1999: Master degree cum laude in Building Engineering –
University of Bologna.
Master Thesis “Cathodic protection of underground metallic
pipelines. Definition and analysis of parameters necessary for a
design preliminary to the laying”
2000: Professional Chartership – Engineering
2001: Master in “Architectural Tender Design” – Regione
Emilia Romagna
2003: Ph. D. in Materials Engineering – University of
Master Thesis “Sulfur concrete for buildings and renovation.
Technology, characterization and sustainability issues”
2006: Second Level Master in “Facility Management and
Global Service” - University of Bologna
2017: Course “Academic Teaching Excellence” English as a Medium of Instruction delivered by the British Council for the University of Bologna
2000: Trainee Design Engineer for Engineering and
Architecture Consultants, Bologna
2000: Fellowship of HERA S.p.A., Bologna, in
collaboration with the University of Bologna. Project title:
“Design construction and upgrade of company' s physical plant -
Technical and safety issues”
2000: Fund holder in “Young Researcher Project”:
“Sustainable building industry and construction materials”-
University of Bologna
2001-03: Assegnista di ricerca (fellowship) – Dept. of
Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),
University of Bologna.
Project Title: “Design assessment and sustainability issues of
traditional and innovative building materials”.
2003-05: Post Doctoral Fellow –DICAM
Project Title: “Mortar and concrete for sustainable buildings:
materials, technologies and performances”
2005-06: Assegnista di ricerca (fellowship) of the
“Mechanical Engineering Design Material Laboratory”, PRRIITT
Project “Regional Programme for Industrial Research, Innovation and
Technological Transfer”, DICAM
Project Title: “Ceramics and polymer composites”
2006-07: Site supervisor and Project Engineer for
Commercial and Residential Development in Bologna suburban area -
Manutencoop, Bologna (Construction Division)
2007-20: Since 1 October University Researcher in the field
of Science and Materials Technology at DICAM
2020: Since 12 October Associate Professor in the field of Science and Materials Technology at DICAM
Her research activity is based on agreements with the industrial
and university reality: it mainly concerns on materials for civil
and building engineering, architectural restoration and the most
innovative production and setting processes. In particular, the
Research focuses on composite materials with cement and/or polymer
matrix, particulate and fiber reinforced, on reuse of waste
(industrial waste, from construction and demolition, etc.) and on
materials used in ancient architecture for restoration.
The use of waste is a key point of materials sustainability for
building engineering. It is pursued in Research with new operative
methodologies for the choice of low environmental impact
She is the author of 70 scientific papers and of 25 oral
presentations at national/international congresses.
She is also supervisor of 49 Master Degree Theses and
co-supervisor of 42 Master Degree Theses discussed in the field of
materials for buildings, industries and restoration.
She has activities within the “Official Laboratory of Materials
Science and Technology - LASTM” (recognized as Official Laboratory
of eminent utility by the Italian laws L. 26.05.65, n. 595 and L.
05.11.71, n. 1086) of the DICAM, University of Bologna.
Teaching activity
2001/2002 she keeps assistance in Master Degree
Courses in the field of Science and Materials Technology (European
second level Degree Course in Building Engineering/Architecture,
Degree Course in Chemical Engineering, International second level
Degree Course in Materials and Sensor Systems for Environmental
Technologies). In
2008/2009 and 2009/2010 she is in charge of a
teaching position of “Materials Technology and Applied Chemistry L”
(Degree Course in Building Engineering) and is a member in the
Final Exam Degree Course in Building Engineering. In 2008/2009 she
has been in charge of a teaching position of “Chemistry and
Technology of materials' restoration and conservation” (European
second level Degree Course in Building Engineering/Architecture)
and in the “Master degree course in Sustainable Architecture” at
the University of Bologna (within the Modulus “Materials and
Sustainable Construction”). Since
2009/2010 she is in charge
of a teaching position of “Laboratory of Materials Characterization
M” (Second level Degree Course in Chemical and Process
Engineering), Modulus “Laboratory of Materials Characterization” in
the Integrated Course “Materials Characterization and Laboratory”
(International second level Degree Course in "Materials and Sensors
Systems for Environmental Technologies" and International second
level Degree Course in "Materials and Sensor Engineering for
Environmental Sustainability") and Modulus about diagnostic for
restoration in the Course “Chemistry and Technology of materials'
restoration and conservation” (European second level Degree Course
in Building Engineering/Architecture). Since
2013/2014 she is
in charge of a teaching position of a Modulus in the Course
“Materials for Industrial Product T” (Degree Course in Industrial
Design). Since
2015/2016 she is in charge of a teaching position of "Chemistry and Technology of Materials T (A-K)” (First cycle degree programmes (L) in Civil Engineering). Since
2020/2021 she is in charge of a teaching position of “Materials for Industrial Product T” (Degree Course in Industrial Design). Since
2021/22 she is in charge of a teaching position of a Modulus in the Course “Chimica dei Materiali P” (First cycle degree programme (L) in Techniques and Management for Construction and Land).