Foto del docente

Stefania Bonfiglioli

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: GEOG-01/A Geography

Curriculum vitae




Curriculum Vitae (updated in the Italian version)

Stefania Bonfiglioli, PhD, geographer, is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna. She has achieved the National Scientific qualification as full professor in the Italian higher education system for the disciplinary field of 11/B1 -Geography. She was the Principal Investigator of the AlmaIdea Project “European Space as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’: geographical meanings and proposals for implementation”.  Her main research interests are in the fields of geographical theory, cultural geographies, gender studies, the relationship between geography and ethics, philosophy of images. She is author of two books (La geografia di Egnazio Danti and Agalma), editor of another book and of two special issues, and author of many scientific articles and book chapters, published in international and national journals or volumes. At the University of Bologna she teaches Cultural Geography, Geography Gender and Ethics, Geography; furthermore, she is faculty member of the PhD Programme in ‘History and Archaeology. Studies on Heritage, Memory and Cultures’ and member of the Area-11A Panel of the Commissione per la Valutazione della Ricerca di Ateneo. She is the President of the Emilia-Romagna Section of the AIIG (Italian Association Geography Teachers / Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia).


Current and previous positions

  • 6 Nov 2021 - present. Associate Professor of Geography (academic discipline M-GGR/01) at the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna.
  • 6 Nov 2018 - 5 Nov 2021. Senior Assistant Professor of Geography (academic discipline M-GGR/01) at the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna.
  • AA.YY. 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18. Adjunct Professor of Communication Geography (academic discipline M-GGR/01 - Geography), first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences, University of Bologna.
  • 16/06/2012 - 15/06/2013 and 01/04/2014 - 31/03/2015. Research Fellow in Geography, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.
  • 01/02/2007 - 31/01/2012. Research Fellow in Semiotics, Department of Communication Sciences, University of Bologna.



  • 1994. High School diploma in classical studies (“maturità classica”). Bologna, Liceo ginnasio statale M. Minghetti.
  • 30th November 2001. Degree (equivalent to Master’s degree) in Arts and Humanities (“Lettere”) at the University of Bologna; degree thesis in Geography; final grade: 110/110 cum laude.
  • 1st January 2003 – 31st December 2005. Ph.D. Student in Semiotics at the University of Bologna.
  • 22nd May 2006. She obtained her Ph.D. in Semiotics at the University of Bologna. Final evaluation: excellent. 


 Research appointments and activities at University

  • 6th November 2018 - 5th November 2021. The three-year project related to her serving as a Senior Assistant Professor was the following: "Topics and methods of the history of geography. Case studies, nature of the models, and storytelling".
  • 1st March 2004 – 28th June 2004. Stefania Bonfiglioli, as visiting Ph.D., carried out research abroad, in English, at the Institute for Greek and Latin of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 1st February 2007 – 31st January 2010. She worked as a Research Fellow for three years at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Bologna. Title of the research project: “Opposition and difference in ancient and late ancient Greek philosophy”.
  • 1st February 2010 – 31st January 2012. She worked as a Senior Research Fellow for two years at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Bologna. Title of the research project: “Landscape and subjectivity: geography in semiotics”.
  • 16th June 2012 ­– 15th June 2013. She worked as a Research Fellow for one year at the Department of Communication Sciences ­­– post L. 240/2010: Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies – of the University of Bologna. Title of the research project: “Towards a historico-critical perspective on the notion of practice”, Academic discipline: M-GGR/01–Geography.
  • 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2015. She worked as a Research Fellow for one year at the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies of the University of Bologna. Title of the research project: “Geography and ethics: a critical genealogy of their relationship”, Academic discipline: M-GGR/01–Geography.
  • Both in February 2007 and February 2008 she participated, after selection of the applicants’ curricula, in the Settimana di formazione of the Centro di Studi “GRAL (GReco, Arabo, Latino) Incontro di culture” (Università di Pisa - Università degli Studi di Padova), Pisa, S. Croce in Fossabanda.
  • She is member of the Associazione dei Geografi Italiani (A.Ge.I.).
  • She is author of two books, editor of another book and two special issues, and author of many scientific articles, essays, and book chapters, published in national and international journals or volumes (see Publications).
  • As an invited or contributed speaker, she has given talks and presented papers at national and international conferences, held at many universities and institutions, such as École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris-Sorbonne, France), Trinity College (Cambridge, UK), Saint John’s University (New York, USA), Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier, France), Montreux (Switzerland), Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee-CNR/Università di Roma La Sapienza, University College Dublin (Ireland), Royal Geographical Society (London, UK).
  • Scientific organization of conferences over the last 3 years:

         (2020) BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA (con MATTEO PROTO): coordinamento scientifico della sessione Il pensiero del paesaggio nel pensiero geografico. Storia, attualità, proposte critiche, nel Convegno Oltre la Convenzione. Pensare, studiare e costruire il paesaggio 20 anni dopo, Firenze, Società di Studi geografici, 4-5 giugno 2020 (convegno tenuto on line; la sessione è stata coordinata in data 4 giugno 2020).

         (2019) BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, chair and organizer of the international Symposium Migrazioni. Dove va la geografia, University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures, Aula Prodi, Bologna, 13 November 2019.

The papers presented at conferences over the last years are the following:

  • 2023. BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, invited lecture entitled "Margini, femminismi e storie del pensiero geografico", given on 20 Sep 2023 at the Scuola di Alta Formazione dell'AGeI (Associazione dei Geografi Italiani), Alghero, 17-20 Sep 2023.
  • 2023. BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, talk at the seminar “Classici e non solo” - discussione su “Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano” di E. Sereni e “Il paesaggio storico” di C. Tosco, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, Bologna, 17 May 2023.
  • 2023. BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, “Femminismi, zoé e geografie liminari postumane”, paper presented on 24 February 2023 at the conference “Cicatrici. Geografie e femminismi”, Università degli Studi di Palermo – Goethe Institut, Palermo, 24-25 February 2023.

  • 2022. BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, invited lecture at LUGANO (Switzerland). Invited lecture entitled “Riflessioni di geografia critica/Nuove prospettive della geografia”, given on 20 Oct 2022 at the Biblioteca cantonale di Lugano.

  • 2022. BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, paper presented on 1 Sep 2022 at the ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (WITH THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH GEOGRAPHERS) ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2022, 30 Aug-2 Sep 2022, Session “Arts, heritage and performative politics (2)”, NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY, Newcastle, UK.
  • BONFIGLIOLI, STEFANIA (2021) “Corpi che parlano: arte femminista e dibattiti geografici odierni”, paper presented on 9 Sep 2021 at the XXXIII Congresso Geografico Italiano, Geografie in Movimento | Moving Geographies (Nodo “ITR: Idee, Testi, Rappresentazioni. Pensare, raccontare, immaginare il movimento”, Sessione “ITR10. (Dis)figurare il genere: pensare, raccontare, immaginare in una cornice transitoria”), 8-13 Sep 2021.
  • BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA (2020) “Sull’attualità del concetto di paesaggio”, paper presented on 4 June 2020 nella sessione Il pensiero del paesaggio nel pensiero geografico. Storia, attualità, proposte critiche del Convegno Oltre la Convenzione. Pensare, studiare e costruire il paesaggio 20 anni dopo, Firenze, Società di Studi geografici, 4-5 June 2020.

  •  BONFIGLIOLI, STEFANIA (2019), “Migration and narratives: an ancient ethical story”, paper presented on 28 August 2019 at the Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers), 27-30 August 2019, Session Geographical imaginaries: cultural and creative spaces, London, UK.

  • BONFIGLIOLI, STEFANIA (2019) “What ethics is: At the roots of geographical thought”, paper presented on 11 July 2019 at the International Symposium on the History of Geographical Thought Geographies of Identities and Imaginations (International Geographical Union - Commission History of Geography), University College Dublin, 10-12 luglio 2019, Dublin, Ireland.

  • BONFIGLIOLI, STEFANIA (2019) "Migrazioni. Dove va la geografia: introduzione al tema del convegno", talk given at the International Symposium Migrazioni. Dove va la geografia, University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures, Aula Prodi, Bologna, 13 November 2019.
  • BONFIGLIOLI, STEFANIA (2019) "Migrazioni ed etica: immaginazioni geografiche", talk given at the International Symposium Migrazioni. Dove va la geografia, University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures, Aula Prodi, Bologna, 13 November 2019.
  • BONFIGLIOLI, STEFANIA (2019) “Portici, cultura e processi”, talk given during the research and third mission initiative Processi di rigenerazione urbana a Bologna: problematiche e visioni, organized by the Unibo researchers of Geography, among whom Stefania Bonfiglioli, for the European Night of Geography 2019, University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures, Aula Capitani.

  • BONFIGLIOLI STEFANIA, “Geografia del Terzo. Immagine, filosofia del linguaggio e pensiero geografico”, paper presented on 7 June 2017 at the XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano, L’apporto della geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme, session “Geografia e filosofia: modelli, mitologie, esperienze di ricerca a confronto”, Roma, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Scuola di Lettere Filosofia Lingue, 7-10 June 2017.

Organization of conferences in the previous years:

  • Stefania Bonfiglioli (together with Umberto Eco and Costantino Marmo): organization of the interdoctoral seminar Avventure del simbolo. Icone e simboli tra Antichità e Medioevo, Università di Bologna, Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Bologna, 7 April - 26 May 2005.
  • Stefania Bonfiglioli (with Costantino Marmo): organization of the X Congresso nazionale della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Retorica e scienze del linguaggio. Teorie e pratiche dell’argomentazione e della persuasione, Rimini, 19-21 September 2003, Hotel la Gradisca, Viale Fiume 1.
  • Stefania Bonfiglioli, member of the organizing staff of the 18th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Usus loquendi, discretio audientis, intentio proferentis. Pragmatic Approaches to Language During the Middle Ages (IX-XIV Century), Bologna, 8-11 June 2010, Università di Bologna, Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Via Marsala 26, Sala Rossa.


Teaching at University

  • A.Y. 2021/2022 - Teacher of Cultural Geography, Geography of Culture, Geography and Visual Communication (second cycle degree in Geography and Territorial Processes), Geography (A-L) (first cycle degree in Humanities) at the University of Bologna.
  • A.Y. 2020/2021 - Teacher of Geography (A-L) (first cycle degree in Humanities) and of Geography and Visual Communication (second cycle degree in Geography and Territorial Processes) at the University of Bologna.
  • A.Y. 2019/2020 - Teacher of Geography (A-L) (first cycle degree in Humanities) and of Geography and Visual Communication (second cycle degree in Geography and Territorial Processes) at the University of Bologna.
  • A.Y. 2018/2019 - Teacher of Geography and Visual Communication (second cycle degree in Geography and Territorial Processes) and of Communication Geography (R-Z) (first cycle degree in Communication Sciences) at the University of Bologna.
  • A.Y. 2017/2018 – Teacher, as Adjunct Professor, of the course of Communication Geography R-Z, academic discipline M-GGR/01-Geography, University of Bologna, School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences.
  • A.Y. 2017/2018 – Adjunct Professor of Communication Geography – Module 2 of the course A-F, 30 hour teaching –, academic discipline M-GGR/01-Geography, University of Bologna, School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences.
  • A.Y. 2016/2017 – Adjunct Professor of Communication Geography – Module 2 of the course A-L, 30 hour teaching –, academic discipline M-GGR/01-Geography, University of Bologna, School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences.

  • A.Y. 2015/2016 – Adjunct Professor of Communication Geography – Module 2 of the course A-L, 30 hour teaching –, academic discipline M-GGR/01-Geography, University of Bologna, School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences.
  • A.Y. 2010/2011 – Teacher of the International Summer School Quadrivium’s Humanism and Modernity (CNRS France – University of Bologna), held in Bologna, at Villa Gandolfi Pallavicini (University of Bologna), 10-20 July 2011, organized within the activities of the GDRI STAR Artistic Knowledge and Art Treatises from Renaissance to the Enlightenment of the CNRS France.
  • A.Y. 2009/2010 – 30 hour teaching: Module 2 of the course of History of Semiotics, second cycle degree programme in Semiotics, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, University of Bologna.
  • A.Y. 2011/2012 – teaching tutor of History of Philosophy (1), first cycle degree programme in Arts, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, University of Bologna.
  • A.Y. 2004/2005 – teaching tutor of Semiotics, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, Department of Communication Sciences.
  • A.Y. 2003/2004 – teaching tutor of Narrative Semiotics, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, Department of Communication Sciences.
  • A.Y. 2002/2003 – teaching tutor of Semiotics, first cycle degree programme in Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, Department of Communication Sciences.

Institutional appointments

  • Since 21 July 2020 Stefania Bonfiglioli has been member of the Scientific Board of the Library of the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna.
  • Since 26 February 2019: member of the AQ Commission of the Master Degree Programme in Geography and Territorial Processes of the University of Bologna.
  • Since 19 May 2020: member of the Commission 'Comunicazione' of the Master Degree Programme in Geography and Territorial Processes of the University of Bologna
  • Since 28 April 2021: 'Membro effettivo' of the 'Commissione di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Geografia e processi territoriali dell’Università di Bologna'.
  • 9 May 2019–27 April 2021: 'Membro supplente' of the 'Commissione di ammissione al Corso di Laurea magistrale in Geografia e processi territoriali dell’Università di Bologna'.


Editorial activity

  • Since March 2014 Stefania Bonfiglioli has been member of the board of referees of the scientific journal Rivista Geografica Italiana (ISSN 0035-6697).
  • November 2012 - march 2018: member of the editorial staff of the scientific journal Blityri. Studi di storia delle idee sui segni e le lingue (ISSN 2281-6682).