Silvia Fantozzi was born in Siena (Italy) in 1974. Silvia
Fantozzi has a Master Degree in Electronic Engineering (1999) and a
PhD in Biomedical Engineering (2003) Science from University of
Bologna, with a thesis on in-vivo instrumental evaluation of total
knee replacement.
Since 2002 she has been with the School of Bioengineering,
University of Bologna, as PostDoctoral fellow with the Department
of Electronics, Computer Sciences and Systems of the same
University, where she is currently a Research fellow. Her research
activity, in cooperation with national and international scientific
institutions, mainly concerns human movement analysis, by means of
several methodologies such as stereophotogrammetry, fluoroscopy,
and inertial sensors in orthopaedics and sports science
applications in both physiological and assisted
conditions. Dr. Fantozzi is member of the Italian Society of
Gait Analysis in Clinic, and of the International Society of
Biomechanics and is reviewer for several international journals.
Her scientific production presently includes more than 100
publications published in peer-reviewed journals and international
conference proceedings.