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Prof Sergio Zappoli graduated in Chemistry in 1984 at the University of Bologna. Since 2001 he has been Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry. In his research activity he has mainly dealt with the application of chromatographic methods and separation techniques in the sampling and analytical determination of trace compounds in environmental aqueous and atmospheric matrices. He also addressed the study of retention mechanisms in ion pair liquid chromatography.
In recent years he started to be involved in chemistry education research, both in secondary school and university. In the frame of PLS, he has held and coordinated training and refreshing courses for school teachers of scientific disciplines.
Since 2019 he has been part of the chemistry working group of the OrientAzione project.
He was one of the promoters and is currently the coordinator of the master's degree course in Didactics and Communication of Natural Sciences, activated in 2020.
He is in charge of teaching Analytical Chemistry and Chemistry Education at the university.
He is the author or co-author of more than 40 printed publications and more than 80 conference communications
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