Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.
Thesis for IContact students
Please, look at the session "Research" of this webpage and at have a look at my list of pubblications, in order to better understand my fields of study.
I am available to receive proposals from students outside my favourite topics, but take into consideration that I am a lawyer, and so the thesis' methodology must be legal and, if possible, comparative.
Moreover, even if I am a lawyer, I am not competent on every field of law, being my specialization on constitutional and comparative law.
Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.
Second cycle degree programmes dissertations
- CHALLENGING ANTHROPOCENTRISM: The Struggle for Ecological and Cultural Coexistence in Fındıklı
- Environmental Sustainability and Indigenous Knowledge: Testing Rights of Nature before United States Courts
- Fashion Sustainability, Environmental Impacts and Workers’ exploitation in the Fast Fashion Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Frameworks and Case Studies
- From the tragedy to the governance of the Commons: The Commons as a legal framework for the regional safeguarding of environmental resources and the global protection of climate.
- I Diritti Audiovisivi nello sport in Italia
- I Diritti della Natura in Europa: il caso del Mar Menor come modello per le altre iniziative europee
- il linguaggio d'odio dentro e fuori dal web: normativa europea e internazionale e autoregolamentazione delle piattaforme digitali
- L’accesso a internet come diritto in Italia e nel diritto comparato
- L’approccio ecosistemico nel diritto dell’UE e nella giurisprudenza europea in materia ambientale
- L’impatto dell’Intelligenza Artificiale sulla disinformazione: rischi e opportunità
- La Blockchain tra presente e futuro
- La riscrittura della Storia nei libri scolastici in Israele e in Palestina
- ll complesso rapporto tra Tecnologia e Democrazia: indagine sull’E-democracy
- Pluralismo e libertà dei media nel diritto dell’Unione Europea: Il progetto dello European Media freedom Act e l’introduzione del media privilege
- Quale regolamentazione per l’informazione online?
- The category of climate refugees and their struggle for international protection and sustainable livelihoods in a changing world.
- The role of citizenship culture and historical relations in the Spanish migration law: a study of the Latin American migration to Spain.
- The system of protection for indigenous peoples’ rights and the evolution of the biocultural approach as an alternative