Foto del docente

Silvia Panzavolta

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-03/A General and Inorganic Chemistry


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

1) A. Bigi, S. Panzavolta, A. Ripamonti, N. Roveri

“Hydroxyapatite-gelatin composites as biomaterials”

Proc. of the 3rd Meeting and Seminar on Ceramics, Cells, and Tissues (A. Ravaglioli and A. Krajewski, eds.), Faenza Editrice, Faenza, (1996), pp.157-162


2) A. Bigi, S. Panzavolta, A. Ripamonti, N. Roveri, K. Rubini

“Structural and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite-gelatin films”

Syntheses and Methodologies in Inorganic Chemistry (eds. S. Daolio, E. Tondello, P.A. Vigato) La Photograph, Padova, (1996), pp.379-384


3) A. Bigi, S. Panzavolta, A. Ripamonti, N. Roveri

“Hydroxyapatite-gelatin films with anisotropic properties”

Proc. of the 4rd Meeting and Seminar on Ceramics, Cells and Tissues (A. Ravaglioli and A. Krajewskj, eds.), Faenza Editrice, Faenza, (1997), pp. 213-218


4) A. Bigi, G. Cojazzi, S. Panzavolta, A. Ripamonti, N. Roveri, M. Romanello, K. Noris Suarez and L. Moro

“Chemical and structural characterization of the mineral phase from cortical and trabecular bone”

J. Inorg. Biochem. 68, 45-51, (1997)


5) A. Bigi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri and M.H.J. Koch

“Structural aspects of the calcification process of lower vertebrate collagen”,

HASYLAB and DESY Annual Report II (1997), 101-102


6) A. Bigi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri and M.H.J. Koch

“Collagen structure and distribution in teleost fish scales”,

HASYLAB and DESY Annual Report II (1997), 99-100


7) A. Bigi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Hydroxyapatite-gelatin films: a structural and mechanical characterization”

Biomaterials, 19, 739-744, (1998)


8) A. Bigi, M.H.J. Koch , S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri,

“Structural relationship between collagen fibrils and inorganic crystals in lower vertebrates”,

HASYLAB and DESY Annual Report II (1998), 385-386


9) A. Bigi, M.H.J. Koch , S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri,

“Small angle X-ray scattering from biomedical polyurethanes”

HASYLAB and DESY Annual Report II (1998), 387-388


10) A. Bigi, B. Bracci, G. Cojazzi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Drawn gelatin films with improved mechanical properties”

Biomaterials, (1998) 19, 2335-2340

11) E. Bertoni, A. Bigi, G. Cojazzi, M. Gandolfi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Nanocrystals of magnesium and fluoride substituted hydroxyapatite”

J. Inorg. Biochem., (1998), 72, 29-35


12) A. Bigi, E. Bertoni, G. Falini, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Hydroxyapatite / Polyacrylic acid composite nanocrystals”

J, Mater, Chem, (1999), 9, 779-782


13) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, M. Borghi, G. Cojazzi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Synthesys and hydrolysis of octacalcium-phosphate: effect of sodium polyacrylate ”

J. Inorg. Biochem., (1999), 75, 145-151


14) A. Bigi, M.H.J. Koch , S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri, K. Rubini

“Structural aspects of the calcification process of lower vertebrate collagen”

Connective Tissue Research, (1999), 41, 37-43.


15) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, G. Cojazzi,  G. Falini, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Effect of sodium polyacrylate on the hydrolysis of octacalcium-phosphate.”

J. Inorg. Biochem., (2000), 78, 227-233


16) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, S. Panzavolta and N. Roveri

“Biomimetic Growth of Hydroxyapatite on Gelatin Films Doped with Sodium Polyacrylate”

Biomacromolecules, (2000), 1, 752-756


17) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, G. Cojazzi, G. Falini, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Interaction of sodium polyacrylate with octacalcium phosphate”

Advances in Crystal Growth Inhibition Technologies

Edited by Amjad. Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, (2000)


18)  A. Bigi, M. Borghi, G. Cojazzi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri

“Structural and mechanical properties of crosslinked drawn gelatin films”

J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2000), 61, 451-459  


19) A. Bigi, M. Burghammer, R. Falconi, M.H.J. Koch, S. Panzavolta and C. Riekel

“Twisted plywood pattern of collagen fibrils in teleost scales: an x-ray diffraction investigation”

Journal of Structural Biology (2001), 136, 137-143


20) A. Bigi, G. Cojazzi,  S. Panzavolta, K. Rubini, N. Roveri

“Mechanical and thermal properties of gelatin films at different degrees of glutaraldehyde crosslinking”

Biomaterials, (2001), 22, 763-768


21) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, G. Cojazzi, G. Falini, S. Panzavolta

“Morphological and structural investigation of octacalcium phosphate hydrolysis in the presence of polyacrylic acid: effect of relative molecular weights”

CrystalGrowth and Design (2001), Vol. 1, No. 3, 239-244


22) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, R. Botter, S. Panzavolta K. Rubini

“a-tricalcium phosphate hydrolysis to octacalcium phosphate: effect of sodium polyacrylate”

Biomaterials, (2002), 23, 1849-1854


23) A. Bigi, E. Boanini, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri, K. Rubini

“Bonelike apatite growth on hydroxyapatite-gelatin sponges from simulated body fluid”

J. Biomed. Mater. Res., (2002), 59, 709-715


24) A. Bigi, G. Cojazzi, S. Panzavolta, N. Roveri, K. Rubini

“Stabilization of gelatin films by crosslinking with genipin”

Biomaterials, (2002), 23, 4827- 4832


25) A. Bigi, M.G. Ascenzi, M. Burghammer, S. Panzavolta, A. Ascenzi

“Structural differences between “dark” and “bright” isolated human osteonic lamellae”

Journal of Structural Biology, (2003), 141, 22-33.


26) A. Tampieri, G. Celotti, E. Landi, M. Montevecchi, A. Bigi, N. Roveri, S. Panzavolta, M.C. Sidoti

“ Porous phosphate-gelatine composites as bone graft with drug delivery function”

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, (2003), 14, 623-627


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