title “Sleep entails arterial hypertension in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice”.
27/05/2011 Oral Presentation, title "Parossismi di onde theta durante il sonno REM e la cataplessia in topi ipocretina deficienti" at the XVI Congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno” (SIRS), L' Aquila, Italia.
17/09/2010 Oral Presentation, title "Sleep entails arterial hypertension in hypocretin deficient narcoleptic mice" at the 20° Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Lisbon, Portugal.
29/09/2009 Oral Presentation, title "Analisi cardiovascolare in funzione dello stato comportamentale in modelli murini di patologia umana: obesità e narcolessia" at the 7° Seminario dei Ricercatori del Centro di Ricerca Biomedica Applicata (CRBA), Bologna, Italia.
17/10/2008 Oral Presentation, title "Alterazioni del controllo centrale e baroriflesso del periodo cardiaco durante il ciclo veglia-sonno in topi obesi con deficit di leptina" at the 13° Congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno” (SIRS), Trieste, Italia.
09/09/2008 Oral Presentation, title "Sleep-related and circadian changes of arterial pressure are altered in leptin-deficient mice" at the "special session for the trainees of the Marie-Curie project" of the 19° Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Glasgow, UK.
26/10/2007 Oral Presentation, title "Studio delle varabili cardiovascolari durante il sonno nel topo" at the 12° Congress of the “Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno” (SIRS), Firenze, Italia.
2019 member of the organizing committee for the congress FEPS2019, joint meeting of the Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS) and the Italian Physiological Society (SIF), Bologna, 10-13 September 2019.
12/10/2009 chairmain for the symposium “New Trends in Basic and Clinical Sleep Research in Europe” for the project “Marie-Curie”, Bologna.
membership to scientific societies
Present: Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Società Italiana di Fisiologia (SIF), Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS), International Union of Physiological Societies (IUPS), European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).
Past: Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno (SIRS), World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM).