Ocak, Samet; Braga, Dario; D'Agostino, Simone, Effect of supramolecular complexation of alkali hydrogenselenates with crown ethers and solid-solutions with their hydrogensulfate counterparts on the solid-to-solid phase transition behaviors, «CRYSTENGCOMM», 2024, 26, pp. 4525 - 4532 [Scientific article]
Ocak, Samet; D’Agostino, Simone; Venturini, Grega; Soavi, Francesca; Bordignon, Simone; Chierotti, Michele R.; Braga, Dario, Enabling Superprotonic Phase Transitions in Solid Acids via Supramolecular Complex Formation: The Case of Crown Ethers and Alkali Hydrogen Sulfates, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C», 2024, 128, pp. 4789 - 4795 [Scientific article]Open Access
Cenciarelli, Fabia; Tomasini, Claudia; D'Agostino, Simone; Giuri, Demetra, Exploring the Self-Assembly of a Fully Protected l-Dopa from Different Organic Solvents and the Relationship Between Gel and Crystal Structures, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2024, 24, pp. 9331 - 9336 [Scientific article]Open Access
D'Agostino, Simone; Macchietti, Laura; Turner, Raymond J.; Grepioni, Fabrizia, From 0D-complex to 3D-MOF: changing the antimicrobial activity of zinc(II) via reaction with aminocinnamic acids, «FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY», 2024, 12, Article number: 1430457 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Azzali, A.; Di Filippo, M. F.; Bertuccioli, L.; Lilburn, S.; Panzavolta, S.; Grepioni, F.; D'Agostino, S., Green synthesis of a thermo/photochromic doped cellulose polymer: a biocompatible film for potential application in cold chain visual tracking, «MOLECULAR SYSTEMS DESIGN & ENGINEERING», 2024, 9, pp. 947 - 958 [Scientific article]
Fermi, Andrea; D'Agostino, Simone; Dai, Yasi; Brunetti, Filippo; Negri, Fabrizia; Gingras, Marc; Ceroni, Paola, Unravelling the Role of Structural Factors in the Luminescence Properties of Persulfurated Benzenes, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2024, 30, pp. e202401768-1 - e202401768-9 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ocak, S.; Poli, F.; Braga, D.; Salzillo, T.; Tarterini, F.; Cari, G.; Venuti, E.; Soavi, F.; D'Agostino, S., Design of Novel Solid-State Electrolytes Based on Plastic Crystals of Quinuclidinolium Methanesulfonate for Proton Conduction, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2023, 23, pp. 4336 - 4345 [Scientific article]Open Access
Guerrini, Marzia; d'Agostino, Simone; Grepioni, Fabrizia; Braga, Dario; Lekhan, Andrii; Turner, Raymond J, Antimicrobial activity of supramolecular salts of gallium(III) and proflavine and the intriguing case of a trioxalate complex, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2022, 12, Article number: 3673 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access
Azzali A.; d'Agostino S.; Capacci M.; Spinelli F.; Ventura B.; Grepioni F., Assembling photoactive materials from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): room temperature phosphorescence and excimer-emission in co-crystals with 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene, «CRYSTENGCOMM», 2022, 24, pp. 5748 - 5756 [Scientific article]Open Access
Fijahi, Lamiaa; Salzillo, Tommaso; Tamayo, Adrián; Bardini, Marco; Ruzié, Christian; Quarti, Claudio; Beljonne, David; D'Agostino, Simone; Geerts, Yves; Mas-Torrent, Marta, Charge transfer complexes of a benzothienobenzothiophene derivative and their implementation as active layer in solution-processed thin film organic field-effect transistors, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C», 2022, 10, pp. 7319 - 7328 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nicastro G.; Black L.M.; Ravarino P.; d'Agostino S.; Faccio D.; Tomasini C.; Giuri D., Controlled Hydrolysis of Odorants Schiff Bases in Low-Molecular-Weight Gels, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2022, 23, Article number: 3105 , pp. 3105 - 3114 [Scientific article]Open Access
D'Agostino S.; Shemchuk O.; Taddei P.; Braga D.; Grepioni F., Embroidering Ionic Cocrystals with Polyiodide Threads: The Peculiar Outcome of the Mechanochemical Reaction between Alkali Iodides and Cyanuric Acid, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2022, 22, pp. 2759 - 2767 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ocak, Samet; Birolo, Rebecca; Carì, Gianluca; Bordignon, Simone; Chierotti, Michele R.; Braga, Dario; Gobetto, Roberto; Salzillo, Tommaso; Venuti, Elisabetta; Yaffe, Omer; D'Agostino, Simone, Engineering plastic phase transitions via solid solutions: the case of “reordering frustration” in ionic plastic crystals of hydroxyquinuclidinium salts, «MOLECULAR SYSTEMS DESIGN & ENGINEERING», 2022, 7, pp. 950 - 962 [Scientific article]Open Access
Giunchi, Andrea; Pandolfi, Lorenzo; Salzillo, Tommaso; Brillante, Aldo; Della Valle, Raffaele G; d'Agostino, Simone; Venuti, Elisabetta, Visualizing a Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal [2+2] Photodimerization through its Lattice Dynamics: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, «CHEMPHYSCHEM», 2022, 23, Article number: e202200168 , pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
Giuri, D.; D'Agostino, S.; Ravarino, P.; Faccio, D.; Falini, G.; Tomasini, C., Water Remediation from Pollutant Agents by the Use of an Environmentally Friendly Supramolecular Hydrogel, «CHEMNANOMAT», 2022, e202200093, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access