Pinna, S.; Ciammaichella, L.; Tassani, C.; Ferrari, C.; Perfetti, S., Effectiveness of caudal segmental mandibulectomy in a cat: clinical and tomographic outcomes, «JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY OPEN REPORTS», 2024, 10, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]
Pinna, S.; Di Benedetto, M.; Tassani, C., How does cruciate ligament rupture treatment affect range of motion in dogs?, «THE VETERINARY JOURNAL», 2024, 308, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]
Pinna, Stefania; Tassani, Chiara; Di Benedetto, Matteo, Treatment of Medial Instability of the Carpometacarpal and Tarsometatarsal Joints Using the Isolock® System in Two Dogs, «ANIMALS», 2024, 14, Article number: 577, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Pinna S.; Vezzoni A.; Di Benedetto M.; Lambertini C.; Tassani C., Characterization of FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) Grades for Hip Dysplasia in Five Dog Breeds, «ANIMALS», 2023, 13, Article number: 2212, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access
Zanardi, M. Di Benedetto, V. Cola, C. Tassani, S. Pinna, S. Del Magno, L. Pisoni, Is canine distemper virus infection associated with hypertrophic osteodistrophy?, in: 22th ESVOT Proceedings, 2023, pp. 167 - 168 (atti di: 22th ESVOT CONGRESS, Venice, 5-7 October 2023) [atti di convegno-abstract]
S. Zanardi, V. Cola, L. Ballarini, C. Tassani, S. Pinna, L. Pisoni, S. Del Magno, Treatment of a femur atrophic non-union in a dog with the use of a titanium porous cylinder, in: 22th ESVOT Proceedings, Cremona, EV soc. cons. a r.l., 2023, pp. 165 - 166 (atti di: 22th ESVOT CONGRESS, Venice, 5-7 October 2023) [atti di convegno-abstract]
M. Di Benedetto, S. Zanardi, C. Tassani, S. Del Magno, L. Pisoni, V. Cola, S. Pinna, Treatment of medial instability of Tarsometatarsal and Carpometacarpal joints in two dogs with synthetical reinforcement of medial collateral ligament., in: 22th ESVOT Proceedings, Cremona, EV soc. cons. a r.l., 2023, pp. 116 - 117 (atti di: 22th ESVOT CONGRESS, Venice, 5-7 October 2023) [atti di convegno-abstract]
Pinna S.; Tassani C.; Antonino A.; Vezzoni A., Prevalence of Primary Radiographic Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs, «ANIMALS», 2022, 12, Article number: 2788, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access
Pinna, S; Tassani, C; Rossini, M; Lanzi, F, External fixator for the treatment of narrowed pelvic canal in a cat, «VETERINARNI MEDICINA», 2021, 66, pp. 356 - 362 [articolo]Open Access
Pinna, Stefania; Lanzi, Francesco; Tassani, Chiara, The Effect of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture on Range of Motion in Dogs, «VETERINARY SCIENCES», 2021, 8, Article number: 119, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Pinna S.; Lanzi F.; Grassato L., Bologna Healing Stifle Injury Index: A Comparison of Three Surgical Techniques for the Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs, «FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2020, 7, Article number: 567473, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access
Carmela Musto, Romolo Caniglia, Elena Fabbri, Marco Galaverni, Noemi Romagnoli, Stefania Pinna, Elisa Berti, Marzia Naldi, Emanuela Bologna, Luigi Molinari, Sara Del Magno, Mauro Delogu, CONSERVATION AT THE INDIVIDUAL LEVEL: SUCCESSFUL REHABILITATION AND POST-RELEASE MONITORING OF AN ITALIAN WOLF (Canis lupus italicus) INJURED IN A CAR ACCIDENT., «VETERINARSKI ARHIV», 2020, 90, Article number: 0727, pp. 205 - 212 [articolo]Open Access
Lambertini, Carlotta; Pietra, Marco; Galiazzo, Giorgia; Torresan, Francesco; Pinna, Stefania; Pisoni, Luciano; Romagnoli, Noemi, Incidence of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Dogs Undergoing Orthopaedic Surgery or Endoscopic Evaluation of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract, «VETERINARY SCIENCES», 2020, 7, pp. 144 - 154 [articolo]Open Access
Pinna S., Lanzi F., Tassani C., Mian G., Intra-articular replacement of a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament using the Mini-TightRope® System in dogs: a preliminary study., «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2020, 21, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access
Francesco Lanzi, Stefania Pinna, Lisa Grassato, Approccio mini-invasivo con fissazione esterna nel trattamento del restringimento del canale pelvico in un gatto., in: Congresso AOVI, 2019, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 6° Congresso Nazionale AOVI (Associazione Ortopedica Veterinaria Italiana), Bologna, 7-8 giugno 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]